Puffball c/o Magnus Forsberg Vasagatan 24 722 27 Västerås
Puffball [puffball[AT]malarnet{DOT}com]
Tossa: guitar, vocals
P-O: guitar
Linkan: bass
Magnus Forsberg: drums
- B-Body 7" (Insurance Scam Records, 1998, ISR-005)
- B-Body
- Doctor Dipstick
- Pick Me Up
- I Drink Poison
- Full Throttle Rock N' Roll 7" (007 Records, 1998, 007 #009)
limited to 1000
- Outta My Face
- Play With The Piranha
- Starring In Leadfoot Ninja 7" (Glazed Records, 2000, GLZ-002)
red or black vinyl
- From The Word Go
- Leadfoot Ninja
- Mean Machine (Motörhead)
- Outlaw 7" (Stereodrive! Rec, 2004, STD 031)
- Outlaw
- Hornet Rider
- Mama Tried
- Puffball Vs. The Peepshows 7" (Speed Demon 1000, 1998, speed 1002)
300 copies, black vinyl
- Puffball: All At Once
- Puffball: Fuck It
- The Peepshows: Hit The Maxx
- The Peepshows: On The Right Spot
- Puffball CDS (Burning Heart Records, 1995, BHR 034-2)
- Whiningland
- Do It All Again
- So Where's Your Vision?
- Think For Myself
- Stuck
- Holiday On Ice
- Blacksick
- Starecase
- Six Pack To Go CD (Burning Heart Records, 1997, BHR 058-2)
- Motorpsycho
- Salt Tounge
- Legalize Crime
- Superbee
- Surrender To Sin
- Blown To Bits
- Crackhouse Bonanza
- Petroleum
- Zippo Queen
- Cramp Your Style
- Fridgeking
- Down At The Stoup
- Noone Knows I'm Bad
- Shut Up
- The Pace That Kills
- It's Gotta Be Voodoo Baby CD (Burning Heart Records, 1999, BHR 086-2)
- Hemihead
- Delirium Boy
- Powder Meet
- Unglued
- Cluster Of Bad Luck
- Like Men Possesed
- Supersonic
- In The Black
- Killing Time
- Crash Into Oblivion
- Hot Skin Cold Cash
- Bullet Train To Hell
- (You Will) Know My Name
- Scat Pack Sue
- It's Gotta Be Voodoo Baby LP (Burning Heart Records, 1999, MOCLIFF 020)
- Hemihead
- Delirium Boy
- Powder Meet
- Unglued
- Cluster Of Bad Luck
- Like Men Possesed
- Supersonic
- In The Black
- Killing Time
- Crash Into Oblivion
- Hot Skin Cold Cash
- Bullet Train To Hell
- (You Will) Know My Name
- Scat Pack Sue
- Swedish Nitro 10" (Radio Blast Recordings, 1999, RBR-026)
- Too Mean To Die
- Constant Rotation
- Kimng Of The Dragsters
- Matt Walker
- Barracuda
- Evil Come Evil Go
- Struck By Lightning
- Swedish Nitro CD (Burning Heart Records, 1999, BHR 096-2)
- Too Mean To Die
- Constant Rotation
- Kimng Of The Dragsters
- Matt Walker
- Barracuda
- Evil Come Evil Go
- Struck By Lightning
- The Super Commando LP/CD (Burning Heart Records, 2001, BHR 127-1/2)
- Loaded
- High Powered
- I Own The Road
- Back On The Sauce
- Strip Noise
- Topblower
- Hands That Bleed
- Outlaw Screamer
- Hellbent
- Make It Move
- Troublestarter
- Jump The Rails
- Parasite City
- Carmelita
- The Super Commando CD (Gearhead Records, 2001, RPM 027)
- Loaded
- High Powered
- I Own The Road
- Back On The Sauce
- Strip Noise
- Topblower
- Hands That Bleed
- Outlaw Screamer
- Hellbent
- Make It Move
- Troublestarter
- Jump The Rails
- Parasite City
- Carmelita
- (Solid State) Eight Track 10" (Dead Beat Records, 2002, DB 40)
- Dechromed
- Street Dominator
- Unglued
- Delirium Boy
- Shutdown
- Midnight Frolics
- Holeshot
- Demolition Boys
- Cheap Shots II CD (Burning Heart Records, 1996, BHR 043-2)
other bands ? their tracks ?
- Whiningland
- So Where's Your Vision
- Stronger Than Ever CD (Burning Heart Records, 1997, cat.no.?)
came free with the april 1997 issue of Close-Up magazine other bands ? their tracks ?
- Superbee
- Ox-Compilation #28 "Title ?" CD (Ox Fanzine, 1998, OXCD ??)
other bands ? their tracks ?
- Petroleum
- Cheap Shots III CD (Burning Heart Records, 1998, BHR 070-2)
other bands ? their tracks ?
- Petroleum
- Extreme Championship Punk 2x7" (Carbon 14, 1999, #14)
free with Carbon 14 issue #14
- Like Men Posessed
- Swedish Sins 2 CD (White Jazz, 1999, JAZZ 014)
other bands ? their tracks ?
- Shutdown!
- Das Boot Studios - Rocks The Boat Vol 1 CD (label?, 1999, cat.no.?)
other bands ? their tracks ?
- track ?
- Instant Assholes (Smokin' The Rock) 10" (Anger Factory/Sounds Of Subterrania, 1999, S.O.S.-004)
- Let It Loose
- Riot On The Rocks, A Scandinavian R'n'R Compilation Vol.2 CD (Safety Pin Records, 2000, SPROTRCD-002)
- Like Men Possessed
- Motormania! 2000 2xLP (Sounds Of Subterrania, 2000, S.O.S.-010)
- Deadlock
- Viva La Vinyl Vol. #4 LP (Dead Beat Records, 2001, DB 33)
- Midnight Frolics
- Rock N' Roll Au Go Go - Volume 4 CD (Devil Doll Records US, 2001, DDR-20)
- Hemihead
- King Of The Dragsters
- Alpha Motherfuckers 2xCD (Bitzcore, 2001, BC 1723)
limited edition with bonusCD
- Zonked Out On Hashish (Turbonegro)
- Alpha Motherfuckers 2xLP/CD (Bitzcore, 2001, BC 1723)
- Zonked Out On Hashish (Turbonegro)
- Alpha Motherfuckers CD (Hopeless Records, 2001, HR-656)
- Zonked Out On Hashish (Turbonegro)
- A Fistful Of Rock N Roll Vol. 7 CD (Victory Records, 2001, VR 155)
- Matt Walker
- How We Rock 2xLP/CD (Burning Heart Records, 2002, BHR 143-1/2)
- High Powered
- How We Rock CD (Epitaph, 2002, 82023-2)
- High Powered
- Smash Up Derby CD (Gearhead Records, 2003, RPM 041)
- Hands That Bleed
- Heartattack 2xCD (Burning Heart Records, 2004, BHR 200-2)
- Take You Down
- Built To Rip CD (Burning Heart Records, year ?, cat.no.?)
promo release other bands ? their tracks ?
- Starecase
- The Fuck Hell - This Is A Tribute To Bad Religion CD (label?, year ?, TR03)
other bands ? their tracks ?
- Frogger (Bad Religion)
- Yesterday (Bad Religion)
- Vitalized Punkrock CD (Vital Records, year ?, VR02)
other bands ? their tracks ?
- Petroleum
- Puffball official website with bhr