Dixie Buzzards |
swedish garagetrash in the best tradition |
Dixie Buzzards c/o Jenny Lejeborg Gotlandsgatan 70 B 116 65 Stockholm
Dixie Buzzards [gumbo[AT]brevet{DOT}nu]
Dixie Buzzards #1:
Martin "Selvaggio" Savage: vocals, guitar
King Cobra: guitar, backing vocals
Jenny Silver: drums
Dixie Buzzards #2:
Martin "Selvaggio" Savage: vocals, guitar
Altay: guitar
Jenny Silver: drums
Martin Savage's musical history
Jenny Silver's musical history
Altay's musical history
- The Beat 7" (Yakisakana Records, 2001, SAZAE 006)
- The Beat
- Touch Of A Female Hand
- Snake Charm
- Save It For Me 7" (Therapeutic Records, 2001, TIC-004)
400 made, xerox p/s
- Save It For Me (basement version)
- Dance
- Cajun 2-Step
- Brand New Routine 7" (Now! Records, 2002, NON-04)
Special 3-D Sleeve!
- Brand New Routine
- Train 19
- Come Little Tony 7" (Valentina Records, 2002, VTA 002)
- Come Little Tony
- Stockholm City
- Brand New Routine
- Ain't Going Back 7" (Big Black Hole Records, 2004, Hole 001)
500 handnumbered copies, silkscreened and designed by Meeloo De Bongout
- Ain't Going Back
- Betty Lou
- Guitar Lover
- Stockholm City Blues
- split 7" (Goodbye Boozy Records, 2000, GB 06)
- Dixie Buzzards: Save It For Me
- Dixie Buzzards: Where's My/The File ?
- Scat Rag Boosters: On My Own
- Scat Rag Boosters: Nothing To Do
- split 7" (Rockin' Bones, 2001, RON 036)
500 copies
- Dixie Buzzards: Bald
- Dixie Buzzards: Have You Ever Been Hurt
- The Blowtops: Mister
- The Blowtops: Macabre
- Dixie Buzzards 10" (Black Juju, 2002, juju 4)
- Old Man
- Come Little Tony
- Holba
- Teenage Queen
- Shop Around
- Do The Square
- Nothing For You
- Shake That Monkey
- Ever Been Hurt (alternate take)
- The Inbred Community LP (Big Brothel Records, 2004, BBC-13)
- My Heart Is Allright
- Dance (piano version)