Grunnen Rocks Home Willem Kolvoort
swedish punkrock
c/o Magnus Forsberg
Vasagatan 24
722 27 Västerås

Puffball [puffball[AT]malarnet{DOT}com]

Tossa: guitar, vocals
P-O: guitar
Linkan: bass
Magnus Forsberg: drums

  1. B-Body 7" (Insurance Scam Records, 1998, ISR-005)
    1. B-Body
    2. Doctor Dipstick
    3. Pick Me Up
    4. I Drink Poison
  2. Full Throttle Rock N' Roll 7" (007 Records, 1998, 007 #009)
      limited to 1000
    1. Outta My Face
    2. Play With The Piranha
  3. Starring In Leadfoot Ninja 7" (Glazed Records, 2000, GLZ-002)
      red or black vinyl
    1. From The Word Go
    2. Leadfoot Ninja
    3. Mean Machine (Motörhead)
  4. Outlaw 7" (Stereodrive! Rec, 2004, STD 031)
    1. Outlaw
    2. Hornet Rider
    3. Mama Tried
  1. Puffball Vs. The Peepshows 7" (Speed Demon 1000, 1998, speed 1002)
      300 copies, black vinyl
    1. Puffball: All At Once
    2. Puffball: Fuck It
    3. The Peepshows: Hit The Maxx
    4. The Peepshows: On The Right Spot
  1. Puffball CDS (Burning Heart Records, 1995, BHR 034-2)
    1. Whiningland
    2. Do It All Again
    3. So Where's Your Vision?
    4. Think For Myself
    5. Stuck
    6. Holiday On Ice
    7. Blacksick
    8. Starecase
  2. Six Pack To Go CD (Burning Heart Records, 1997, BHR 058-2)
    1. Motorpsycho
    2. Salt Tounge
    3. Legalize Crime
    4. Superbee
    5. Surrender To Sin
    6. Blown To Bits
    7. Crackhouse Bonanza
    8. Petroleum
    9. Zippo Queen
    10. Cramp Your Style
    11. Fridgeking
    12. Down At The Stoup
    13. Noone Knows I'm Bad
    14. Shut Up
    15. The Pace That Kills
  3. It's Gotta Be Voodoo Baby CD (Burning Heart Records, 1999, BHR 086-2)
    1. Hemihead
    2. Delirium Boy
    3. Powder Meet
    4. Unglued
    5. Cluster Of Bad Luck
    6. Like Men Possesed
    7. Supersonic
    8. In The Black
    9. Killing Time
    10. Crash Into Oblivion
    11. Hot Skin Cold Cash
    12. Bullet Train To Hell
    13. (You Will) Know My Name
    14. Scat Pack Sue
  4. It's Gotta Be Voodoo Baby LP (Burning Heart Records, 1999, MOCLIFF 020)
    1. Hemihead
    2. Delirium Boy
    3. Powder Meet
    4. Unglued
    5. Cluster Of Bad Luck
    6. Like Men Possesed
    7. Supersonic
    8. In The Black
    9. Killing Time
    10. Crash Into Oblivion
    11. Hot Skin Cold Cash
    12. Bullet Train To Hell
    13. (You Will) Know My Name
    14. Scat Pack Sue
  5. Swedish Nitro 10" (Radio Blast Recordings, 1999, RBR-026)
    1. Too Mean To Die
    2. Constant Rotation
    3. Kimng Of The Dragsters
    4. Matt Walker
    5. Barracuda
    6. Evil Come Evil Go
    7. Struck By Lightning
  6. Swedish Nitro CD (Burning Heart Records, 1999, BHR 096-2)
    1. Too Mean To Die
    2. Constant Rotation
    3. Kimng Of The Dragsters
    4. Matt Walker
    5. Barracuda
    6. Evil Come Evil Go
    7. Struck By Lightning
  7. The Super Commando LP/CD (Burning Heart Records, 2001, BHR 127-1/2)
    1. Loaded
    2. High Powered
    3. I Own The Road
    4. Back On The Sauce
    5. Strip Noise
    6. Topblower
    7. Hands That Bleed
    8. Outlaw Screamer
    9. Hellbent
    10. Make It Move
    11. Troublestarter
    12. Jump The Rails
    13. Parasite City
    14. Carmelita
  8. The Super Commando CD (Gearhead Records, 2001, RPM 027)
    1. Loaded
    2. High Powered
    3. I Own The Road
    4. Back On The Sauce
    5. Strip Noise
    6. Topblower
    7. Hands That Bleed
    8. Outlaw Screamer
    9. Hellbent
    10. Make It Move
    11. Troublestarter
    12. Jump The Rails
    13. Parasite City
    14. Carmelita
  9. (Solid State) Eight Track 10" (Dead Beat Records, 2002, DB 40)
    1. Dechromed
    2. Street Dominator
    3. Unglued
    4. Delirium Boy
    5. Shutdown
    6. Midnight Frolics
    7. Holeshot
    8. Demolition Boys
  1. Cheap Shots II CD (Burning Heart Records, 1996, BHR 043-2)
      other bands ? their tracks ?
    1. Whiningland
    2. So Where's Your Vision
  2. Stronger Than Ever CD (Burning Heart Records, 1997,
      came free with the april 1997 issue of Close-Up magazine
      other bands ? their tracks ?
    1. Superbee
  3. Ox-Compilation #28 "Title ?" CD (Ox Fanzine, 1998, OXCD ??)
      other bands ? their tracks ?
    1. Petroleum
  4. Cheap Shots III CD (Burning Heart Records, 1998, BHR 070-2)
      other bands ? their tracks ?
    1. Petroleum
  5. Extreme Championship Punk 2x7" (Carbon 14, 1999, #14)
      free with Carbon 14 issue #14
    1. Like Men Posessed
  6. Swedish Sins 2 CD (White Jazz, 1999, JAZZ 014)
      other bands ? their tracks ?
    1. Shutdown!
  7. Das Boot Studios - Rocks The Boat Vol 1 CD (label?, 1999,
      other bands ? their tracks ?
    1. track ?
  8. Instant Assholes (Smokin' The Rock) 10" (Anger Factory/Sounds Of Subterrania, 1999, S.O.S.-004)
    1. Let It Loose
  9. Riot On The Rocks, A Scandinavian R'n'R Compilation Vol.2 CD (Safety Pin Records, 2000, SPROTRCD-002)
    1. Like Men Possessed
  10. Motormania! 2000 2xLP (Sounds Of Subterrania, 2000, S.O.S.-010)
    1. Deadlock
  11. Viva La Vinyl Vol. #4 LP (Dead Beat Records, 2001, DB 33)
    1. Midnight Frolics
  12. Rock N' Roll Au Go Go - Volume 4 CD (Devil Doll Records US, 2001, DDR-20)
    1. Hemihead
    2. King Of The Dragsters
  13. Alpha Motherfuckers 2xCD (Bitzcore, 2001, BC 1723)
      limited edition with bonusCD
    1. Zonked Out On Hashish (Turbonegro)
  14. Alpha Motherfuckers 2xLP/CD (Bitzcore, 2001, BC 1723)
    1. Zonked Out On Hashish (Turbonegro)
  15. Alpha Motherfuckers CD (Hopeless Records, 2001, HR-656)
    1. Zonked Out On Hashish (Turbonegro)
  16. A Fistful Of Rock N Roll Vol. 7 CD (Victory Records, 2001, VR 155)
    1. Matt Walker
  17. How We Rock 2xLP/CD (Burning Heart Records, 2002, BHR 143-1/2)
    1. High Powered
  18. How We Rock CD (Epitaph, 2002, 82023-2)
    1. High Powered
  19. Smash Up Derby CD (Gearhead Records, 2003, RPM 041)
    1. Hands That Bleed
  20. Heartattack 2xCD (Burning Heart Records, 2004, BHR 200-2)
    1. Take You Down
  21. Built To Rip CD (Burning Heart Records, year ?,
      promo release
      other bands ? their tracks ?
    1. Starecase
  22. The Fuck Hell - This Is A Tribute To Bad Religion CD (label?, year ?, TR03)
      other bands ? their tracks ?
    1. Frogger (Bad Religion)
    2. Yesterday (Bad Religion)
  23. Vitalized Punkrock CD (Vital Records, year ?, VR02)
      other bands ? their tracks ?
    1. Petroleum


  1. Puffball official website with bhr