Grunnen Rocks Home Willem Kolvoort
The Daylight Lovers
including famous Lyle Sheraton
United States Of America
The Daylight Lovers [daylight_lovers[AT]yahoo{DOT}com]

Lyle Sheraton: vocals, guitar
The Warden: bass, vocals
T.T. Rodgers: drums
Jack Oblivian: sax on Now You're Lonely and the 2nd guitar on One Man Gang


Roy Vucino's musical history
T.T. Rodgers' musical history
Jack Yarber's musical history
Lyle Sheraton's musical history

  1. Lyle Sheraton And The Daylight Lovers 7" (Sultan Records, 1997, SUL 003)
      this does not exist, it's a joke
    1. I Got News
    2. Thunderbabe
    3. Cookin' In The Kitchen
  2. Casa De Rock N Roll 7" (Sack O' Shit Records, 1998, SOS-010)
      1000 pressed
    1. Casa De Rock N Roll
    2. Loretta (Nervous Eaters)
    3. King Of Useless Drinking
  3. One Man Gang 7" (High School Reject Records, 2000, HSR 006)
      this one's on High School Refuse Records
      produced by Screamin' Joe Burdick
    1. One Man Gang
    2. Riding On The 262 (PVC)
    3. Get Back To Christmas
  1. Lyle Sheraton And The Daylight Lovers LP/CD (Sympathy For The Record Industry, 2001, SFTRI 628)
      produced by Jack Oblivian and The Daylight Lovers
      recorded by Jim Diamond at Ghetto Recorders in Detroit, MI.
      Amy Surdu appears on backing vocals
    1. Cooking In The Kitchen
    2. My Flaming Heart
    3. That's How Many Girls
    4. Nobody Can Tell Ys (Pack)
    5. She Said Come Over
    6. Midnight Woman
    7. Nervous Breakdown (Gino Washington)
    8. King Of Useless Drinking
    9. C'mon Holyday
    10. Won't Take My Baby Away
    11. She Don't Cry
    12. Cornfed
    13. Ten Cents Cheaper
    14. Now You're Lonely (M. Raccuzzo)
    15. You Gotta Tell Me
    16. One Man Gang
  1. A Harem Of Hits CD (Sultan Records, 1999, SLTN CD 001)
      as a joke the CD mentions three never released singles: SUL 001, SUL 002 and SUL 003.
    1. I Got News
    2. Thunderbabe
    3. Cookin' In The Kitchen
    4. Theme From "Daylight Lovin'"


  1. The Daylight Lovers official website