Grunnen Rocks Home Willem Kolvoort
Dixie Buzzards
swedish garagetrash in the best tradition
Dixie Buzzards
c/o Jenny Lejeborg
Gotlandsgatan 70 B
116 65 Stockholm

Dixie Buzzards [gumbo[AT]brevet{DOT}nu]

Dixie Buzzards #1:
Martin "Selvaggio" Savage: vocals, guitar
King Cobra: guitar, backing vocals
Jenny Silver: drums

Dixie Buzzards #2:
Martin "Selvaggio" Savage: vocals, guitar
Altay: guitar
Jenny Silver: drums


Martin Savage's musical history
Jenny Silver's musical history
Altay's musical history

  1. The Beat 7" (Yakisakana Records, 2001, SAZAE 006)
    1. The Beat
    2. Touch Of A Female Hand
    3. Snake Charm
  2. Save It For Me 7" (Therapeutic Records, 2001, TIC-004)
      400 made, xerox p/s
    1. Save It For Me (basement version)
    2. Dance
    3. Cajun 2-Step
  3. Brand New Routine 7" (Now! Records, 2002, NON-04)
      Special 3-D Sleeve!
    1. Brand New Routine
    2. Train 19
  4. Come Little Tony 7" (Valentina Records, 2002, VTA 002)
    1. Come Little Tony
    2. Stockholm City
    3. Brand New Routine
  5. Ain't Going Back 7" (Big Black Hole Records, 2004, Hole 001)
      500 handnumbered copies, silkscreened and designed by Meeloo De Bongout
    1. Ain't Going Back
    2. Betty Lou
    3. Guitar Lover
    4. Stockholm City Blues
  1. split 7" (Goodbye Boozy Records, 2000, GB 06)
    1. Dixie Buzzards: Save It For Me
    2. Dixie Buzzards: Where's My/The File ?
    3. Scat Rag Boosters: On My Own
    4. Scat Rag Boosters: Nothing To Do
  2. split 7" (Rockin' Bones, 2001, RON 036)
      500 copies
    1. Dixie Buzzards: Bald
    2. Dixie Buzzards: Have You Ever Been Hurt
    3. The Blowtops: Mister
    4. The Blowtops: Macabre
  1. Dixie Buzzards 10" (Black Juju, 2002, juju 4)
    1. Old Man
    2. Come Little Tony
    3. Holba
    4. Teenage Queen
    5. Shop Around
    6. Do The Square
    7. Nothing For You
    8. Shake That Monkey
    9. Ever Been Hurt (alternate take)
  1. The Inbred Community LP (Big Brothel Records, 2004, BBC-13)
    1. My Heart Is Allright
    2. Dance (piano version)

