updated: december 29th, 2024 the bands on Grunnen Rocks are listed below means added in 2024
- !!!
- <Unreadable Japanese Band>
- (I) Youth
- (International) Noise Conspiracy, The
- (Real) Pills, The
- (Schwa)ray
- (SIC)
- (Steve) Fitch
- .357 String Band, The
- .357s
- .espa.
- .Hellectric
- ?
- ? & The Mysterians
- {e}
- ¡Forward, Russia!
- 006
- 1 Giant Leap
- 1 Riot 1 Ranger
- 1. Mai 87
- 1+2's, The
- 10 CC
- 10-4 Backdoor
- 12 Cent
- 12 Gallons
- 12 Gauge Blues
- 12 O'Clock Shadow
- 122 Greige
- 1-2-5
- 1-2-Go! Crew
- 12oz.
- 13 Cats
- 13 Frightened Girls
- 1313 Mockingbird Lane
- 13th Floor Elevators
- 145's
- 14th Wray
- 16
- 16 Forever
- 17 Years
- 1-800-Band
- 18th Dye
- 1990s
- 1's, The
- 2 Bad
- 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor
- 2 Foot Flame
- 2 Live Crew
- 2 Star Tabernacle
- 2 Unlimited
- 2%
- 20 Dollar Whore
- 20 Fingers
- 20 Miles
- 20 Minuters
- 20%
- 20/20
- 200 Sachen
- 200 T
- 20Belows, The
- 20Hits, The
- 22 Jacks
- 22 Pistepirkko
- 22-20s
- 24h Hell
- 25 Suaves
- 26 Letters
- 26000 Volts
- 27 Devils Joking
- 28 Days
- 2nd Gen
- 3 1/2 Inch Floppy
- 3 Colours Red
- 3 Delicias
- 3 Dream Bag
- 3 Finger Spread
- 30 Amp Fuse
- 3-1
- 36d
- 3-D Invisibles
- 3D's, The
- 3rd Sunday Market
- 3x Fast
- 4 Coyotes
- 4 Of Us, The
- 400 Blows
- 411
- 4227 - B
- 440 Six-Pack
- 440's, The
- 4gasm
- 4-Gazm
- 4PK
- 4Teen Killers
- 4th Amendment, The
- 4tRECk
- 5 Deadly Venoms, The
- 5 Torquays, The
- 5.15
-'s, The
- 50 Milers, The
- 500 Ft Of Pipe
- 52 Devil Babies Born With Tails
- 54 Nude Honeys
- 57 Waltz
- 59 Times The Pain
- 5Chin400
- 5ive Style
- 6 Pack
- 60 Ft. Dolls
- 64 Spiders
- 65 Days Of Static
- 667
- '68 Comeback
- 69 A Go Go
- 69 Charger
- 69 Eyes, The
- 69-Hard
- 6FtHick
- 6ths, The
- 7 Seconds
- 7 Speed Vortex
- 7 Year Bitch
- 7 Zuma 7
- 7-10 Split
- 7-10 Splits, The
- 72 Blues
- 75s, The
- 77 Spreads
- 8 Bark
- 800 Octane
- 84 Nash
- 86ers
- 88, The
- 88 Fingers Louie
- 8-Foot Tender
- 8th Grade
- 9 Wood
- 914, The
- 96$#%
- 99 Floor, The
- 999
- A. Jacks & The Cleansers
- A. Xax
- A.G.'s
- A.N.A.
- A.S.T.
- A/V Murder
- A-10, The
- Aaiiee!!
- Aal, De
- Aampirellas, The
- Aardvarks, The
- Abandoned
- Abba
- Abbott, Gregory
- Abe Vigoda
- Abel
- Abhorrance
- Abnormal
- Abnormals
- A-Bomb Nation
- A-Bombs
- A-Bones
- Aboriginals, The
- Abrasive Relations
- Abstractement
- Abusers, The
- AC Acoustics
- AC/DShe
- Accel 4
- Accelerators
- Accident, The
- Accidents, The
- Accione Mutante
- Accused, The
- Aces 88
- Acetones
- Ace-Tones, The
- Acetonics
- Acid King
- Acid Mothers Temple
- Ackermans, The
- Acoustic Ladyland
- Action Family
- Action League
- Action Plan
- Action Suits, The
- Action Swingers
- Action Team
- Action Time, The
- Actionaries
- Active Dog
- Active Ingredients
- Activos, Los
- Act-Ups, The
- Acutes, The
- AD/AC Motörwelt
- Adam Green
- Adam West
- Adam West & Steve Baise
- Adams, Bryan
- Adamson, Barry
- Add N To (X)
- Adele
- Adele & The Raconteurs
- Adels
- Adem
- Adema
- Adept
- ADHD Spietmobiel
- Adickdid
- Adicts, The
- Adkins, Hasil
- Admiral James T.
- Adolescent Music Fantasy
- Adolescents
- Adolph's Dog
- Adrenalin O.D.
- Adult
- Adult Film Makers
- Adverts, The
- Adzuki
- Aerial M
- Aerobitch
- Aerogramme
- Aeronauten
- Aerosmith
- Aestrid
- Affected, The
- Afghan Whigs
- A-Frames
- African Music Machine
- Afrika Korps, The
- Afro
- After Forever
- Afterbirth Tycoon
- Agenda, The
- Agent Nova
- Agent Orange
- Aggravators
- Agharta
- Agitators
- Agnostic Front
- Agony Bag
- Agoraphobic Nosebleed
- Agoria
- Agresíon
- Agrotoxico
- Ah Bus
- Ah Club, The
- Ahead One
- Ahriman
- AIM, The
- Air
- Air Traffic
- Airbag
- AirHammer
- Airport Girl
- Aislers Set
- Akaten
- Akathla
- Akimbo
- Akre, Carrie
- Aktion, The
- Akutt Innleggelse
- Al Gay & The Dynamics
- Al Perry
- Al Rapone & The Zydeco Express
- Al Tousan
- Al X. Greene
- Alabama Alcoholics, The
- Alabama Chrome
- Alabama Thunderpussy
- Alamo Race Track
- Alan Barnicoat
- Alan Milman Sect
- Alan Valentine & The Drugstore
- Alan Vega + Alex Chilton + Ben Vaughn
- Alarm Clocks, The
- Alaska!
- Albatross, An
- Albert Macon And Robert Thomas
- Albertos Y Los Paranois
- Alboth!
- Album Leaf, The
- Alchemist
- Alcohol Funnycar
- Alcoholic Helltones
- Alcoholics Unanimous
- Aldi Combo, Das
- Aldon & The ECs
- Ale Mania
- Alex Greene And Rinderkinder
- Alexander, Cole
- Alexander, Willie
- Alexander, Arthur
- Alfie
- Algeri, Joe
- Alice And The Enemies
- Alice Donut
- Alice In Chains
- Alice Texas
- Alicja
- Alicja-Pop
- Alien, Matt
- Alien 8
- Alien Crime Syndicate
- Aliens
- Aliens And Strangers
- A-Lines, The
- Alison Handley & Interstellar Villains
- Alkaline Trio, The
- Alkaloid
- All
- All Day
- All Fours
- All Night
- All Night Drug Prowling Wolves
- All Night Radio
- All Of A Doodah
- All Orange
- All Out
- All Tomorrow's Party
- All You Can Eat
- Allah-Las
- Alleged Gunmen, The
- Allen, Lily
- Allen, Chris
- Alley Cats
- Alleycats
- Alley'Gators, The
- Alliantie, De
- Allied Forces
- Allin, GG
- Allison, Gene
- Allison
- Allison, Mose
- Allister
- All-Night Movers
- Allover
- Alloy
- Alluring Strange
- Allusions, The
- Almighty Handclaps!, Thee
- Almighty Trigger Happy, The
- Aloha From Hell
- Alohas, The
- Alpha
- Alpha Boy School
- Alphabet, The
- Alrightees
- Alta May
- Altamont
- Altamonts, The
- Altarboys, The
- Alter Egos
- Alternative T.V.
- Aluminum Group
- Aluminum Knot Eye
- Alvin Cash & The Crawlers
- Alvino Rey Orchestra
- Always
- Amarnthus
- Amateurs, The
- Amazing Cherubs
- Amazing Crowns
- Amazing Pilots, The
- Amazing Spidermen, The
- Amazing Stroopwafels, The
- Amazing Ventjes
- Amazombies
- Amazon II
- Amber Alerts
- Amberjacks, The
- Ambitions, The
- Ambulances
- American Analog Set, The
- American Death Ray, The
- American Four
- American Heartbreak
- American Heritage
- American Monsters
- American Pig
- American Psycho Band, The
- American Ruse, The
- American Soul Spiders
- American Steel
- Amnesiac Gods
- Amoco Cadiz
- Amoebas In Chaos
- Among The Living
- Amor Belhom Duo
- Amorphis
- Amorphous Head
- Amp, The
- Amphetamine Discharge
- Amplificators
- Amps For Christ
- Amsterdam
- Amulet
- Amy Ray & The Butchies
- Ana Do Rei
- Anachronauts
- Anacondas, The
- Anal Babes
- Anal Beard
- Anal Pudding
- Anathema
- And Also The Trees
- And So I Watch You From Afar
- And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
- Anderson, Laurie
- Anderson, Thomas
- Anderson, John
- Anderson, Kip
- André Van Den Heuvel & Leen Jongewaard
- Andre Williams & 2 Star Tabernacle
- Andre Williams & Green Hornet
- Andre Williams & The Diplomats Of Solid Sound
- Andre Williams & The Sadies
- Andrew W.K.
- Andrews, Chris
- Andrews Surfers
- Android Hero
- Andthewinneris
- Andy Bodean And The Bottom Boys
- Andy G. And The Roller Kings
- Andy's Donutz
- Aneka
- Angel, Eddie
- Angel City
- Angel City Outcasts
- Angel Corpus Christi
- Angel Hair
- Angel Racing Food
- Angel Rot
- Angel Sluts, The
- Angeli
- Angelic Upstarts
- Angelika Express
- Angels In Between
- Angels Of Epistemology
- Anger Overload
- Anglagård
- Angler
- Angora
- Angoras, The
- Angry Angles
- Angry Red Planet
- Angry Samoans
- Anhrefn
- Animal Justice
- Animals
- Ann Beretta
- Anna & The Psychomen
- Annalise
- Annette De La Cloche
- Anniversary, The
- Anomalys, The
- Anoraks, The
- Another Saturday Night
- Another Sunny Day
- Anouk
- Answer, The
- Ant, Adam
- Anteenagers M.C.
- Antennas Erupt!
- Anthems Of Carnea
- Anti Flag
- Antichris & The Raped
- Antidote
- Antietam
- Anti-Nowhere League
- Antiseen
- AntiWorld
- Antonelli, Peter
- Antonio Three, Thee
- Anubis Leisure Society Orchestra
- Anxieties, The
- Any Last Words
- Anyones, The
- Anyway
- Aoslander
- Apache
- Apache Dropout
- Apartment 213
- Ape City R&B
- Ape Lost
- Ape Management
- Apeface
- Apemen
- Apemen, The
- Apenutz!
- Apers, The
- Apes
- Ape-Shits, The
- Apocalypse Babys
- Apocalypse Hoboken
- Apocalypsticks, The
- Apollo 13
- Apollo 440
- Apollo Celsius
- Apollo Creed
- Apollos, The
- Apollos Apaches
- Apostle Of Hustle
- Apostles, Thee
- Appalachian Death Ride
- Appendix Caledonia
- Appleby, Horace
- Apples In Stereo
- Appleseed
- Appliance
- Appliances-SFB
- Applicators, The
- Appreciation
- Apricots, The
- April March & Los Cincos
- April March & The Makers
- April's Motel Room
- Apt 3G
- Aqua Velvets, The
- Aqua Vista
- Aquabats, The
- Aquanettas
- Arab On Radar
- Arab Strap
- Arabian Knights, The
- Arcade, Penny
- Arcade Fire
- Arcane Device
- Archangel
- Archers Of Loaf
- Archie And The Pukes
- Archie Bronson Outfit
- Archie Bunker With John Perez
- Architect, The
- Architecture In Helsinki
- Arctic Circles
- Arctic Monkeys
- Arcwelder
- Ardels
- Area 51
- Areola 51
- Aretha Franklin & George Michael
- Arguers, The
- Arling, Gerry
- Arlo
- Arm, The
- Arm, Mark
- Arm
- Armand
- Armatrading, Joan
- Armatron
- Armistice
- Armitage Shanks
- Arms, Lawrence
- Armstrong, Craig
- Armstrong, Louis
- Army Of Jesus
- Army Of Lovers
- Arne Hansen & Guitarspellers
- Arnold, Kokomo
- Arnold, Eddy
- Arnold, Billy Boy
- Arnold Veeman & The Yellowish Summer Evening
- Aronoff, Pam
- Arrested Development
- Arris
- Arrivals, The
- Arrowe Hill
- Arsenal
- Arsène Obscène
- Arsonists
- Arsons, The
- Art Brut
- Art Phag
- Art School
- Art Thieves
- Artex/A Lot (A Band)
- Articles Of Faith
- Artificial Limbs
- Artists Unknown
- Artless
- Artsen, De
- AS Dragon
- As I
- Ascendors, The
- Ascots
- Asesinos De La Superficialidad, Los
- Ash
- Asha Vida
- Asherton, Johan
- Ashley, Greg
- Ashley Stove
- Ashtabula
- Ashtones
- Ashtray Boy
- Asian Dub Foundation
- A-Sides, The
- Asie Payton
- Asobi Seksu
- Asphalt Jungle
- Ass Ponys
- Assassins Of God
- Assberries, The
- Ass-Draggers, Los
- Assembly, The
- Assholes
- Assorted Jellybeans
- Assrash
- Asteroid B-612
- Asthma Hounds
- Astream
- Astro Babys
- Astroburger
- Astroglides, The
- Astromama
- Astronauts, The
- Astronauts, The
- Aswad
- At The Drive-In
- Atari Teenage Riot
- Ataris, The
- A-Teens, The
- Atheist
- Ativistas
- Atlantics, The
- Atom Rhumba
- Atomångest
- Atombombpocketknife
- Atomic
- Atomic 61
- Atomic Bandits
- Atomic Bitchwax, The
- Atomic Boy
- Atomic Fireball
- Atomic Suplex
- Atomiks, The
- Atomsmashers, The
- Attack, The
- Attentat, L'
- Attentat
- Attention
- Atwell, Martha
- Audacity
- Audiotransparent
- Auf Der Maur
- Aunt Worm
- Aurora Roarers
- Austin Torpedo
- Aut O Matic
- Authorities, The
- Authorities
- Authorities, The
- Autoclave
- Autodramatics
- Autolite Strike
- Automatic, The
- Automatic 7
- Automatic Pussycat
- Automatics, The
- Automatiks
- Autopulver
- Autoramas
- Aux Raus
- Avail
- Avalanches, The
- Avantes
- Avengers
- Avengers
- Avengers IV, The
- Avery Plains
- Avlijaneri
- Awesome Machine, The
- Awkward I
- Axcents, The
- Axel Grinders
- Axis Of Evil
- Axton, Hoyt
- Aytobach Kreisor
- Azalia Snail
- Azier, Thomas
- Aztec Camera
- Aztex
- Azusa Plane
- 'B' Girls, The
- B., Willy
- B., Ali
- B. Bang Cider
- B.A. Baracus
- B.A.L.L.
- B.D. Kay & Roller Coaster
- B.N.I.
- B.Ranzyk
- B-52's, The
- Babalon, Christoph De
- Babe The Blue Ox
- Babes In Toyland
- Baboon
- Baboonz
- Baby 63
- Baby Demons, The
- Baby Food
- Baby Lemonade
- Baby Mongoose
- Baby Shakes
- Baby Sticks & The Kingstones
- Baby Woodrose
- Baby You Know
- Babybird
- Babydriver
- Babylon Dance Band
- Babyshambles
- Babysitters, The
- Bacalov, Luis
- Bacharach, Burt
- Back Off Cupids
- Back To Mono
- Backseat Bastards
- Backseats, The
- Backside
- Backstabbers, The
- Backstreet Girls
- Backwood Boys
- Backwood Creatures
- Backwoord Creatures
- Backyard Babies
- Bacon Fat, The
- Baconfoot
- Bacuum Car
- Bad Apples, The
- Bad Beat Revue, The
- Bad Brains
- Bad Cassettes, The
- Bad Checks
- Bad Chopper
- Bad Company
- Bad Dream House
- Bad Form, The
- Bad Fuckers, The
- Bad Genes
- Bad Livers
- Bad Luck Charms
- Bad Machine
- Bad Mad Missouri Buffalo And The Everglade Alligators
- Bad Mongos, Los
- Bad News
- Bad News
- Bad Pills, The
- Bad Preachers
- Bad Religion
- Bad Seeds
- Bad Sports
- Bad Times
- Bad To The Bone
- Bad Trip
- Bad Vibes, The
- Badly Drawn Boy
- Badtown Boys
- Bag
- Bags
- Bailey, Sean
- Bailey, Razzy
- Bailter Space
- Bakamono
- Bakelite Age, The
- Baker, Lavern
- Baker, George
- Bakery, The
- Balboas
- Bald Bomber
- Bald Guys
- Ballerina Liberation Front
- Balloon Guy
- Balloonatics, Thee
- Ballroom
- Ballyhoos, The
- Balor Knights
- Balzac
- Bam Balams
- Bam Bam Francs
- Bam Bams, The
- Bambi Boss & The Boy
- Bambi Davidson
- Bambi Molesters, The
- Bambi Slam
- Bambine, Le
- Bambix
- Bamboo Kids, The
- Bamboos, The
- Banana Erectors, The
- Banana Splits, The
- Bananarama
- Bananas, The
- Bananas, The
- Bananas
- Bananatrash
- Band, The
- Band 19
- Band Called Moss, A
- Band In Heaven, The
- Band Of Blacky Ranchette, The
- Band Of Horses
- Band Of Susans
- Band Who's Name Is A Symbol, The
- Banda De Blues De Joe Strume
- Banda De Los Perros Eléctricos, La
- Banda Trapera Del Rio, La
- Bande À Part
- Banderas
- Banditos, Los
- bandless
- Bandog
- Bang Bang Bazooka
- Bang!
- Bangles
- Bangs
- Bangtwister
- Banhart, Devendra
- Bank Of Sodom
- Banned, The
- Banshees, The
- Bantam Rooster
- Bap
- Baptist Generals, The
- Bar/Kays
- Barak Gabizon
- Barbara & The Boys
- Barbaras, The
- Barbaras, The
- Barbarellas, The
- Barbarellatones, The
- Barbarians, The
- Barbary Coasters, The
- Barbecuties
- Barbed Wire Dolls
- Bärbel
- Barber, Glen
- Barbie Bangkok
- Barbieri
- Barbwires
- Barcelona Pavilion, The
- Bardo Pond
- Bards
- Bare Minimum
- Bare Mutants
- Bare Wires
- Bare-Ass Minimums, The
- Barely Bi-Pedal
- Barely Legal
- Barely Pink
- Barfeeders
- Bargoyle
- Barkays, The
- Barkmarket
- Barlow, Lou
- Barnabys
- Barnes, John
- Barnes, JJ
- Barons
- Baroques, Les
- Barracudas
- Barracudas
- Barreno
- Barreracudas
- Barrett, Syd
- Barrett, Richard
- Barrett, Larry
- Barrots, The
- Barry, John
- Barry Ford Band
- Barry White
- Barse
- Barth
- Baseball Field, The
- Baseball Furies
- Baseless
- Basement Brats, The
- Basement Jaxx
- Bash & Pop
- Bash Nasty
- Bashers
- Basin Jently
- Baskerville Hounds, The
- Baskett, James
- Bassholes
- Bästard
- Bastard Noise
- Bastards
- Bastet
- Bastro
- Bat For Lashes
- Bathgate, Alec
- Bathtub Gin
- Batman & Robin
- Batmobile
- Batoh, Masaki
- Bators, Stiv
- Bats, The
- Battle
- Battledykes, The
- Battleship
- Bauer, Frans
- Bauhaus
- Baxter, Billy
- Baxter Dury
- Bay City Rollers
- Bay Of Pigs
- Bayou Pigs
- bay-root
- Bazaars, The
- Bazooka
- Bazooka Cain
- Bazookas
- Bazuin, Jan Berend
- B-Back
- BBQ Young
- Be Your Own Pet
- Bea Pickles, The
- Beach, Ross
- Beach Bitches
- Beach Blankets, The
- Beach Boys
- Beach Patrol
- Beachbuggy
- Beam
- Beamtrap
- Bean
- Bean, J.
- Beans
- Bear Proof Suit
- Beards, The
- Bearsuit
- Beast With A Gun
- Beastie Boys
- Beasts Of Bourbon
- Beat, Redondo
- Beat Angels
- Beat Beat
- Beat Beat Beat
- Beat Bomb
- Beat Happening
- Beat Temptation
- Beat The Devil
- Beat Up, The
- Beat Von Bagdad, Der
- Beatbuddies, The
- Beatcombers, The
- Beating, The
- Beatings, The
- Beatings, The
- Beatkings, The
- Beatle Crusher, The
- Beatle Hans And The Paisley Perverts
- Beatles, The
- Beatnik Filmstars
- Beatnik Termites
- Beatpack, The
- Beatsville Combo!
- Beatys, The
- Beau Havens
- Beau Nasties
- Beaugarde
- Beaulieau, Emil
- Beautiful New Born Children, The
- Beautiful South
- Beautys, The
- Beaux Jens
- Beaver
- Beaver Feaver
- Beavers, The
- Beavershot
- Bebe & Serge
- Bécaud, Gilbert
- Beck
- Beckett Quintet, The
- Bed Of Eyes
- Bedhead
- Bee Gees
- Bee Men, The
- Bee Queen
- Beef
- Beef Wellington
- Beehive & The Barracudas
- Beep Beep & The Roadrunners
- Beer Goggles
- Beer Whores
- Bees, The
- Bees "N" B-Mice
- Bees Knees, The
- Beethovens Four
- Beex
- Beezus
- Before Cars
- Befores, The
- Bega, Lou
- Beginning, The
- Beguiled, The
- Behead The Prophet No Lord Shall Live
- Behind Closed Doors
- Behind The Magnolia Curtain
- Being 747
- Beirut
- Bela B. & Denim Girl
- Bela Kiss
- Beladeans, The
- Bel-Aires
- Belcanto, Guido
- Belch
- Belik
- Belini, Paul
- Bell, Chris
- Bell, William
- Bell, Sandra
- Bell Orchestra
- Bellas, Les
- Belle And Sebastian
- Belle Isle
- Belles, The
- Belligerents
- Bell-Jar
- BellRays, The
- Bellwether
- Belly Button
- Belly Button
- Belreve
- Beltbuckle
- Beltones, The
- Ben Folds Five
- Ben Lee And Spitoon
- Ben Vaughn Combo, The
- Benatar, Pat
- Bench
- Benders, The
- Benditos, Los
- Bends
- Benjamin B
- Benny
- Benny Cliff
- Benny Gordini With The Teen' Axel Soul Arkestra
- Ben's Diapers
- Benson, Brendan
- Bent Scepters, The
- Benton, Brook
- Bep
- Berini's, De
- Berlin Brats
- Bernal, Jody
- Bernd Hövelmeyer & The Nymphomaniacs
- Bernstein, Steven J.
- Berry, Chuck
- Berry, Richard
- Berry Pickers, The
- Berryhill, Cindy Lee
- Berserkerz, The
- Bert
- Bertha Mason
- Beserkers
- Best Coast
- Best Kissers In The World
- Best-Tias
- Beta Rays, The
- Betchadupa
- Betercore
- Beteuterde Kleuter, De
- Bettie Mayhem & The Disasters
- Bettie Serveert
- Betty Already
- Betty Blood Trio
- Betty Blowtorch
- Betty Blue
- Betty's Love Child
- Between Us
- Bevil Web
- Bevis Frond, The
- Bewitched
- Beyond Description
- Beyond Lickin'
- Beyonds
- Bhang Revival
- Biafra, Jello
- Bicho, Josexto
- Bicho, El
- Bichos, Los
- Bickley
- Bidston Moss
- Bier Gut
- Biff Bang Pow
- Biffy Clyro
- Big Ass Truck
- Big Bad Johns
- Big Balls And The Great White Idiot
- Big Beats
- Big Black
- Big Bob Dougherty
- Big Bobby And The Nightcaps
- Big Bongin' Baby
- Big Boys
- Big Breakfast
- Big Brown House
- Big Chief
- Big City Orchestra
- Big Crunch
- Big Damn Crazy Weight
- Big Dipper
- Big Drag
- Big Drill Car
- Big Foot Chester
- Big Fuckin Skull
- Big Heifer
- Big Hello
- Big Jim
- Big Jim & The Branders
- Big Lazy
- Big Meat Hammer
- Big Midnight
- Big M's
- Big Paulus
- Big Ray
- Big Red Sun
- Big Sandy And The Fly-Rite Boys
- Big Satan Inc.
- Big Soap
- Big Star
- Big Town Playboys
- Big Vinny & The Cattle Thieves
- Big Water Refungus
- Bigger Lovers, The
- Biggest Square Thing, The
- Big'N
- Bigwig
- Bikini Bumps
- Bikini Kill
- Bikini Machine
- Bikinis, The
- Bilderine And The Twenty Minutes
- Bilge Pump
- Bill Beepinbopper
- Bill Collectors
- Bill Ding
- Bill Feeny
- Bill Parker And His Motherscratchers
- Bill Smith Combo
- Billingsgate
- Billy And The Kids
- Billy Bao
- Billy Child
- Billy Childish & Dan Melchior
- Billy Childish With Natural Born Lovers
- Billy Childish With Sexton Ming
- Billy Childish With Singing Loins
- Billy Childish With The Blackhands
- Billy Ed Wheeler & Gaby Rogers
- Billy Lee And Rivieras
- Billy Mahonie
- Billy Potok
- Billy Surf & The Voodoo Stars
- Billy Thorpe And The Aztechs
- Billybesti/Billyboy E La Sua Banda
- Bingham, Olen
- Bingo
- Bingo Trappers
- Bio Ritmo
- Biochip C.
- Bionic
- Bi-Phase
- Bird
- Bird, Ronnie
- Bird Feet Feelings
- Birdhouse, The
- Birdmen Of Alkatraz
- Birds
- Birds Are Alive
- Birds Of Avalon
- Birdskin
- Birdy Num Nums, The
- Birminghams, The
- Birth Glow
- Birthday Party, The
- Birthday Suits
- bis
- Bisapiens
- Biscuit
- Bishop, Jim
- Bishops Daughter
- Bitch Magnet
- Bitchin Bajas
- Bitchschool
- Bitchville
- Bitchy
- Bithammer!
- Bitplane
- Bitter Pills, The
- Bitters, The
- Bittersweets, The
- Biz, The
- Biz Markie
- Bizarros
- Björk
- Blå Tåget
- Black, Ludella
- Black, Frank
- Black, Karen
- Black & Decker
- Black And White
- Black And Whites, The
- Black Andy Roddick Show, The
- Black Angel's Death Song
- Black Atlantic, The
- Black Brick Kiss
- Black Bug
- Black Cab
- Black Cat Music
- Black Crowes
- Black Cult, The
- Black Dahlias
- Black Diamonds, The
- Black Dice
- Black Fag
- Black Flag
- Black Forest Locomotive, The
- Black Fork
- Black Fox
- Black Furies
- Black Girls
- Black Halos, The
- Black Hats, The
- Black Heart Procession, The
- Black Hollies, The
- Black Horizon
- Black Horse
- Black Jail Dogs
- Black Jaspers, The
- Black Jesus
- Black Jets, The
- Black Jetts, The
- Black Joe Lewis & Cool Breeze
- Black Keys, The
- Black League, The
- Black Light Rainbow
- Black Lips, The
- Black List
- Black Madonnas, The
- Black Market Baby
- Black Mass Of Absu
- Black Monday
- Black Moses
- Black Mountain
- Black Oak Arkansas
- Black Orphan
- Black Panda
- Black Panthers
- Black Pus
- Black Radio
- Black Randy
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
- Black Rebels, The
- Black Rodeo
- Black Romeos, The
- Black Rose
- Black Rose Band
- Black Rose Garden
- Black Sabbath
- Black Snakes
- Black Strip Sonic
- Black Sunday
- Black Tambourine
- Black Tie Revue
- Black Time
- Black Train Jack
- Black Vampire
- Black Widows, The
- Black Wire
- Blackflies
- Blackhouse
- Blackjack
- Blackjack Bettie
- Blackjacks
- Blackjax, The
- Blacklist, The
- Blackman, Guy
- Blackout, Mac
- Blackouts, The
- Blackouts, The
- Blackouts
- Blacks, The
- Blacks, The
- Blacktop
- Blackwell, Otis
- Bladder Bladder Bladder
- Blair Mailer
- Blaire Bitch Project
- Blaise Pascal
- Blanche
- Bland, Bobby
- Blank
- Blank Dogs
- Blank Its
- Blank Stares, The
- Blanks, The
- Blanks 77
- Blast
- Blast Off Country Style
- blastOmatic
- Blastrock
- Blatant Dissent
- Blaudzun
- Blazers
- Blazing Haley
- Bleach
- Bleed
- Bleeders, The
- Bleeding Hickeys
- Blendells, The
- Blight
- Blima
- Blimey!
- Blind Ignorants
- Blind Leg Pete
- Blind Pigs
- Blind Willie's Johnson
- Blinds, The
- Blink-182
- Blisters, The
- Blitzkreig
- Bloc Party
- Bloem
- Blonde Redhead
- Blondes, The
- Blondie
- Blondied
- Blonk, Jaap
- Blood Arm, The
- Blood Brothers
- Blood Circus
- Blood Family
- Blood For Blood
- Blood On The Saddle
- Blood Red Shoes
- Blood Sausage
- Blood Shot, The
- Blood Sucking Freaks
- Blood Thirsty Lovers
- Bloodburger BC
- Bloodhag
- Bloodjunkies
- Bloodloss
- Bloodshot Bill
- Bloodsport
- Bloodsucking Go-Devils
- Bloodthirsty Butchers
- Bloody Discharge
- Bloody Hollies, The
- Bloody Honkies
- Bloody Nutants
- Bloody Souls, The
- Bloody Tears, The
- Bloomin' Brothers
- Blossoms, The
- Blow Hard
- Blow Up, The
- Blowchunks
- Blowgun
- Blowtops, The
- Blox, The
- Blubbery Hellbellies
- Bludgeon
- Blue
- Blue
- Blue Balls
- Blue Balls Explosion
- Blue Bus
- Blue Chair
- Blue Collar Special
- Blue Crystals
- Blue Devils
- Blue Eyed Christ
- Blue Flame Combo
- Blue Green Gods
- Blue Guitars
- Blue Jeans
- Blue Meanies
- Blue Murder
- Blue Öyster Cult
- Blue Silk Sutures
- Blue Up?, The
- Blue Van, The
- Bluebird
- Bluebirdsky
- Bluefish
- Blueprint
- Blues Brother Castro
- Blues Magoos
- Bluestars
- Blunder Tongue
- Blunderbuss
- Blunt
- Blunt Axe
- Blunt Object
- Blur
- Blutch
- Blutt
- B-Movie Rats, The
- BMX Bandits
- Boards
- Boards Of Canada
- Boardwalkers, The
- Boatrampmen
- Bob & Dor
- Bob Burns And The Breakups
- Bob Log III
- Bob Miller And The Nightmares
- Bob Urh & The Bare Bones
- Bob Vidone & The Rhythm Rockers
- Bobbitt
- Bobby And The Softspots
- Bobby Kent & Kentones
- Bobby Kingsize
- Bobby Long & His Satellites
- Bobby Roberts & The Rave-Ons
- Bobby Wayne And The Warriors
- Bobbyteens, The
- Bobo, Harlan T
- Bodeco
- Bodies, The
- Bodies
- Bodies Lay Broken
- Bodyjar
- Boegies, De
- Bogeymen, The
- Bogue
- Boil
- Boink!
- Bojax, The
- Bo-Keys, The
- Bolan, Marc
- Bold Ones
- Bomb
- Bomb Bassetts, The
- Bomb Pops, The
- Bombay Show Pig
- Bomber
- Bomboras, The
- Bombs For Whitey
- Bombshell Rocks
- Bomf!
- Bon, The
- Bon Fuhrer
- Bon Iver
- Bona Roba
- Bonaventura, Andre
- Bond, Eddy
- Bond Tegen Harries
- Bone Cellar
- Bone Machine, The
- Bone Shavers, The
- Bone-Box
- Bonecrusher
- Bonehouse
- Boners
- Bones
- Bonesaw
- Bonfire Madigan
- Bongolocos
- Bongwater
- Bongzilla
- Bonk
- Bonne Aparte
- Bonner, Juke Boy
- Bonnie "Prince" Billy
- Bonnie Pink
- Bonnie St. Claire And Unit Gloria
- Bonnot Gang, The
- Boo Radleys
- Booba Fett Youth, The
- Booby Traps, The
- Boogie Punkers
- Book Of Lists, The
- Booker T. And The M.G.'s
- Boom, Sonic
- Boom Boom & The Long Sex
- Boomers
- Boomhauer
- Boomtown Rats, The
- Boonaraaas!!!, The
- Boondoggle
- Boot Hill Five
- Bootbeast
- Booth, Jon
- Boothill Foot Tappers
- Bootleg Bill
- Boots, Jaap
- Boots
- Bootsey X And The Lovemasters
- Booty Olympics, The
- Boozers, The
- Borbetomagnus
- Borbetomagus
- Borbones
- Borderlines, The
- Bored!
- Boredoms
- Borehole
- Boring Dog Cheese Guard
- Boris
- Boris The Sprinkler
- Born Deads, The
- Born Losers, The
- Born/Dead
- Boron And The Grebes
- Böse Hand, Die
- Boss
- Boss 302
- Boss Hog
- Boss Hoss
- Boss Martians, The
- Bossche Bollen, De
- Bossen, De
- Bossy
- Boston
- Boston Chinks
- Bosworth
- Botch
- Botched Suicides, The
- Botox Rats, The
- Botswanas, The
- Bottle Of Smoke
- Bottle Rockets, The
- Bottle To The Baby
- Bottleneck Drag, The
- Bottles & Skulls
- Bottom Feeders
- Botumles Pit, The
- Boulder
- Bouncing Checks
- Bouncing Souls
- Bourbons, The
- Bow Wow Wow
- Bo-Weevils, The
- Bowerbirds
- Bowie, David
- Bowlfish
- Bowling for Soup
- Box Elders
- Box Tops, The
- Boxhamsters
- Boy From Brazil
- Boy Kill Boy
- Boy Scout Love Triangle, The
- Boyce's Road
- Boycot
- Boyer, Kevin
- Boyettes, The
- Boyfriends, The
- Boys, The
- Boys
- Boys Club
- Boys From Brazil, The
- Boys From Nowhere
- Boyskout
- Boyz Nex' Door
- Bozulich, Carla
- Braak
- Braccobaldos
- Bracket
- Brad
- Bradipos Four, The
- Bradshaw, Tiny
- Brady Benton & The B Group
- Braille Stars
- Brain Failure
- Brain Zero
- Brainbombs
- Brainbox
- Braineaters
- Brainiac
- Brainwashed By Amalia
- Brake, Raymond
- Brakes
- Brand Of Shame
- Branded, The
- Branded Women
- Brandy & Monica
- Branko
- Brant Bjork
- Brass Bed, The
- Brass Monkey
- Brassy
- Brat
- Brat Farrar
- Bratchmen, The
- Bratmobile
- Braun, Lee
- Bravery, The
- Bravos, Los
- Bravura String Quartet
- Braxton, Toni
- Bray, Scott
- Breadmakers, The
- Breadwinner
- Break, The
- Breakaways, The
- Breakdowns, The
- Breaking Circus
- Breaknecks
- Breakup Society
- Breastfeeders, Rhe
- Breath
- Breech, The
- Breed
- Breedbekkikkers, De
- Breeders, The
- Bregger, Douglas
- Brekus, Paul
- Brel, Jacques
- Brenda Vaqueros
- Brentwoods, The
- Brezhnev
- Brian Eno & Snatch
- Brian Jonestown Massacre, The
- Brick
- Brick Layer Cake
- Bricks
- Bride Of No No
- Brides, The
- Bridget
- Briefs, The
- Brigands
- Brigate Rozze
- Briggs, Chuck
- Bright, Larry
- Bright Eyes
- Brighter Death Now
- Brimstone
- Brimstone Howl
- Brimstones, The
- Brine
- Brinkman
- Brise Glace
- Bristles, The
- Bristols, The
- British Meat Scene
- British Sea Power
- British Whale
- Broads, The
- Broccoli
- Brock, Dave
- Brogues, The
- Brokeback
- Broken Chains
- Broken Jug
- Broken Society
- Broken Toys
- Bromheads Jacket
- Bronco Busters
- Bronski Beat
- Bronx, The
- Bronze, The
- Brood, The
- Brood En Vrienten
- Brother Brick
- Brother Buzz
- Brother JT
- Brother Jt & Vibrolux
- Brother Love And The Free Association
- Brotherhood Of Electricity, The
- Brothers & Sisters
- Broughton, David Thomas
- Brown, Al
- Brown, James
- Brown, Devora
- Brown, Charles
- Brown Cuts Neighbors
- Brown Lobster Tank
- Brown Star
- Browns, The
- Brujos, Los
- Brun Dill
- Brunettes, The
- Bruno, Franklin
- Brut Boogaloo
- Brutal Juice
- Brutal Knights
- Brutal Truth
- Bryant, Shelby
- Bryant, Jimmy
- Bryds
- Bryk, Dan
- Brymers
- B-Sharps, The
- B-Sides, The
- B-Sides, The
- BST Payback
- Bubba
- Bubble
- Bubblegum Christ
- Buccaneers
- Buck
- Buck Wild
- Bucketeers
- Buckets, The
- Buckets Of Bile
- Buckinghams
- Buckley, Jeff
- Buckner, Richard
- Bucks Fizz
- Buckshot
- Buckshots, The
- Buckweeds, The
- Bucky's
- Buddafist
- Buddha On The Moon
- Buddy & The Huddle Music
- Buddy Odor Stop, The
- Budget Girls
- Budgetics, The
- Buen Chico
- Buff Medways, The
- Buffalo
- Buffalo Tom
- Buffets, The
- Bug Nasties
- Buggles
- Bugman
- Bugs, The
- Bugs, The
- Bugskull
- Building Anna
- Built To Spill
- Built To Spill Caustic Resin
- Bulemics, The
- Bulimia
- Bull
- Bullet Lavolta
- Bullets For Pussy
- Bullfight, The
- Bullroarer
- Bullys, The
- Bum
- Bum Steers
- Bumblebeez
- Bumblescrump
- Bummer
- Bump-N-Uglies
- Bundle Of Fags
- Bunky & Rocktones
- Bunnies, The
- Bunny
- Bunny, Bob
- Bunny Club, The
- Bunny Foot Charm
- Bunny Fuzzy
- Bunny Genghis
- Bunnybrains
- Bunnys, The
- Bunsen Honeydew
- Bunyan, Vashti
- Buoys, The
- Burden Brothers
- Burek V
- Burger Boys
- Burger Ink
- Burgess, Sonny
- Burgundy Runn, The
- Buried Inside
- Burke, Solomon
- Burl
- Burma Jam
- Burmese
- Burndowns
- Burnette, Ranie
- Burnette, Johnny
- Burnette, Dorsey
- Burnin' Pipe Harmony
- Burning Brides
- Burning Bush
- Burning Eyes
- Burning Hatereds, The
- Burning Heads
- Burning Hells, The
- Burning Yellows
- Burningpilot
- Burnout
- Burnouts, The
- Burnouts, The
- Burnside, R.L.
- Bus Driver
- Bush
- Bush League
- Bush League All Stars
- Bush Pig
- Bush Tetras
- Bushmen
- Business, The
- Bustups, The
- Busy Kids
- Busy Signals, The
- Busymen, The
- Butch Minds The Baby
- Butch Paulson & The Motations
- Butcher, The
- Butcher Bill
- Butchers' Orchestra, Thee
- Butchies, The
- Butchwax
- Butlers, De
- Buttafuoco
- Buttercups
- Butterglory
- Buttfrenchers, The
- Butthole Surfers
- Buttscratcher 2000
- Buttsteak
- Bux, The
- Buxotics, The
- Buy Of The Bar
- Buy Off The Bar
- Buzz Aldrin
- Buzz Buzz & De Strippenkaarten
- Buzzards, The
- Buzzcocks
- Buzzov·en
- Buzzsaw
- Buzzsawyer
- By A Thread
- By Ferry Or Steamer
- By June
- Byfield, Delroy
- Byrds, The
- Byrne, David
- C*Average
- C.3.P.O.
- C.aarmé
- C.D. Truth
- Cab, The
- Cabaret Voltaire
- Cable Car Theory
- Cacahuetes, Los
- Cactus
- Cadallaca
- Cadavers, The
- Caesar
- Caesars
- Cage, Robert
- Cage
- Cake
- Cakekitchen
- Calabros
- Calamity Jane
- Calbakes, The
- Calcinator
- Calexico
- Calico Wall, The
- California Lightening
- Callaway, Bob
- Callibre 12
- Calliope
- Calloused
- Calvin Johnson & Mark Pickerel
- Calvin Krime
- Camaros
- Cambria
- Cameo
- Camero Werewolf Band
- Camille Davila
- Camp Blackfoot
- Campbell, Humphrey
- Campbells, The
- Campell, Choker
- Camper Van Beethoven
- Campfire Grrrls, The
- Campfire Killers
- Campfire Walkers
- Campus Tramps
- Can
- Can Can Heads
- Canadian Rogues, The
- Canadian VIPs
- Canadienses
- Cancer Moon
- Candlemaker
- Candy
- Candy 500
- Candy Afterlife
- Candy Apple Killings
- Candy Band
- Candy Darlings, The
- Candy Harlots
- Candy Machine
- Candy Snatchers, The
- Candybar Planet
- Candygirl
- Candypants
- Candyrag
- Candystore
- Cannanes, The
- Canned Hamm
- Cannibal & The Headhunters
- Cannibals, The
- Cannics
- Cannon, Freddy
- Cantankerous
- Cantrell, Jerry
- Cants, The
- Capers, The
- Capital City
- Capitán Entresijos
- Capitol K
- Captain 9's And The Knickerbocker Trio
- Captain Beefheart
- Captain Dynamite
- Captain Gumbo
- Captain Nemo
- Captain Vs. Crew
- Car Thieves
- Cara, Irene
- Caravans, The
- Carbeurator Dung
- Carbon
- Carbon/Elliot Sharp
- Carbona
- Carbonas
- Carbonas, The
- Carbuncle
- Carburetors, The
- Cardinal Sin
- Cardinals
- Career Suicide
- Cargo Cult
- Carissa's Weird
- Carmen, Eric
- Carnaby Street Lampost
- Carnation, The
- Carne-A
- Carnys, The
- Carol Grimes Band
- Carolina Toll, The
- Caroliner Rainbow
- Carpenter, Michael
- Carpenters
- Carpettes, The
- Carra, Raffaella
- Carrera
- Carriage And The Casual Tease, Ms.
- Carroll, Jim
- Carry Nations, The
- Cars
- Carter, Clarence
- Carter, Sleepy
- Carter Family
- CarterBo
- Cartey, Ric
- Cartoons
- Cartwright, Greg
- Casa Azul, La
- Casal, Neal
- Casanova, Tony
- Casanovas, The
- Case, Peter
- Casey Sisters, The
- Cash, Johnny
- Cash Audio
- Cash Jr., Larry
- Cash Money
- Cash Registers
- Casino Volante
- Casper Brotzman Massaker
- Cassette
- Casual-Aires
- Casuals, The
- Casualties, The
- Casualty
- Casus Belli
- Cat Butt
- Cat Power
- Catacomb
- Catacombo
- Catahoula Hounds
- Catapult
- Catatonic Youth
- Catchers
- Caterpillar
- Catfever
- Catharsis
- Catherine Irwin/Janet Bean
- Catheters, The
- Catholic Boys, The
- Catholick Sex
- Cato Salsa Experience
- Cats, The
- Cats From Mars
- Cat's Paw
- Catweazle
- Catweezel
- Causey Way
- Caustic Resin
- Caustic Soda
- Caution Horse
- Cavaliere, Felix
- Cavaliers
- Cave, Nick
- Cave 4, The
- Cave Dogs, The
- Cave In
- Cave Weddings
- Cavebones
- Cavedwellers, The
- Cave-Ins, The
- Cavemannish Boys
- Cavemen
- Cavity
- Cazals
- CC Riders
- Cecil Seaskull
- Cécilia Et Ses Ennuis
- Cee Bee Beaumont
- Ceed
- Ceeds
- Celebrity Skin
- Celest
- Celestial Season
- Celia And The Mutations
- Celibate Rifles
- Cell
- Celler Dwellers, The
- Cellophane Suckers
- Cells, The
- Celtic Bones
- Cenobites
- Centerfold
- Central City Transmission
- Central High School Cafeteria Band
- Central Nervous System
- Centrees
- Centro-Matic
- Centrys
- Cephalic Carnage
- Cerebral Fix
- Cerebros Exprimidos
- Cervenka, Exene
- Cha Cha 2000
- Cha Cha Cohen
- Cha Cha Guerillas, The
- Chad Stuart & Jeremy Clyde
- Chadd Thomas & The Crazy Kings
- Chain Gang
- Chain Link Fence
- Chaindrive
- Chaino
- Chains, The
- Chalets, The
- Chalk
- Challenger 7
- Challengers
- Challengers
- Chambers, Ken
- Chambers Brothers, The
- Champagne Edge
- Champs, The
- Champs, The
- Chancellors, The
- Chandeliers, The
- Chanel No. 5
- Change Of Heart
- Changing Men
- Channel, Bruce
- Channel One
- Chantays, The
- Chantels, The
- Chanticleer
- Chants R&B, The
- Chaos
- Chaos Inc
- Chap, The
- Chapstik
- Charades, The
- Charalambides
- Charge
- Charge 69
- Chargers, The
- Chargers
- Chargers Street Gang, The
- Chariot
- Charlatans, The
- Charlene
- Charles, Ray
- Charles Bronson
- Charles Cicirella/Nick McGovern
- Charles Cicirella/Nudge Squidfish
- Charles Napiers
- Charlie & The Hot Wheels
- Charlie And The Moonhearts
- Charlie Owen & Joel Silbersher
- Charlies, The
- Charlotte's Bionicblimp
- Charm City Suicides
- Charming Snakes
- Charming Turtlenecks
- Charred Remains
- Charta 77
- Charts, The
- Chase, The
- Chasers
- Chatham, Rhys
- Chavez
- Cheap Chick
- Cheap Dates
- Cheap Nasties, The
- Cheap Skate
- Cheap Thrills
- Cheap Time
- Cheap Trick
- Cheapshots, The
- Cheater Slicks
- Cheaters, The
- Cheating Hearts, The
- Cheb Samir & The Black Souls Of Leviathan
- Check Engine
- Checkers, The
- Checkmates International, The
- Cheek
- Cheeks, The
- Cheeks Feat. Rich Coffee
- Cheeps, The
- Cheer Car Wash
- Cheer-Accident
- Cheeraks, The
- Cheerleader 666
- Cheerleaders, The
- Cheerleaders United
- Cheese, The
- Cheeseburger
- Cheesecake
- Cheifs
- Chemical Blue
- Chemical Dolls
- Chemical People
- Chemistry Experiment, The
- Chemistry Set
- Chemo Kids, The
- Chentelles, The
- Cher
- Cherokees, The
- Cherokees, The
- Cherry, Neneh
- Cherry
- Cherry Bomb
- Cherry Overdive
- Cherry Smash
- Cherry Thirteen
- Cherry Valence, The
- Cherubs
- Cherubs, The
- Cheshire
- Chesnutt, Vic
- Chester
- Chesterfield Kings, The
- Chevelles, The
- Cheveu
- Chewbacca All Stars
- Chia Pet
- Chiacchieri, Pete
- Chicago Underground Duo
- Chicano
- Chick Charlton & The Majestics
- Chicken Damage
- Chicken Hawks, The
- Chicken Legs Weaver
- Chickenhawks
- Chickenhead
- Chicks On Speed
- Chickun, Les
- Chicos, Los
- Chiffons
- Chiflados Del Ritmo, Los
- Child Molesters, The
- Childish, Billy
- Childish Thoughts, The
- Children Of Darkness
- Children Of Reagan
- Children's Crusade
- Children's Hospital
- Children's Ice Cream
- Chili Cold Blood
- Chilkat
- Chills, The
- Chilly And His Desperados
- Chilton, Alex
- Chimiks
- Chimney Brothers
- Chimps, The
- Chinatown
- Chinese
- Chinese Millionaires, The
- Chinese Stars, The
- Chinese Takeaway
- Chinese Telephones
- Chingaleros, Los
- Chintz Devils, The
- Chin-Up Chin-Up
- Chip Hanna With Busted Hearts
- Chips For The Poor
- Chixdiggit
- Chocolat
- Chocolate Moose
- Chocolate Watchband
- Choice, The
- Choke
- Chokebore
- Chop Shop
- Chopper
- Chops, The
- Chop-Sakis, The
- Chor UK
- Chords, The
- Chore
- Chorea
- Chosen Few
- Chow Chow
- Choyce
- Chris & Carla
- Chris & Tad
- Chris Allen & The Good-Timers
- Chris Bald 96, The
- Chris Clarity
- Chris Dodge/Dave Witte
- Christbait
- Christian, Dennie
- Christian, Bobby
- Christians
- Christine Back
- Christmas
- Christmas Island
- Chromatics
- Chrome
- Chrome, Cheetah
- Chrome Cranks
- Chrome Daddy Disco
- Chrome Locust
- Chrome Spiders
- Chromosomes
- Chron Gen
- Chronics, The
- Chronics, The
- Chubbies, The
- Chubbies
- Chuck
- Chuck Barr & The Playboys
- Chuck Norris Experiment, The
- Chuck Prophet & The Bible Dusters
- Chuck Violence
- Chumbawamba
- Chump Change
- Chumps, The
- Chumps, The
- Chupacabra Jr.
- Church Keys
- Church Of Misery
- Churches!
- Ciaoculos, The
- Cibelle
- Cibo Matto
- Cigarettes
- Cimarons, The
- Cinch, The
- Cincos, Los
- Cindells, The
- Cindy Sisters
- Cinecyde
- Cinema
- Cinematics, The
- Cinnamon Imperials
- Circle Jerks
- Circle Of Friends
- Circle X
- Circuit Des Yeux
- Circus Lupus
- Cirkyt
- Citizen Fish
- Citizens Here And Abroad
- Citizens' Utilities
- City, The
- City Girl's Boys
- City Kids
- City Lights, The
- City X
- Cityzap
- Civet
- Civic Minded Five
- Civil Disobedience
- Civil Dissident
- CJ Sleez
- Claim, The
- Clambake
- Clampitt, Gaddis & Buck
- Clams
- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
- Clara Bell
- Clark, Gene
- Clarke Nova, The
- Clash, The
- Class Assassins
- Classic Plus
- Claw Boys Claw
- Clawhammer
- Clay
- Clay People
- Clayhill
- Clayton Watson & The Silhouettes
- Claywheels
- Clean, The
- Cleaning Women
- Clearlake
- Clears, The
- Clementes, Los
- Cleopatras
- Cletus
- Cleveland Bound Death Sentence
- Clicques, The
- Client
- Clifford Nevernew
- Clifton Lee Mann With Chris Jones
- Clikitat Ikatowi
- Clinic
- Clint Small
- 'Clip
- Cliques
- Clit Cops
- Clive's Own Band
- Clocks, The
- Clone Defects, The
- Clones, The
- Clor
- Clorox Girls
- Close Lobsters
- Closure
- Cloud Tiger
- Cloven Hoof
- Clover Honey
- Club Des Chats, Le
- Club Diana
- Club Killers
- Clutters, The
- Clutters, The
- C-Men
- Coachmen
- Coachwhips
- Coasters, The
- Coastersride
- Coathangers, The
- Coattail Rider
- Cobalt
- Cobollo, Pablo
- Cobra Verde
- Cobra Youth
- Cobrajets
- CobraMan
- Cochon Bleu
- Cochran, Eddie
- Cock Spaniels
- Cock Sparrer
- Cockney Rejects
- Cocknoose
- Cockroach Candies
- Cockroaches, The
- Cocks In The Henhouse
- Cocktail Honeys
- Cocktail Slippers
- Coco Cobra & The Killers
- Cocobeurre
- Cococoma
- Coconut Coolouts
- Coctails, The
- Codeine
- Coefield, Brice
- Coffee Sergeants, The
- Coffin Bound
- Coffin Break
- Coffin Cheaters
- Coffin Daggers, The
- Coffin Kids, The
- Coffin Lids, The
- Cog
- Cohen, Leonard
- Cohn, Tim
- Coil
- Coïtus Int.
- Cokerocket
- Cold Cold Hearts
- Coldblade
- Coldcock
- Coldplay
- Cole, James
- Cole, Stud
- ColeAnn
- Coleman, King
- Coleman, Andrew
- Colera
- Coley, Byron
- Col-Lee-Jets
- Collier, Gerald
- Collins, Mick
- Collins, Edwyn
- Collins Kids, The
- Collywobbles, The
- Colon, Johnny
- Color Test
- Colored Plank, The
- Colors, The
- Colossamite
- Colossus Of The Fall
- Colour Of Fire
- Colour Slide
- Columbian Neckties
- Colur Haze
- Comanechi
- Comas, The
- Coma-Tones
- Combat Shock
- Combenashuns, The
- Combo Bill Wiersma
- Combo Knus & Gezellig
- Combustible Edison
- Come
- Come N' Go, The
- Come Ons, The
- Comedown, The
- Comet Gain
- Comets On Fire
- Comfy Jones
- Committed
- Common Rider
- Communist Pussies
- Communist Ukeleles
- Como, Perry
- Compact Pussycat
- Company, The
- Complications
- Compound Red
- Compulsive Gamblers
- Computer Composities
- Comrades
- Con Demek
- Concentration Summer Camps
- Concubine Forming
- Condense
- Condition Red
- Condo-Men
- Condors, The
- Coneheads
- Confessions, The
- Confusers, The
- Congregation
- Conn, Bobby
- Connells, The
- Conner, Gary Lee
- Conquerors, The
- Conquest
- Conseillers Techniques, Les
- Conservative Itch
- Conservatives
- Consolidated
- Conspiracy Of Silence
- Constant Comment
- Constantines, The
- Construct:2000
- Consumed
- Consumers
- Contaminators
- Continental Cousins, The
- Contours, The
- Contrapunctus
- Contrarians
- Control
- Controlled Bleeding
- Convay, Don
- Convocation Of ..., The
- Cooder, Ry
- Cooke, Sam
- Cookie
- Cookies, The
- Cool Jerks, The
- Cool Jerks
- Cool Kleps
- Coolies
- Cooper, Alice
- Cooper
- Cooper Temple Clause, The
- Cooterfinger
- Cootie Platoon
- Cop Shoot Cop
- Copass Grinderz
- Coping Saw
- Copy Master
- Coral, The
- Coral
- Cordelia's Dad
- Cords
- Cords
- Core
- Corm
- Cornelius
- Cornershop
- Cornflake Zoo
- Coronados
- Coronets, The
- Corpse Grinders
- Corrections
- Corrosion Of Conformity
- Corte, Jules De
- Cortez, Davey
- Cortinas, The
- Cortiz, Alex
- Corvette, Nikki
- Cosa De Venus, La
- Cosmic Ballroom
- Cosmic Casino
- Cosmic Commander's Intergalactic Rockestra
- Cosmic Dropouts, The
- Cosmic Goblins
- Cosmic Psychos
- Cosmic Tones
- Cosmic Twins
- Cosmix, The
- Cosmo Jones Beat Machine
- Cosmogringos
- Cosmonauts Hail Satan
- Cosmopolish
- Cosmosquad With Ray Alder
- Costello, Elvis
- Costes
- Couch Of Eureka, The
- Cougars, The
- Cougars
- Coughlan, Cathal
- Counselors, The
- Count Backwards, The
- Count Backwurds, The
- Count Bishops
- Count Yates
- Countdowns
- Country Cabin Boys, The
- Country Lads
- Country Rockers, The
- Country Teasers
- Counts, The
- Courges, Les
- Courteeners, The
- Courtney & Western
- Courtney Love
- Couvairs, The
- Cowabunga Babes
- Coward
- Cowboy Blues, The
- Cowboys From Outer Space
- Cowboys From Outerspace, The
- Cowboys In The Sky
- Cowboys Of The Sky
- Cower
- Cows
- Cowslingers, The
- Cox, Bradford
- Cox, Jimmy
- Coyote Men, The
- Coz The Shroom
- Cozmik Elektras, Thee
- Cozy Cole
- CPC Gangbangs
- Crabs, The
- Crack City Rockers
- Crack Pipes, The
- Crack Und Ultra Eczema
- Crackerbash
- Crackerjacks
- Crain
- Crainium, The
- Cramps, The
- Crane Trash
- Cranford Nix
- Cranium Croutons
- Crankpin
- Crash 13
- Crash Normal
- Crash Smash Explode
- Crater, Lucynell
- Craw
- Crawford, Randy
- Crawford, Carolyn
- Crawford Brothers
- Crawling Chaos
- Crawlspace
- Crayon
- Crayon Fields
- Crazed Farmers
- Crazies, The
- Crazy Crickets
- Crazy Glue
- Crazy Pages, The
- Crazy Teens
- Crazy Town
- Cream
- Creamers, The
- Creation, The
- Creations, The
- Creature
- Creatures, The
- Creatures Of The Golden Dawn, The
- Creedence Clearwater Revival
- Creep
- Creep
- Creeper Lagoon
- Creepers, Los
- Creepies Invade
- Creeping Candies, The
- Creeping Charlie
- Creepled Dicks
- Creeps, The
- Creeps
- Creepy Creeps, The
- Creepy Insects, The
- Creetins, The
- Crescendos
- Creteens
- Cretin
- Cretin 66
- Cretins, The
- Crib
- Cribs, The
- Cricco Castelli
- Crickets, The
- Crime
- Crime In Choir
- Crime Kaisers, The
- Crimes Of Nature
- Criminals, The
- Crimpshrine
- Crimson Shadows
- Crimson Sweet
- Cringe
- Cripple Bastards
- Cripple Creek Fairies
- Cripplers, The
- Cripples, The
- Crispy Nuts
- Criswell
- Cro Magnon
- Cro(w)s
- Croatan
- Crockett & Jones
- Crocodiles
- Crocodiles, The
- Cro-Mags
- Crom-Tech
- Crooks
- Cropdusters, The
- Crosby, Bing
- Cross My Heart
- Crossbeats
- Crossfire
- Crosstops
- Crover, Dale
- Crow King & The Hardfingers
- Crowbar
- Crowbar Salvation
- Crowd, The
- Crowfish
- Crown Heigths
- Crown Roast
- Crown Royals
- Crown Teens
- Crownhate Ruin, The
- Crows, The
- Cruces, Las
- Crucials, Thee
- Crucibles
- Crucifucks
- Cruel & Unusual
- Cruel Frederick
- Crumbs
- Crums, The
- Cruncher, The
- Crunt
- Crusaders, The
- Crush, The
- Crush Senior
- Crushstory
- Crust
- Cry
- Cry Babies
- Cry Baby Killer
- Cryin' Out Louds, The
- Crypt Kicker Five
- Crypt Kicker Five
- Crypt33
- Cryptics
- Cryptomaniacs, The
- Cryptones, The
- Crystal Extacy
- Crystal Image
- Crystals, The
- CT
- Cub
- Cuby + The Blizzards
- Cuckooland
- Cud
- Cult, The
- Cum
- Cummings, Tobias
- Cumulus
- Cunt Puppet
- Cuntifiers, The
- Cupid Car Club
- Curb, Mike
- Cure, The
- Curlee Wurlee
- Currituck County
- Curse, The
- Curses, The
- Curtis & The Galaxies
- Custom Made Scare
- Customs, The
- Customs Five, The
- Cut
- Cut Copy
- Cut In The Hill Gang
- Cut My Skin
- Cut Offs, The
- Cut The Navel String
- Cut Throat Hoods
- Cutbacks, The
- Cute Lepers, The
- Cutler, Ivor
- Cuts, The
- Cutthroats 9
- Cut-Ups
- Cwill
- Cybermen, Thee
- Cybotron
- Cyclepaths
- Cyclones
- Cyclones
- Cyclub
- Cygnus
- Cynics, The
- Cynics
- Cyod
- Cypher In The Snow
- Cyril Lords, The
- D
- D*Time
- D., Chris
- D.A.M.N.
- D.evil
- D.I.
- D.I.T.
- D.K.K.
- D.L.S.D.
- D.O.A.
- D.V. Clark
- D+
- D4, The
- D66
- Da Willys
- Dactaris, The
- Dada Swing
- Daddy
- Daddy Hate Box
- Daddy Longhead
- Daft Punk
- Dagenites, The
- Dagger Moon
- Daggermen
- Daggers, The
- Daglish, Ben
- Dahl, Jeff
- Dahlia, Blag
- Daily Bread, The
- Daily Planets, The
- Daily Riot
- Daily Terror
- Daily Void, The
- Daisycutter
- Dakota Suite
- Dalai Lamas
- Dale, Dick
- Dalida
- Dalive, Barry
- Dall, Cindy
- Dallas Crane
- Dallas Pro-Drag Allstars
- Dam, The
- Damage Deposit
- Dambuilders, The
- Damen, Das
- Dammit, Toby
- Dammit!
- Damn Luckies, The
- Damnation
- Damnation Kids, The
- Damned, The
- Dan And Kev & The Deadset Friendlies
- Dan Kelly & The Alpha Males
- Dan Melchior Und Das Menace
- Dana Lynn
- Dance Disaster Movement
- Dance Hall Crashers
- Dance Set
- Dancing Cigarettes, The
- Dancing French Liberals Of '48
- DanDare
- Dandelion Fire
- Dando, Evan
- Dandruff Deluxe
- Dandruff!!
- Dandy Warhols, The
- Dangermen, The
- Dangerous Chickens
- Danielle Howle And The Tantrums
- Daniels, Walter
- Daniels & The Drunken Angels, Walter
- Danielson, Alf
- Danko Jones
- Danny & The Other Guys
- Danny And The Darleans
- Danny And The Nightmares
- Danny Dell & The Trends
- Danny Love & The Sensations
- Danny Says, The
- Danny Zella & The Zell Rocks
- Danny's Wednesday
- Dansettes, The
- Dantels, The
- Dantes, The
- Danzig
- Dare Dare Devil
- Daredevils
- Darin, Bobby
- Dark Brothers
- Dark Carnival
- Dark Horsemen, The
- Dark Places
- Dark Skies
- Dark Vomal Ame Code
- Darkest Hours, The
- Darkness, The
- Darkside
- Darlings, The
- Darlington
- Darlin's, The
- Dartford Renegades
- Darwin
- Daryl Britt & The Blue Jeans
- Daryll-Ann
- Das Boot
- Datarock
- Date Bait
- Datson Four, The
- Datsons, The
- Datsun
- Datsuns, The
- Dauben, Jack
- Dave "Diddle" Day
- Dave "Snaker" Ray & Tony "Little Sun" Glover
- Dave & Deke Combo, The
- Dave And The Customs
- Dave Clark 5
- Dave Crider
- Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich
- Dave Gleason's Wasted Days
- Dave Immel/Nudge Squidfish/Charles Cicirella
- Dave Matthews Band
- Dave Myers & The Disciples
- Dave Starky Five, The
- Dave The Spazz
- Dave Travis & The Premiers
- David Brown & The Hot Spurs
- David Byrne & Brian Eno
- David Byrne & Ryuichi Sakamoto
- David McCormack
- David McCormack & Andrew Lancaster
- David McCormack & Andrew Lancaster & Partos
- David McCormack & Andrew Lancaster featuring Katie Noonan
- David S. Ware Quartet
- Davie Allan & The Arrows
- Davie Allan & The Phantom Surfers
- Davila 666
- Davis, Cedell
- Davis, Ed
- Davis, Theresa & Tom (Father & Daughter)
- Davis, Tyrone
- Davis, Theresa
- Davis, Jan
- Davis, J.C.
- Davis, John
- Davis Jones And Fenders
- Dawn Of Awakening
- Daxls, The
- Day, Dave
- Day 28
- Daybreak
- Daybreak Boys
- Dayglo Abortions
- Dayglo Superstars
- Daylight
- Daylight Lovers, The
- Dayton, Jesse
- Daytonas, The
- Dazzling Killmen
- DC Beggars
- DC Snipers
- De Dype
- De Facto
- De La Soul
- De Rosa
- Dead 60s, The
- Dead And Gone
- Dead Beat
- Dead Bodies Everywhere
- Dead Boys
- Dead Boyz Can't Fly
- Dead Brothers, The
- Dead C
- Dead City Rebels
- Dead Disco
- Dead Elvis & His One Man Grave
- Dead Empty
- Dead End
- Dead End Cruisers
- Dead End Kids
- Dead Flower Bloom
- Dead Ghosts
- Dead Hookers' Bridge Club, The
- Dead House Chicago IRA
- Dead Kennedys
- Dead Kings
- Dead Luke
- Dead Man
- Dead Man Ray
- Dead Man's Choir
- Dead Moon
- Dead Or Alive
- Dead Punk Society
- Dead Rocks
- Dead Sexy
- Dead Sheriff
- Dead Vampires
- Dead Weather, The
- Deadbeats, The
- Deadbeats
- Deadbolt
- Deadfall
- Deadites, The
- Deadly Companions
- Deadly Cupcake
- Deadly Snakes, The
- Deadly Toys
- Deadly Weapons, The
- Deadspot
- Deadzibel
- Deal
- Deals Gone Bad
- Dean, Michael
- Dean Dirg
- Deasil
- Death Cab For Cutie
- Death From Above 1979
- Death Lurks
- Death Of Samantha
- Death Ramps
- Death Sentence: Panda!
- Death Truck
- Death Valley
- Death Valley 69
- Death Wish Kids
- Debauched
- Debela Berta
- Debris
- Decay, The
- Deceased
- Decemberists
- Dèche Dans Face
- Decheman
- Decibel Dudes
- Decibels
- Deco Deco
- Deconstruction, The
- Decontrol
- Ded Bugs
- Dee Rangers
- Deeheart
- Deejays, The
- Deep Lust
- Deep Purple
- Deep Reduction
- Deep Six
- Deep Throat & La Vida
- Deep Turtle
- Deerhoof
- Deerhunter
- Def. Master
- Defcon, Gene
- Defectives, The
- Defectors, The
- Defekts, The
- Defenders
- Defilers, The
- Defnics
- Deftones
- Degenerazione Musicale
- Deh Pills
- Dehont, Bram
- Deinum
- Deja Voodoo
- Dekker, Desmond
- Del Lagunas, The
- Del Mingos
- Del Noah And The Mount Arrarat Finks
- Del Ricos
- Del Saints
- Del Tonos
- Del Toros, The
- Délateurs
- Delays, The
- Del-Bloods
- Delcos, The
- Delgados, The
- Del-Gators, The
- Delicious Monster
- Delightful Little Nothings
- Dellburgoes, The
- Delmonas, The
- Del-Monas, The
- Deloreans
- Delphian
- Delstars, The
- Delta 5
- Delta 72, The
- Delta Dart
- Delta Waves
- Deltahead
- Del-Tinos, The
- Deluxx
- Del-Vamps
- Del-Vetts, The
- Demands, The
- Demented Are Go
- Demivierge
- Demolition
- Demolition Doll Rods
- Demolition Girl
- Demolition Girl & The Strawberry Boys
- Demonics
- Demons
- Demons, The
- Demon's Claws
- Dendouba
- Denison Kimball Trio, The
- Deniz Tek & The Golden Breed
- Denizens, The
- Dennis Most And The Instigators
- Dennis Wayne & Vinnys Rhythmaires
- Dense, Scott
- Dentists
- Denver, Bob
- Denver, John
- Denver Mexicans
- Denvis
- Deoras, The
- Departure, The
- Depeche Mode
- Dependent
- Depressing Claim
- Derailer
- Dérailleurs, Les
- Derby, Dave
- Derek Lyn Plastic
- Derelict Hotel
- Derelicts
- DeRita Sisters
- Derks, The
- Dero, Dimi
- Derrell Felts And The Confederates
- Derrumbes, Los
- Desafinado
- DeSanto, Sugar Pie
- Descendents
- Desechables
- Desert Storm
- DeShannon, Jackie
- Designer
- Desperate Corruption
- Despise You
- Despondent
- Despondents, The
- Dessert Sessions, The
- Destination Zero
- Destitutes, The
- Destroy All Monsters
- Destroyed, The
- Destruction Unit
- Destructors, The
- Desvän Del Macho, El
- Detachment Kit
- Detergente
- Detestation
- Detonations
- Detour
- Detox Darlings
- Detroit City Council
- Detroit Cobras
- Detroit w/ Mitch Ryder
- Detsky Sad
- Deurzakkers, De
- Deutscher, Drafi
- Devastations, The
- Deveros, The
- Deverova Chyba
- Deviants, The
- Deviators, The
- Devil Dogs
- Devil Dolls
- Devil In Miss Jones
- Devil Is Electric, The
- Deville, Willy
- Devilrock Four, The
- Deviltones
- Devo
- Devolve
- DeWolff
- Dexateens, The
- Dexter
- Dexter
- Dexter & Franco Formica
- Dexter Romweber Duo
- Dexy's Midnight Runners
- DFL Cartel
- DGeneration
- Dharma Bums
- Dhuez
- Diablito
- Diablo, Nick
- Diablos Del Sol, Los
- Diabolical Exploits
- Diaboliks, The
- Dialtones, The
- Diamond, Neil
- Diamond Rangs, The
- Diamond's Pop Monsoon, Jim
- Diaphanous, Daphne
- Dicemen
- Dick & Les Espions
- Dick Dastardly
- Dick Uranus
- Dickel Brothers, The
- Dickerson, Deke
- Dickies, The
- Dickinson, Jim
- Dickless
- Dicks, The
- Dicky B. Hardy
- Dictaphone, The
- Dictators
- Diddley, Bo
- Didjits
- Die! Die! Die!
- Died Pretty
- Diesel Boy
- Diesel Park West
- Diesel Queens
- Dieselhed
- Dietzel, Elroy
- Diff'rent Stripes, The
- Diff'rent Strokes, The
- Dig Yr Grave
- Digger & The Pussycats
- Digital Leather
- Dignan Porch
- Dignity
- Dik O'Braz
- Dikk O.D
- Dildozer
- Dillinger Escape Plan, The
- Dillinger Four
- Dillon, Cara
- Dillon, Cheralee
- Dils
- Dim Stars
- Dimestore Haloes
- Diminished Men
- Dimitri Monroe & The Naked Flames
- Dimucci, Dion
- Ding Dong Denny O'Reilly
- Dingetje
- Dinosaur Jr
- Dinosaur Salad
- Dio
- Diodes, The
- Dipers, The
- Diplomats Of Solid Sound, The
- Dipshits, The
- Dire Straits
- Directions In Music
- Direen, Bill
- Dirges, The
- Dirt Bike Annie
- Dirt Clod Fight
- Dirt Fishermen
- Dirtbombs, The
- Dirteez
- Dirters, The
- Dirtfarm
- Dirthy Balthazarts
- Dirtshakes
- Dirty, The
- Dirty Beaches
- Dirty Burds, The
- Dirty Denims, The
- Dirty Fingers, The
- Dirty Hands
- Dirty Ho
- Dirty Jobs, The
- Dirty Johnny
- Dirty Knees, The
- Dirty Knives, The
- Dirty Little Heaters, The
- Dirty Love Letters
- Dirty Lovers, The
- Dirty Needles
- Dirty Pretty Things
- Dirty Shambles, The
- Dirty Shames
- Dirty Sweets
- Dirty Switches, The
- Dirty Three
- Dirty Wurds, The
- Dirtys, The
- Disappointments, The
- Disarm
- Disciples
- Discipline
- Discipulos De Dionisos
- Disco Lepers
- Disco Volante
- Discontent
- Discontinued
- Discordance Axis
- Disfunctionals
- Disgrace
- Dishes, The
- Dishrags
- Diskords, The
- Diskothi-Q
- Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy
- Dispossessed, The
- Disruptors, The
- Dissimilars
- Dissonant View
- Dissuaders
- Distillers, The
- Distorted Pony
- Distraction, The
- Distractions, The
- Distractors, The
- Distress
- District
- Ditchweed
- Div
- Divebomb Honey, The
- Diverters, The
- Divine Brown, The
- Divine Chaos
- Divine Comedy
- Divisadero's
- Division Of Laura Lee
- Dixie Buzzards
- Dixie Cups
- Dixigas
- Dixon, Willie
- Dixon, Scott
- Dizzy Dizzy
- Dizzy Dizzy MK11
- DJ Frane
- DJ Goodlife
- DK3
- DM & DM
- DM Bob And The Deficits
- DM3
- Do It Now Foundation
- Doc And Merle Watson
- Doc Hopper
- Doc Rouncee And Blackman
- Doc Wor Mirran
- Docent Död
- Docko, Joe
- Doctor Bison
- Doctor Explosión
- Doctor Ross
- Doctor Scalpel and The Incisions
- Dodgers
- Doe Maar
- Dofka
- Dog
- Dog Faced Hermans
- Dog Food Five
- Dog Toffee
- Dogbowl
- Dogmatic Salamander
- Dogmatics
- Dogpiss
- Dogrocket
- Dogs
- Dogs, The
- Dogs, The
- Dogs Die In Hot Cars
- Dogs Of Lust
- Dogshit Sandwich
- Dog-Swing
- Doiron, Julie
- Doits
- Doll Rod, Margaret
- Dollar Bar
- Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers
- Dolly Rocker Movement
- Dollybird
- Dolo
- Dolomite
- Dominados, Los
- Dominatrix
- Domino, Fats
- Dommert, Frank
- Don & The Galaxies
- Don & The Goodtimes
- Don Caballero
- Don Cavalli
- Don Diablo
- Don Flames
- Don Harris & Dewey Terry
- Don Knotts Overdrive
- Don Thompson
- Don Walser & The Pure Texas Band
- Donald Woods & The Vel-Aires
- Donderevo
- Donkers, Sander
- Donkey
- Donnas, The
- Donnie Dean & The D Notes
- Donny Denim
- Donots, The
- Donovan
- Dons, The
- Don't Cares
- Don't Feed The Animals
- Dontcares, The
- Donu Kings
- Doo Rag
- Dooley Wilson
- Dooms UK
- Doors, The
- Doorslammer
- Dopesauce
- Doppelgängers
- Dorsey, Tommy A.
- Dos
- Dos Arkies
- Dose
- Dosh
- Dots
- Double Agents, The
- Double Barreled Slingshots
- Double Dynamite
- Double Fudge
- Double Naught Spies
- Double Nelson
- Double Nuthin's, The
- Doubleboar
- Doublewide
- Doubters, The
- Dougher, Sarah
- Douglas, Carl
- Douglas, Shy Guy
- Dovells, The
- Doves
- Dow Jones And The Industrials
- Down & Out
- Down By Law
- Down M.F.
- Downbeat 5, The
- Downdime
- Downes, Graeme
- Downforce
- Downie, Gordon
- Downliners Sect
- Down-N-Outs, The
- Downpilot
- Downside Special
- Downtown Brown
- Dozer
- Dr Spec's Optical Illusion
- Dr. Alban
- Dr. Dick
- Dr. Dog
- Dr. Feelgood
- Dr. Frank
- Dr. Frankenstein
- Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show
- Dr. Janet
- Dr. John
- Dr. Pepper Family
- Dr. Reverb
- Dr. Zeke
- Dr.Max Strammer
- Drag King
- Drag Triplets
- Dragbeat
- Dragibus
- Dragon, The
- Dragonangel
- Dragons, The
- Dragontears
- Dragos, Los
- Drags, The
- Drags, The
- Dragstrip Bros., The
- Dragstrip Syndicate , The
- Dragueurs, Les
- Drain
- Drake, Nick
- Drake, Scott Deluxe
- Drama Queens
- Dramatics, The
- D-Rangers, The
- Drapes, The
- Drastics
- Draytones, The
- Dreadful Yawns, The
- Dream Syndicate, The
- Dred Foole & The Din
- Dresden 45
- Drifters, The
- Drill Kitty
- Drillboxignition
- Drip, The
- Drips
- Driscell, Dennis
- Drive Blind
- Drive By Shooting
- Drive Like Jehu
- Drivers, The
- Drivetrain
- Driveway Service
- Driving Wheels
- Droids
- Drones, The
- Droogs
- Drooler
- Drop Outs, The
- Dropkick Murphys
- Drs. P
- Drug Punks, The
- Druggies
- Drugs, The
- Drugs, The
- Drugs Dragons
- Drugstop
- Drukwerk
- Drunk Cunts
- Drunk In Public
- Drunken Cholos, The
- Drunkhorse
- Drunks With Guns
- Dry Grins, The
- Dry Heaves, The
- Dry Retch, The
- Dryheavers, Los
- Dt's, The
- Duane
- Duane Peters & The Hunns
- Duarte Six, The
- Dub Maker
- Dub Narcotic Sound System
- Dub Narcotic Sound System & The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
- Dublins, Thee
- Dubrovniks
- Duchess Of Saigon
- Duck And Cover
- Ducky Boys, The
- Dudley, Dave
- Due Process
- Duels
- Duet
- Duffhues
- Duffy
- Duin, André Van
- Duitse Herder
- Duke Spirit, The
- Dukes, The
- Dukes, The
- Dukes Of Hamburg
- Dukes Of Nothing, The
- Dull Schicksall
- Dulli, Greg
- Dum Dum Boys
- Dum Dum Boys
- Dum Dum Girls
- Dumb Angels, The
- Dumbell
- Ðumbus
- DumDum Boys
- Dummies, The
- Dump
- Dumptruck
- Dunderheads, The
- Dundrells, The
- Dung
- Dungbeetle
- Dungs, Connie
- Dunkirk, Slappy
- Dunts, The
- Duo Nijkamp
- Duo Tepláky
- Duplo!
- Dura-Delinquent
- Duran Duran
- Durango 95
- Duroc
- Durocs
- Durutti Column
- Dury, Ian
- Dustdevil
- Dustdevils
- Duster 69
- Dusters
- Dusty 45's
- Dutch, The
- Dutch Boys, De
- Dutch Dragons, The
- Dutch Dub
- Dutch Masters
- Dutch Swing College Band
- Dutchbad
- Dutchess & The Duke, The
- Dutchmen, The
- Dutronc
- Dutronc, Jacques
- Duvall
- DVLagadam Smack The Tarmak
- DW & Fatjack
- Dwarves
- Dwayne Sodahberk
- Dwight Twilley Band
- Dyke Hard
- Dylan, Bob
- Dynamic Duel
- Dynamics, The
- Dynamite Anna & The Bone Machine
- Dyna-Sores
- Dynasty (Electric Duo)
- Dyslexic Crush
- Dysrhythmia
- E.A.R.
- E.T. Explore Me
- E.U. Commission
- EA80
- Eagle Boston
- Eaglebauers
- Eagles, The
- Eagles Of Death Metal
- Earaches, The
- Earl Brutus
- Earl Lee Grace
- Earl's Family Bombers
- Early Hours, The
- Earth
- Earth & Fire
- Earth Crisis
- Earth Quake
- Earthmen And Strangers
- Earthworms, The
- East Arcadia
- East Bay Chasers
- East Bay Grease
- East Meets West
- East River Pipe
- East Village
- Eastern Dark, The
- Eastern Green, The
- Eastern Lane
- Eastside Boys
- Eastside Suicides
- Easy Action
- Easy Livin', The
- Easybeats
- Easys, The
- Eat
- Eat Skull
- Eaters, The
- Ebben, Tommy
- Ebeling Hughes
- Ebonettes
- Ebonnettes, The
- EC Groove Society
- Echo & The Bunnymen
- Echo Is Your Love
- Echobelly
- Éclat
- Econothugs
- Ecowar
- Ed Gein Fan Club
- Ed Hall
- Ed Kemper Trio, The
- Eddie & The Showmen
- Eddie And The Hot Rods
- Eddie Angel & The Omega Men
- Eddies, The
- Eddy & The Back Nine
- Eddy Current Suppression Ring
- Eden
- Edens Children
- Edgar Allen & The Po'Boys
- Edison Rocket Train
- Editors
- Edmonds, Sandy
- Edsel
- Edsel Auctioneer, The
- Edwards, T. Tex
- Edwards, Kathleen
- Eels
- Effigies
- Egg Egg
- Eggplant
- Eggs
- Ego Summit
- Egomaniacs, The
- Egos
- Egotronic
- Egyptians, The
- Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster, The
- E-in Brino
- Einleben
- Einstürzende Neubauten
- Eitzel, Mark
- Ejectors, The
- Eko Sisters
- Ekseption
- El Caco
- El Camino
- El Camino
- El Diablo
- El Guapo Stuntteam
- El Legado
- El Pino & The Volunteers
- El Punkeke & The Aliens
- El Ray
- El Rodeo
- El Santo
- El Senor Tabarez
- El Shit
- El Smasho
- El Vez
- El Vicio
- El Zombie
- Elastica
- Elbow
- Elbow Bones And The Racketeers
- Elderly, The
- Elected, The
- Electraluxx
- Electras
- Electrelane
- Electric, The
- Electric Bunnies
- Electric Chairs
- Electric Company, The
- Electric Eel Shock
- Electric Eels
- Electric Eels, The
- Electric Eye
- Electric Ferrets, The
- Electric Frankenstein
- Electric Garden
- Electric Guitars, The
- Electric Milk
- Electric Moog Orchestra
- Electric Prunes
- Electric Shadows
- Electric Shields, The
- Electric Shocks
- Electric Six
- Electric Soft Parade, The
- Electric Turn To Me
- Electric Wizard
- Electricutions, The
- Electro Coco
- Electro Group
- Electrocutes
- Electrolettes
- Electronicat
- Electrophilia Vs. LSD 25
- Elegants, The
- Elektras, The
- Elektrocution, The
- Elektrosushi
- Element 5
- Element 79, The
- Elephant Band
- Elephant Walk, The
- Elevations, The
- Elevator
- Eleventh Dream Day
- Eleventh Hour
- él-g*
- Eli "Paperboy" Reed & The True Loves
- Elio & Thee Horribles
- Elite, The
- Elite 65, The
- Elite U.F.O., The
- Elizabeth Knowhow, The
- Elka Zolot And Her Highlander Two's
- Elkins, Kerine
- Elle Bandita
- Ellio & The Horribles
- Elliot Murphy & Ernie Brooks
- Elliot Sharp Terraplane
- Elliott, Max
- Ellis, Alton
- Ellis, Dock
- Elmer
- Elmerhassel
- Elois, The
- Else Admire
- Elson, Karen
- Elvis' Corpse Revisited
- Elvis Hitler
- Elvis McMan
- Elvis Pummel
- Emanons, The
- Embarrassment, The
- Embrace
- Embrooks, The
- Emerald, Caro
- Emeralds, The
- Emergency, The
- Emerson, Billy
- Emilia
- Emily XYZ
- Emily's Sassy Lime
- Emma Peel
- Empallos
- Emperors, The
- Empty Set
- En Vogue
- Enablers
- Enamor
- Enchanters, The
- Enchanters Four
- Enchantments, The
- End, The
- End
- End Result
- Ends, The
- Endstand
- Enduro
- Enemies, The
- Enemigos, Los
- Enemy Soil
- Enemy Squad
- Enemy You
- Enemymine
- Enfants D'Chienne, Les
- Enfants Terribles, Les
- Engine 54
- Engine Boo
- Engine Kid
- English Beat
- English League
- English Setters
- Ennis, Ethel
- Ennïs Tóla
- Eno, Brian
- Enon
- Ensaladilla Rusa
- Ent
- Entombed
- Entrance
- Envelopes
- Envoys
- Epics
- Epileptix
- Episode
- Epoxies
- Epoxy Glow
- Epsilons
- EQ!
- Equals
- Eradicate
- Erase Errata
- Erasermen
- Erectromorph
- Erectus Monotone
- Eremit, Der
- Ergs!, The
- Eric Burdon And The Animals
- Erickson, Roky
- Eric's Mother
- Eric's Trip
- Erl
- Erling
- Ernie Bender & The Robbins
- Error 7
- Eruptörs, The
- Erven Bruinsma, De
- Escorts, The
- Escovedo, Alejandro
- Escutia, Xavier
- Esgmeq
- ESL?!
- ESP Records
- Espers
- Esquerita
- Estes, Sleepy John
- Estrella 20/20
- Estrich Boy
- Estrogen Highs
- Eternals, The
- Ether Hogg
- Ethyl Meatplow
- Etiquette Mona
- Eton Crop
- Ettes, The
- Eucalyptus
- Eugene Chadbourne & Evan Johns
- Eunuchs
- Euphone
- Euro Boys
- European Translation Of, The
- Eva Braun
- Evan Dando & Sabrina Brooke
- Evan Johns & His H-Bombs
- Evans, Monsieur Jeffrey
- E-Vans
- Evaporators
- Eve And The Last Waltz
- Even
- Even In Blackouts
- Everclear
- Evergreen
- Everly Brothers
- Everready
- Everyday Sinners, The
- Evil, The
- Evil Army
- Evil Eyes
- Evil Hoodoo
- Evil Idols
- Evil Thingies, The
- Eviltones, The
- Evolution Control Committee, The
- Evolutions, The
- Evolved To Obliteration
- Ewings, The
- Ex, The
- Ex Models
- Examplehead
- Ex-Bombers, The
- Excelsior
- Excessories, The
- Exciters, Thee
- Exclaim
- Excuse 17
- Executioners, The
- eX-Girl
- Exhumed
- Exotic Aarontones, The
- Exotics, The
- Experimental Pop Band, The
- Exploder, The
- Exploders, The
- Exploding Fuck Dolls
- Exploding Hearts, The
- Exploding White Mice
- Exploited, The
- Explosives, The
- Explosivos, Los
- Expulsion
- Exsonant
- Exteriors, The
- Extince
- Extra Glenns
- Extreme
- Exxon Valdez
- Exxotone
- Eye Creatures, The
- Eyehategod
- Eyeliners, The
- Eyes
- Eyes, The
- F.F.F.
- F.F.F.B.
- F.O.D.
- F.O.N.
- F.U.2.
- F.Y.P
- F/i
- F33l3r
- Fabian
- Fabs, The
- Fabulous Continentals, The
- Fabulous Cyclones, The
- Fabulous Diamonds
- Fabulous Disaster
- Fabulous Itchies, The
- Fabulous Pharaohs
- Fabulous Raiders, The
- Fabulous Shockwaves, The
- Fabulous Tempoes, The
- Face, Le
- Face To Face
- Face Value
- Facedowninshit
- Faceful, The
- Faceless Werewolves
- Faces
- Faction, The
- Facts
- Factums
- Fag Cop
- Faggot Kings
- Failures, The
- Faint, The
- Fair, Jad
- Fairfight
- Fairies Band, The
- Fairlanes, The
- Fairmont Girls
- Fairmount Girls
- Faith Healers, Th'
- Faith No More
- Faith Of Blind
- Faithless
- Fake Females
- Falanas, Los
- Falco
- Falcons, The
- Falcons, The
- Fall, The
- Fall From Grace
- Fall Of Olive
- Fall Silent
- Falldowns, The
- Fallen Angels
- Falling Sickness
- Falling Spikes, The
- Fallouts, The
- Fall-Outs, The
- Falls River Fiends
- False Face Society
- False Prophets
- Falstaff
- Falzone, Chuck
- Family Cat
- Family Dollar Pharaohs
- Family Stone, The
- Famous In Vegas
- Famous Monsters, The
- Fancy
- Fancy Lads
- Fandango
- Fang
- Fangs, The
- Fanman
- Fantastic 3
- Fantastic 5, The
- Fantasy's Core
- Fantomatici, I
- Far Cry, A
- Fargas, Antonio
- Farm, The
- Far-Out Fangtooth
- Faroutski
- Farquhar
- Farrar, Jay
- Fashion Design
- Fashion! Fashion! And The Image Boys
- Fast, The
- Fast Forward
- Fast Takers, The
- Fastbacks
- Fastcars
- Faster Pussycat
- Fat Day
- Fat Esteban
- Fat Truckers
- Fatal Flowers
- Fatal Flying Guilloteens
- Fatals, The
- Fates Prophecy
- Fathom Theory
- Fathoms, The
- Fatso Jetson
- Faun
- Faust
- Favorats, The
- Favours, The
- Fe Fi Fo Fums, The
- Fear
- Fearless Iranians From Hell
- Fearless Leader
- Fearsley, Dwarles
- Fearsome Five
- Feast Of Fools
- Feast Of Snakes
- Feather, The
- Feathers, Charlie
- Features, The
- Fed Up!
- Federation X
- Fed-Ups
- Feebles
- Feedback, The
- Feedbacks, The
- Feeder
- Feeder
- Feedtime
- Feelers, The
- Feelies, The
- Feeling Of Love, The
- Feelings, The
- Fe-Fi-Four Plus 2, The
- Feldon, Barbara
- Feleppa, Tim
- Felice, John
- Feliciano, José
- Felines, The
- Felix Da Housecat
- Fellaheen
- Fellow Travellers, The
- Fells, The
- Felt Ups
- Female Troubles
- Fence
- Fender, Freddy
- Fender Benders
- Fender IV
- Ferrer, Ibrahim
- Ferryboat Bill
- Fertility Rite Brothers, The
- Fervid
- Festering Rinyanyons
- Festermen, The
- Fetish 69
- Fever
- Feverdream
- Fevers, The
- Few
- Fey Gods
- Fezmen
- FF
- F-Hole
- Field Day
- Field Mice, The
- Field Music
- Field Trip, The
- Fields, Ernie
- Fieldstones, he
- Fiends, The
- Fiery Furnaces
- Fifi & The Mach III
- Fifth Column
- Fifty Foot Combo
- Fig Dish
- Figbash
- Fighting Cause
- Film, The
- Filthy Animals
- Filthy Jim
- Final Approach
- Final Benson
- Final Solutions
- Fine Lines, Thee
- Fine Young Cannibals
- Finegan, Kevin
- Finger
- Fingers, The
- Finkers, The
- Fink-Muncx Nine
- Finks, The
- Fip Placard
- Fire Below
- Fire Department, The
- Fire Dept
- Fire Engine
- Fire Engines
- Fire In The Kitchen
- Fireball, The
- Fireball Ministry
- Fireballs
- Fireballs Of Freedom
- Firebirds, The
- Fireflies, The
- Fireside
- Fireworks
- Fir-Ju Well, A
- First Four, The
- First Things First
- First Time
- Fischmob
- Fish & Roses
- Fish Faces, The
- Fishbone
- Fishcats
- Fisher, Harvey Sid
- Fishnet Stockings
- Fishstick
- Fishwife
- Fisk, Steve
- Fisk Condo Trust
- Fisting Kings
- Fitch, Steve
- Fitt, The
- Fitts, The
- Fitz Of Depression
- Five Car Pile Up
- Five Du-Tones, The
- Five Horse Johnson
- Five Keys, The
- Five More
- Five Notes, The
- Five O'Clock Heroes
- Five Of A Kind
- Five Royales
- Five Works
- Fix, The
- Fixed Focus, The
- Fixed Up
- Fixtures
- Fizzleheads, The
- Fizzy Bangers, The
- Flag Of Democracy
- Flake Music
- Flakes, The
- Flames
- Flamin' Groovies, The
- Flamin' Werepigs
- Flaming Lips
- Flaming Sideburns, The
- Flaming Telepath
- Flan System, Le
- Flander Us
- Flanders, The
- Flanelon Crash
- Flapjacks, The
- Flaschen
- Flash Bastard
- Flash Express, The
- Flashback Five
- Flashback V
- Flashcubes, The
- Flat Duo Jets, The
- Flathead
- Flatliners
- Flavour'dish
- Flea
- Fleabag
- Fleas & Lice
- Fleetwood Mac
- Flemings
- Flesh Columns
- Flesh Eaters, The
- Flesh Lights
- Flesh Vehicle
- Fleshtones, The
- Flexa Lyndo
- Flies, The
- Flight
- Flim Flam Man
- Flintales, The
- Flintbones
- Flip Tops, The
- Flipper
- Flipping Hades
- Flips, The
- Flipside
- Flirtations, The
- Flirts, The
- Floor
- Floor Nine
- Floors
- Flop
- Florian Wolff
- Florian Wollf
- Flossie And The Unicorns
- Flour
- Flower
- Flower Leperds
- Flowermulu
- Floyd, Gary
- FloydEddie
- Floyds Of Flatbush, The
- Fluf
- Fluffer
- Fluffy Kitty
- Fluffy Lumbers
- Fluid, The
- Flux
- Flux Information Sciences
- Fly Ashtray
- Fly Pan Am
- Fly Trap One Girl Band, The
- Flying Color
- Flying Crap
- Flying Dutchmen, The
- Flying Embryo's, The
- Flying Lizards
- Flying Luttenbachers, The
- Flying Nuns, The
- Flying Over
- Flying Saucer
- Flying Saucer Attack
- Flying Saucers
- Flynn, Johnny
- Flypped Whigs, The
- Flyte Reaction
- Flytrap
- FM Knives
- F-Minus
- Foals
- Focus
- Foetus
- Foetus Inc.
- Foggy Mental Breakdown
- Foil
- Fokkewolf
- Fold, The
- Folk Implosion, The
- Follow, The
- Fonda 500
- Fondas, The
- Fontana
- Foo Fighters
- Food
- Fools Fatal
- For Carnation
- For Stars
- For The Day
- Forbidden Book, Jason
- Forbidden Books
- Forbidden Dimension
- Forbidden Tigers
- Forcis
- Ford
- Ford's Imaginary Inferno
- Foreheads, The
- Foreign Legion
- Foreign Objects, The
- Foreskin 500
- Forgery Series, The
- Forgotten, The
- Forgotten Rebels
- Fork
- Forkeye
- Formula 69
- Forstella Ford
- Fort Mary
- Fortune & Maltese
- Fortune Seekers
- Forty-Fives, The
- Foster, Josephine
- Fotheringay
- Four Easy Pieces
- Four Eyes, The
- Four Flamingos
- Four Instants, The
- Four Lads
- Four Letter Words
- Four Limiters
- Four One And Only's
- Four Piece Suit
- Four Playboys
- Four Slicks, The
- Four Tet
- Four Volts
- Four'n'Giv'r
- Fourstroke
- Fowley, Kim
- Fox, Sue P.
- Fox The Fox
- Foxations, The
- Foxx, The
- Foxy
- Fracas
- Fragile
- Framed, The
- Frames, The
- Frampton Brothers
- France Has The Bomb
- Francis, Connie
- Francis Harold And The Holograms
- François, Claude
- Frank, Bob
- Frank Boeijen Groep
- Frank Motley & His Motley Crue
- Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13
- Frankie & The S.E.M.M.
- Frankie Rose & Imperials
- Frankie Rose And The Outs
- Frankie St. John & The Starfires
- Frankie The Damage
- Frans, The
- Frantic
- Frantic V, The
- Frantics, The
- Frantics, The
- Frantics Four
- Frantix, The
- Franz
- Franz Ferdinand
- Fraser, Elizabeth
- Fratellis, The
- Frau Matusche
- Frausdots
- Freak
- Freak Out
- Freaking Farmer Boys
- Freaks
- Freakwater
- Freddie Fingers Lee
- Freddy & The Fruitloops
- Freddy And The Four-Gone Conclusions
- Freddy Lynxx & The Corner Gang
- Free Kitten
- Free Moral Agents
- Freebird
- Freebooting Profiteers
- Freedom Fighters
- Freeloaders
- Freeman, Bobby
- Freemasons
- Freestahlers
- Freestone
- Freestyle Fabrik
- Freestylers
- Freeway Jackals
- Freewheeler
- Freeze
- Freeze Baby
- Fregaplatos, Los
- French B
- French Church, The
- Frenchy
- Frenetics
- Frenzal Rhomb
- Fresh & Onlys, The
- Fresh American Lamb
- Friday Knights
- Fridge
- Friends Of Dean Martinez
- Frigg A-Go-Go
- Friggs, The
- Frightwig
- Frill
- Fringe
- Frizzell, Lefty
- Frizzle Sizzle
- Frogger
- Froggers
- Frogs
- From Monument To Masses
- From Outer Space
- Frontation
- Frontier Scouts
- Frostbite
- Frosted
- Fruit Bat
- Fruit Cocktail
- Fruitcake
- Fruitcake
- Frumpies
- Frustration
- Frustrations
- Frustrations
- FSK/David Lowery
- F'Stein
- Fu Manchu
- Fuck
- Fuck Buttons
- Fuck School
- Fuck The Writer
- Fuck Ups
- Fuckboyz
- Fucked Frikis, The
- Fucked Up
- Fuckemos, The
- Fuckers
- Fuckface
- Fucking Champs, The
- Fucking Eagles
- Fucking Machines
- Fuck-Off Machete
- Fuckpriest Fantastic
- Fuckups, De
- Fuck-Ups
- Fudds
- Fudge
- Fugazi
- Fugitives
- Fugs
- Fugue, The
- Fuknotz, The
- Fulks, Robbie
- Full Bores
- Full Flavoured Dip
- Full Time Kings
- Fullblown
- Fuller, Bobby
- Fuller, Johnny
- Fulsom, Lowell
- Fumes, The
- Fumestones
- Fun People
- Fun Things
- Functional Blackouts, The
- Funeral Oration
- Fungi Girls
- Funhouse
- Funkadelic
- Funky Porcini
- Funny Dunny
- Funseekers
- Fur
- Furies, The
- Furious Car Thieves
- Furniture Huschle
- Furry Things
- Further
- Further Seems Forever
- Furtips
- Fury ... Heat!, The
- Fury 161
- Fury 66
- Fury III
- Fury Of The Headteachers
- Fuse
- Fuse!, The
- Fuses
- Futureheads, The
- Fuxa
- Fuzz Factor
- Fuzzbubble
- Fuzzface
- Fuzztones, The
- F-Word
- G, Craig
- G Project
- G.H.F.
- G.U.T.
- Gabbiani
- Gabe & Amy Show, The
- Gabriel & His Angels
- Gabriel & The Angels
- Gadget
- Gadjits, The
- Gaffer
- Gaffer Hexam
- Gagfactors, The
- Gags, The
- Gain, The
- Gaines, Roy
- Gainsbourg, Serge
- Gaji
- Gaki Deka
- Galaboochees
- Galactic Blasters
- Galactic Heroes
- Galactic Inmate
- Galatasaray
- Galaxie 500
- Galaxy Trio
- Galbraith, Alastair
- Gallagher, Noel
- Gallagher, Liam
- Gallara
- Gallery
- Gallon Drunk
- Gamble, Johnny
- Gambling Sounds
- Game For Vultures
- Gameface
- Gamma Men
- Gamma Ray
- Gang Bang
- Gang Of Four, The
- Gang Of Saints, The
- Ganger
- Ganiman & His Orientals
- Ganim's Asia Minors
- Gaping Wounds
- Garage 13
- Garage Monsters
- Garage Rats
- Garagekid, Thee
- Garageland
- Garbage
- Garbage Whores
- Gardner, Jacco
- Gardner
- Gare Du Nord
- Gargoyle, Lance
- Gargoyles
- Garina Sem Vagina
- Garlic Frog Diet
- Garment Bladder
- Garner, Sue
- Garrison, Sean
- Garvin, Rex
- Gary Hodge
- Gary Lou Pico
- Gas Babies
- Gas Huffer
- Gas Money
- Gash, The
- Gashly Snub
- Gasolheads
- Gasoline
- Gastr Del Sol
- Gate
- Gate, The
- Gathering, The
- Gatos Locos, Los
- Gauchos, The
- Gaunt
- Gauze
- Gaven Dianda
- Gaye, Marvin
- Gaye Blades
- Gaylads, The
- Gaynighters, The
- Gay-Pride, Charlie
- Gaza Strippers
- Gaze
- Gazelles!
- Gazoonga Attack
- GC5, The
- Gear, The
- Gear Jammer
- Geargrinders, The
- Gears, The
- Gecko Brothers, The
- Geddes, Sven-Erik
- Gee, Marsha
- Gee Strings, The
- Gee Tees
- Geechie Wiley And Elvie Thomas
- Gee-Gees, The
- Geek
- Geeks, The
- Geesin, Dan
- Geezers, The
- Gels
- Gem
- Gem
- Gems
- Gen Ken
- Genau
- Gene Crazed
- Gene Gray & The Stingerays
- Gene La Marr And His Blue Flames
- Gene Maltais & The Flat Duo Jets
- Gene Summers & The Rebels
- Genepool
- Generation Fuck
- Generation W/ Monica Nelson
- Generation X
- Generators, The
- Genetiks
- Genteels
- Gentle Ben And His Sensitive Side
- Gentle Waves, The
- Gentleman Callers, The
- Gentleman Jesse
- Gentleman Jesse & His Men
- Gentlemen
- Gentrys
- Geometrya
- Georges Leningrad, Les
- Georgia And Ira
- Geraldine
- Geraldine Fibbers
- Geriatrix
- Gerling
- Germ Attack
- German Art Students, The
- Germs, The
- Gerry Alvarez Odyssey, The
- Gerry Fiander & The Stripes
- Gersey
- Gert Wilden & Orchestra
- Gestures
- Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly
- Get Down Syndrome
- Get Lost!
- Get The Hell Out Of The Way Of The Volcano
- Get Up Kids, The
- Getaway Car
- Ghastly Ones, The
- Gheestenland
- Ghetto Ways
- Ghost
- Ghost Club, The
- Ghost Of Rock, The
- Ghost Rocket
- Ghostwriter
- Ghoulies, The
- Ghoultown
- Giant Ass
- Giant Dog, A
- Giant Penguins, The
- Giant Robots
- Giant Sand
- Giant Squid
- Giants, The
- Gibson Bros.
- Gibson Bros. & Workdogs & Barry Hayden
- Giddy Motors
- Gideon Smith & The Dixie Damned
- Gifford, Barry
- Gigolo Aunts
- Gila Monster
- Gilgamesh
- Giljoteens, The
- Gilmore, Jimmie Dale
- Gimmicks, The
- Gimmies, The
- Gimp Disco
- Gimrack
- Gin Palace, The
- Ginferno
- Ginger
- Ginger Ninja
- Gingersol
- Giraffes, The
- Girl
- Girl Bombs
- Girl Monster
- Girl Trouble
- Girlies
- Girls, The
- Girls Against Boys
- Girls At Dawn
- Girls From 62
- Girlschool
- Girly Machine
- Gitbox!
- Gito Gito Hustler
- Gits, The
- Give Up The Ghost
- Give-Ups
- Gizmos, The
- Glad
- Glads, The
- Glamour Ghouls
- Glamour Puss
- Glamour Pussies, The
- Glass Candy And The Shattered Theatre
- Glass Insects
- Glazed
- Glazed Baby
- Glazers, The
- Glenister
- Glenrays
- Glenrustles
- Gli Ultimi
- Glitter, Gary
- Glitters
- Glorious Day
- Glorium
- Gloryholes, The
- Gloss
- Glossines, The
- Glow, The
- Glow In The Dark Monsters, The
- Glow Kit
- Gluck, Jeremy
- Gluecifer
- Gluemen, The
- G-Men, The
- Gnats, The
- Gnats
- Gnjevni Crv (Ko Majke)
- Gnome
- Gnomes Of Zurich
- Gnostics, The
- Gnu
- Go, The
- Go Devils
- Go Generation
- Go Sailor
- Go Team, The
- Go To Blazes
- Goat Boy
- Goatsnake
- Gob
- Go-Betweens
- Goblings, The
- Goblins, The
- God And Texas
- God Bullies
- God Is My Co-Pilot
- God Knows The Absence
- Godard, Vic
- Goddammits, The
- Goddamn Gentlemen, The
- Go-Devils, The
- Godflesh
- Godheadsilo
- God's Acre
- God's America
- Gods Chosen Dealers
- God's Eye
- God's Favorite Band
- Godspeed You ! Black Emperor
- Godstar
- Godworst
- Godzik Pink
- Godzillas
- Godzuki
- Goede Doel, Het
- Goggle-A
- Gogogo Airheart
- Gogoman & The Players
- Go-Go's, The
- Going South
- Gold Chains
- Goldblade
- Golden Arms
- Golden Balls
- Golden Boys
- Golden Catalinas, The
- Golden Earring
- Golden Error, The
- Golden Guineas, The
- Golden Palominos, The
- Golden Showers
- Golden Smog
- Golden Strings
- Golden Triangle
- Golden Virgins, The
- Golden Zombies, Los
- Goldentones, The
- Goldfrapp
- Goldie Lookin' Chain
- Goldsmith, Jerry
- Golightly, Holly
- Golightly And The Brokeoffs, Holly
- Golliwogs
- Gomez
- Gomm
- Gondolier
- Gone
- Gone Bald
- Goners, The
- Gonks, The
- Go-Nuts
- Gonzales
- Gonzalez, José
- Goo Goo Dolls
- Goober & The Peas
- Goober Patrol
- Goochers, The
- Good Brothers, The
- Good Horsey
- Good Lads, The
- Good Riddance
- Good Shoes
- Good Sons, The
- Good The Bad, The
- Good, The Bad & The Queen, The
- Good, The Bad And The Ugly, The
- GoodBooks
- Goodboys
- Goodbye Gemini
- Goodbye Planet
- Goodchilde, CD
- Goodnight Loving
- Goofball
- Gooloo
- Goons, The
- Goosewind
- Gord Disley
- Gordon, Rachel
- Gordon, Rosco
- Gordon, Jimmy
- Gore Gore Girls
- Gorgeous, The
- Gorgons, The
- Gories
- Gorilla
- Gorilla
- Gorka Secta & The Safety Pins
- Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
- Gorls, The
- Gospel Swingers, The
- Gossamer Years, The
- Gossip
- Gotcha!
- GoThiefs, The
- Gotohells, The
- Gotye
- Gourds, The
- Gowanus Canal Boys
- Gown
- Grabba Grabba Tape
- Grabbies, The
- Grace Brother
- Graceland
- Graf Zahl
- Graffiti Island
- Grafton
- Graham, Jon Dee
- Graham Day & The Gaolers
- Graig Markel
- Grains, The
- Grains Of Sand, The
- Grammers, The
- Grand Funk Railroad
- Grand Island, The
- Grand Ole Party
- Grand Preez, The
- Grand Prixx
- Grand Strategy Trio
- Grand Trine
- Grandaddy
- Grande Cobra
- Granja, La
- Grannies, The
- Granny's Hole
- Grant, Eddy
- Grapes Of Wrath
- Grasmøajer
- Grasmoawer
- Grasp
- Grass Roots, The
- Grass Widow
- Grates, The
- Grave Blankets
- Gravediggers
- Gravediggers, The
- Gravel
- Gravel Samwidge
- Graven Image
- Graverobbers
- Graves, The
- Gravestone Four, The
- Gravestones, The
- Graveyard School
- Gravitar
- Gravity Keeps The Hours
- Gravy Boys, The
- Grease Monkeys
- Greasy Chickens
- Great Brain
- Great Lake Swimmers
- Great Mongoose, The
- Great Plains
- Great Reunion, The
- Great Unraveling
- Great Unwashed
- Great White
- Greathead Briggs
- Greedy Guts
- Green
- Green, Rudy
- Green, Al
- Green Chair, The
- Green Circles
- Green Day
- Green Goblyn Project, The
- Green Hornet
- Green Hornets, The
- Green Machine
- Green Magnet School
- Green Monsters
- Green On Red
- Green Pajamas, The
- Green River
- Green Telescope
- Greenfish
- Greenhorn
- Greenhornes, The
- Greg Hisky And His Dixie Whiskey Boys
- Greg Lowery With Metal Mike
- Greg Oblivian & The Tip Tops
- Gregory, Troy
- Greif, Randy
- Gremmies, The
- Grenadine
- Gretsch, The
- Grey, Dorian
- Grey, Rudolph
- Grey Spikes
- Grief
- Griefs, The
- Grieving Eucalyptus
- Grievous Angels
- Griffin, Robert
- Griffin, Sid
- Griffin
- Griffith, Andy
- Grifs
- Grifters
- Grimble
- Grimble Wedge
- Grimorio
- Grimple
- Grinderman
- Grindin Teeth
- Grinners, The
- Grippah, Bud
- Grips, The
- Gris Gris, The
- Grisapan
- Grisly Ghosts Of Guy, The
- Grizzly Adams Band, The
- Grizzly Family
- Grobbebol
- Groenewoud
- Groep 1850
- Grogdogs
- Grom's Rage
- Grönmark, Mats
- Groop, The
- Groop Dogdrill
- Groot, Boudewijn De
- Groove Armada
- Groovers, The
- Groovers, The
- Grooves N Juice
- Groovie Ghoulies
- Groovies, The
- Gropers, The
- Ground Round
- Ground Zero
- Groundhogs
- Groundshaker
- Grouper
- Grouse Mountain Skyride
- Grouser
- Grout
- Grown Up Wrongs
- Grown Ups, The
- Grubworm
- Grudges, The
- Gruesomes
- Grundies
- Grunge Lite
- Gruntruck
- Gruppo Sportivo
- G's
- G-Spot Tornados
- Guana Batz, The
- Guano Apes
- Guapo
- Guaranteed Ugly
- Guardian Angel
- Guardinias
- Guards, The
- Guerilla Tapestry
- Guess Who, The
- Guffey
- Guided By Voices
- Guiding Genius
- Guillemots
- Guilloteens, The
- Guilty Hearts, The
- Guilty Pleasures, The
- Guinea Worm
- Guinea Worms
- Guinny Vamps
- Guitar
- Guitar Fucker
- Guitar Gangsters
- Guitar Magazine
- Guitar Wolf
- Gullit, Ruud
- Gumball
- Gummit
- Gun Club, The
- Gun Crazy
- Gunner, Jim
- Gun-Shy Ministers
- Gunter, Arthur
- Gus
- Gus Gus
- Gustav Diesel
- Gustav Temple & The Blades
- Gut
- Gut Piston
- Gut Reactions
- Gutbucket
- Guthrie, Woody
- Guts, The
- Gutter Queens
- Gutterboys, The
- Guttermouth
- Guttersnipes
- Gutterville Splendor Six, The
- Guv'ner
- Guvnors, The
- Guzzard
- Guzzlers
- Gwenmars
- Gyogun Rend's
- Gypsy Witch
- H. Oilers
- H.P. Zinker
- H2O
- Haberdasher
- Habitual Sex Offenders
- Hack Mack Jackson
- Hackensaw Boys
- Hacker
- Hacks, The
- Haeckefløsse
- Hagfish
- Haggard, The
- Haggard, Merle
- Hagstrom, Emil
- Hai Karate
- Hail Mary
- Hairy Fairies
- Hairy Love Gum
- Hairy Patt Band
- Hairy Pie
- Hal
- Halben Sterne, Die
- Hale, Terry Lee
- Haley, Bill
- Half Empty
- Half Japanese
- Half Man
- Halfbeats
- Halfbreeds
- Half-Pint & The Fifths
- Halfway
- Halfways, The
- Hall, Marcellus
- Hall, John S.
- Hall Of Fame
- Hallmarks
- Hallo Venray
- Halo
- Halo Benders, The
- Halo Of Flies
- Halo Of Kitten
- Halo Star
- Halsema, Frans
- Hamburger, Neil
- Hamicks, The
- Hamilton, Danny
- Hammer, Jack
- Hammerbox
- Hammercocks
- Hammerdown Turpentine
- Hammerhai
- Hammerhead
- Hammerlock
- Hampshire, Childish
- Hanari Kyoku & The Snipers
- Hancock, Wayne The Train
- Hancock, Butch
- Hand Over Head
- Handful Of Dust, A
- Hands, The
- Hands Of Time
- Handsome 3Some
- Handsome Dick Man-itoba
- Handsome Family
- Handsome Stranglers
- Hang Left Devil
- Hangee V, The
- Hangers-On, The
- Hanggai
- Hangmen, The
- Hangmen, The
- Hangnail
- Hangouts, The
- Hangover
- Hangovers, The
- Hang-Ups, The
- Hank
- Hank Ballard And The Midnighters
- Hank McCoy & The Dead Ringers
- Hanna, Kathleen
- Hanner, Gilly Ann
- Hanoi Rocks
- Hans Condor
- Hanson, Jeff
- Hanson Brothers
- Hanzasport
- Happy Campers
- Happy Dead Men
- Happy Elf
- Happy Family, A
- Happy Flowers
- Happy Grindcore
- Happy Hate Me Nots
- Happy Mondays
- Happy Supply
- Happy Thoughts, The
- Har Mar Superstar
- Hara-Kee-Rees, The
- Harcourt, Ed
- Hard Feelings, The
- Hard Skin
- Hard Times
- Hardcastle, Paul
- Hardcore Superstar
- Hardin, Tim
- Hard-Ons
- Hardrock Gunter With The Dalhart Imperials
- Hardship
- Hardship Post
- Harem Scarem
- Hargreaves, Silky
- Harlem
- Harpo, Slim
- Harries, The
- Harriet The Spy
- Harris, Mark
- Harris, Herb
- Harris, Jason
- Harrison, Jerry
- Harrison, Trey
- Harrisons
- Harry Carey
- Harry Hunks
- Harry Pussy
- Harvey, PJ
- Hash Jar Tempo
- Hash Palace
- Haskels, The
- Hasselhoff Experiment, The
- Hastings, Dave
- Hatchbacks, The
- Hatchet, Molly
- Hate Bombs, The
- Hateball
- Hated
- Hatepinks, The
- Hater
- Hatfields, The
- Hattifatteners
- Haunted Garage
- Haunted George
- Haunted Head
- Haunted Henschel
- Haunted House
- Havana Affairs, The
- Havana Rag Dolls
- Haven
- Havenot's, The
- Haves
- Havox, The
- Hawaiians
- Hawaiis, The
- Hawkins, Dale
- Hawkwind
- Hawley, Richard
- Hawthorne Heights
- Haymarket Riot
- Haynes Boys, The
- Hayseed Dixie
- Haywards, The
- Haywood
- HaywoodJoe
- Hazard County Girls
- Hazel
- Hazeldine
- Hazelwood, Lee
- Hazmats
- Head
- Head And The Hares
- Head Cheese
- Head Set, tHE
- Headache City
- Headaches
- Headbutt
- Headcleaner
- Headcoatees, Thee
- Headcoats, Thee
- Headgrenade
- Headlice
- Headliner
- Headliners
- Headliners, The
- Headlong
- HeadQuarters
- Headroom
- Heads, The
- Headswim
- Heartaches
- Heartattacks, The
- Heartbeeps
- Heartbreak Engines
- Heartbreakers, The
- Heartburns, The
- Heartdrops, The
- Heartworms
- Heathens
- Heather Leather
- Heats, The
- Heatseekers, The
- Heaven 'N' Hell
- Heaven Shall Burn
- Heavenly
- Heavens To Betsy
- Heavy Balloon
- Heavy Johnson Trio
- Heavy Times
- Heavy Trash
- Heb Frueman
- Heck, Linda
- Hecklers, The
- Hectics
- Hedgecreep
- Hedonists
- Heels, The
- Heffern, Gary
- Hefner
- Hefners, The
- Hefti, Neil
- Heideroosjes, De
- Heights, The
- Heim
- Heino
- Heinz Krämer - Werner Hornig Sextett
- Hekawis, The
- Helen And The Horns
- Helen Love
- Helen Wheels And The Skeleton Crew
- Helgoland
- Helio Sequence, The
- Helios Creed
- Helium
- Hell Brains
- Hell Brothers
- Hell Caminos
- Hell Candidates
- Hell Cows, Thee
- Hell Crab City
- Hell Driver
- Hell Is For Heroes
- Hell Mach 4
- Hell Mach Four
- Hellacopters, The
- Hellbender
- Hellbenders
- Hellbillys, The
- Hellboys
- Hellcats, The
- Helldiver
- Helldorado
- Helldorado
- Hellenic Zeal
- Hellions, The
- Hellmen
- Hellmenn, The
- Hello Cuca
- Hello=Fire
- Hellon
- Hellride
- Hellroute 16
- Hells, The
- Hell's Belles
- Hellside Stranglers
- Hellstomper
- Hellsuckers
- Hellvis
- Hellworms
- Helmet
- Help She Can't Swim
- Helsingfors Prostitutes, The
- Helvis & Hellvettes
- Hemi
- Hemi Cuda
- Hemphill, Jessie Mae
- Hems
- Henchmen
- Hendricks, Karl
- Hendricks, James
- Hendrix, Jimi
- Henkus
- Henry, Joe
- Henry And June
- Henry Fïats Open Sore
- Hentchmen, The
- Her Fault
- Her Majesty's Buzz
- Her Majesty's Finest
- Her Space Holiday
- Heralds, The
- Herd, The
- Here Comes a Big Black Cloud!!
- Heretics, The
- Herman Brood & His Wild Romance
- Herman The German With Toni Price
- Herman's Hermits
- Hermits, The
- Heroin
- Heroine Sheiks, The
- Heromakers, The
- Hero-X
- Herr Seele & The Four One And Only's
- Herschel Steamdonkey
- Hersh, Kristen
- Heshey Squirts
- Hesitations
- Het
- Hètten Dès
- Hetty Blok En Leen Jongewaard
- Hex, The
- Hex Dispensers, The
- Hey Gravity!
- Heyday!
- H-Hour
- Hi Fi Guys
- Hi God People
- Hiatt, Chris
- Hiatus
- Hibachi Stranglers, The
- Hickey
- Hickoids
- Hicktown Heroes, The
- Hidden Cameras, The
- Hidden Charms
- Hides
- Hi-Fi Killers (The)
- Hi-Fives, The
- High Beams
- High Dependency Unit With Shayne Carter
- High Fives, The
- High Heeled Honeys, The
- High Numbers
- High On Fire
- High Plane Drifters, The
- High Priests
- High School Sweethearts
- High Society, The
- High Strung, The
- High Technology Suicide
- High Tension Wires
- High Tide
- High Time
- Higher Elevations, The
- Higher State, The
- Higher Than God
- Highlander Two's, The
- Highlights, The
- Highschool Hellcats
- Highschool Rockers, The
- Highscore
- Hightower, Donna
- Highway Strippers
- Higschool Dropouts
- Hi-Lights
- Hill, Lauryn
- Hill, Crag
- Hill, Bunker
- Hillbilly Frankenstein
- Hillbilly Nightmare
- Hillbilly Werewolf
- Hilliard, Jess
- Hillside Stranglers
- Him
- Him And The Others
- Hindal Butts And The Specialists
- Hint
- Hip Priests, The
- Hip Young Things
- Hipbone Slim And The Knee Tremblers
- Hippies, The
- Hippodrome
- Hippopotamus-Project 3
- Hippriests
- Hips
- Hipshakes
- Hipsters
- Hired Guns, The
- Hiroshima Rocks Around
- His Electro Blue Voice
- His Name Is Alive · Little Princess
- Hissyfits, The
- Hi-Standard
- Hitch
- Hitch Vs. Pol
- Hitchcock, Robyn
- Hitchin' Post
- Hitler's Clones
- Hi-Tone Destroyers
- Hives, The
- Hi-Watts
- Hobo Sounds
- Hockeyrockjes
- Ho'Dogs, The
- Hoe Inu
- Hoehn, Tommy
- Hoffs, Susanna
- Hog Molly
- Holden Payne & the Agonies
- Holding On
- Hole
- Hole In The Head
- Holes, The
- Holez, The
- Holiday, Billie
- Holiday
- Holland, Eddie
- Holler
- Holliday, Billie
- Hollies, The
- Hollow Grinders, The
- Hollow Points, The
- Holloway, Brenda
- Holloway, James
- Holloways, The
- Hollowmen
- Hollows, The
- Holly, Buddy
- Holly & The Italians
- Holly Golightly & Billy Childish
- Holly Golightly & Dan Melchior
- Holly Golightly & The Greenhornes
- Hollydump
- HollyGolightly
- Hollywood
- Hollywood Argyles, The
- Hollywood Brats
- Hollywood Hate
- Hollywood Persuaders, The
- Hollywood Playboys
- Hollywood Sinners
- Hollywood Teasze
- Hollywoods, The
- Holmes, Artie
- Holograms, The
- Holsappel
- Holstein, Lena
- Holstein, Lisa
- Holstein, Felix
- Holy Cobras
- Holy Curse
- Holy Ghost Revival
- Holy Grail
- Holy Kiss, The
- Holy Molar
- Holy Mother
- Holy Rollers
- Holy Sheep
- Holy Shit
- Holy Snakers
- Holy Soul, The
- Holy Terror, The
- Holzapfel, Lars
- Home
- Home Alone
- Home Blitz
- Homer Henderson
- Homewreckers
- Homoplastik
- Homostupids
- Hondells, The
- Honey
- Honey Don't
- Honeymoon Habit
- Honeymoon Killers
- Honeyrider
- Honk, Wail, And Moan
- Honkeys, The
- Honky
- Honor Role
- Honor System, The
- Hood
- Hoodoo Gurus
- Hoods, The
- Hoodwinks, The
- Hooftpijn
- Hooker, William
- Hooker, John Lee
- Hookers, The
- Hoosegow
- Hooterville Trolley, The
- Hootowls, The
- Hope Of The States
- Hopes, The
- Hopkin, Mary
- Horace Pinker
- Horehounds
- Hormonas
- Hormonauts, The
- Hormones, The
- Hornets, Los
- Horny Genius
- Horny Mormons
- Horror Of 59
- Horrors, The
- Horrors, The
- Horton, Johnny
- Horton Brothers, The
- Horvitz, Wayne
- Hose
- Hospital Bombers
- Hospitals, The
- Hoss
- Hot Boogie Chillun
- Hot Chip
- Hot Chocolate
- Hot Club De Paris
- Hot Damn
- Hot Dogs
- Hot Dogs!, The
- Hot Flowers
- Hot Hot Heat
- Hot Little Number
- Hot Machines
- Hot Monkey
- Hot Pockets, The
- Hot Puppies, The
- Hot Rod Circuit
- Hot Rod Honeys, The
- Hot Rod Lunatics
- Hot Shots
- Hot Snakes
- Hot Stove Jimmy
- Hot Water Music
- Hotbox
- Hotel Pistol
- Hotel Wrecking City Traders
- Hotrails, The
- Hotwire Titans
- Hotwires, The
- Hound Dogs
- House, Ron
- House, Son
- House Of Destructo, The
- House Of Large Sizes
- House Of Love
- House Williams
- Howard, Jack
- Howie Butler & The Reflections
- Howl' Bee Gas Howl
- Howland, Don
- Howle, Danielle
- Howlin' Andy Hound
- Howlin' Houndog & The Infamous Loosers
- Howlin Rain
- Howlin' Wolf
- Howling Bells
- Howling Hex, The
- Hows & The Mad Men
- Hubble Bubble
- Hubcap City
- Hudson Falcons
- Hue Blanc's Joyless Ones
- Huevos, Los
- Huevos Rancheros
- Huggin' Wayne
- Huggy Bear
- Hugh Beaumont Experience
- Hugo Race & True Spirit
- Huilende Rappers, De
- Hukedicht
- Hulks, Les
- Hullabaloo
- Hully Gully Boys, The
- Human Alert
- Human Beinz
- Human Egg
- Human Electrics
- Human Expression, The
- Human Eye
- Human Factor-y
- Human Monster
- Humans, The
- Humans, The
- Humanzi
- Humble Warrior
- Humpers, The
- Hunch, The
- Hunchback
- Hunchbacks, The
- Hunches, The
- Hunchmen, The
- Hundley, Phil
- Hundred Million Martians
- Hundred Reasons
- Hunger, The
- Hunger Farm
- Hungry I
- Huns, The
- Hunt, Tommy
- Hunt, The
- Hunter, Sonya
- Hunters, The
- Huntington Cads, The
- Huntingtons
- Huntsmen, The
- Hunx and His Punx
- Hurl
- Hurley, Michael
- Hurricane #1
- Hurricanes
- Hurt Process, The
- Husbands, The
- Hush Harbor
- Hush Puppies
- Hüsker Dü
- Huskies, The
- Husky, Ferlin
- Hussy, The
- Huxton Creepers
- Hybrid Mutants
- Hydeouts, The
- Hydes, The
- Hydrofish
- Hydrogen Terrors, Thee
- Hydro-Guru
- Hydromatics
- Hydrovibe
- Hymans, The
- Hymies, The
- Hyper Kinako
- Hypnolovewheel
- Hypnomen
- Hypnos 69
- Hypnotics, Thee
- Hysteric Narcotics
- I Against
- I Against I
- I Am Kloot
- I Am Oak
- I Am Spoonbender
- I Can Lick Any Sonofabitch In The House
- I Defy
- I Had An Inkling
- I Kissed Charles
- I Love Poland
- I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness
- I Monelli
- I Spit On Your Gravy
- I Spy
- I Walk The Line
- I.C.A.
- I.D.K
- I.N.F.A.
- I-45
- Iacocca
- Ian & The Barnetts
- Ian Parry And Kamelot
- I-Attack
- Icarus Line, The
- Ice Nine
- Ice Strummer & The Mescaleros
- Ice-T
- Icky Joey
- Ida
- Idea Fire Company
- Ideal Social Structure
- Ideals
- Idée Du Nord
- I-Dep
- Ides Of March, The
- Idgit
- Idiot
- Idiot Police, The
- Idiotas, Los
- Idiots
- Idle Times
- Idlewild
- Idol, Billy
- Idyls
- Ifihadahifi
- Iggy And The Stooges
- Iggy Pop & James Williamson
- Ignition
- Ignorance Park
- Ignoranus
- Iguanas, The
- Ik Jan Cremers, The
- Ikara Colt
- Ill Remembered
- Illegal Movers, The
- Illusion Of Safety
- Illusions
- I'm Being Good
- Images
- Imaginary Icons
- Immaculate Hearts
- Immediates, The
- Immortal Lee County Killers, The
- Impact Test
- Impala
- Impe, Dr. Jack Van
- Implosions
- Imposibles, Los
- Impossibles, The
- Imps, The
- In Between Noise
- In Cold Blood
- In The Shade Of Tomorrow
- Incapables, Les
- Incense
- Incisions, The
- Inciters, The
- In'Citers, The
- Incompétents, Les
- Incredible Kings
- Incredible Not Of This Earth & His Famous Booboos, The
- Incubators, The
- Indecision Alarm, The
- Independents, The
- Indian Bingo
- Indian Casino And Jail Hippies
- Indian Jewelry
- Indian Wars
- Indikation, The
- Individuals
- Industrial Skyline
- Industry Girl
- Infadels
- Infamous Menagerie
- Infamous Scientists
- Infections, The
- Infernos, Los
- Infested
- Infidels, The
- Inflatable Men
- Inflicted
- Informatics, The
- Inhalants, The
- Injections, The
- Ink
- Ink & Dagger
- Inkoma
- Inland Emperors
- Inmates
- Inneke 23
- Innocence Mission, The
- Innung, Die
- INP$
- Insaints, The
- Insanity Wave
- Insect, The
- Insect Feelings
- Insect Sex Act
- Insect Surfers
- Insects, The
- In-Sekt, The
- Inside Out
- Insomniacs, The
- Inspector 12
- Instigators, The
- Instil
- Instrümental
- Instrumentals, The
- Integrity
- Intellectuals, The
- Intelligence, The
- Intercontinental Playboys, The
- Internal/External
- International House Of Karen
- International Karate Plus, The
- International Language
- International Robot
- Interns
- Interpol
- Interstate 4
- Interstate Leisure Kings
- Interstater
- Intima
- Intimate Fags, The
- Int'l Shades
- Intoxica
- Intro5pect
- Introducers
- Intruders, The
- Intwine
- Invaders
- Invalids
- Invasion
- Inversions, The
- Invictas
- Invisible Eyes
- Invisible Men, The
- Invisible Surfers, The
- Iovan, Deanne
- Iowa Beef Experience
- Ira Allen
- Irene Moors & De Smurfen
- Iron & Wine
- Iron Maiden
- Iron Monkey
- Iron Prostate
- Iron Savior
- Iron Sheiks
- Ironboss
- Irritations, The
- Irving Klaws
- Irwin, Catherine
- Isaak, Chris
- Isebel's Pain, The
- Ishkabibble
- Isles, The
- Isley Brothers
- Isotope 217
- Issues, The
- It Burns
- It Dockumer Lokaeltsje
- Itch
- Itch, The
- Its Not Rocket Science
- It's OK
- It's Us
- Ivan Pongracic w/ Ed Abolins & Eric Ebeling
- Ivories, The
- Ivy Green
- J Church
- J Love And The Janitors
- J Mascis + The Fog
- J.J. Paradise Players Club, The
- Jabberwocky
- Jack & The Beanstalk
- Jack & The Themselves
- Jack ...
- Jack Acid
- Jack And The Rippers
- Jack Burton
- Jack Jimmy Hoodlums
- Jack Ketch & The Crowmen
- Jack Killed Jill
- Jack Meatbeat & The Underground Society
- Jack Molton Distortion
- Jack O Nuts
- Jack Oblivian & The Cigarillos
- Jack Of Heart
- Jack Of Hearts
- Jack O'Fire
- Jack Saints
- Jack Starr
- Jack Taylor Experience/JMM
- Jack White & Alicia Keys
- Jackalopes, The
- Jackals, The
- Jackie & The Cedrics
- Jackie And The Control-Tops
- Jackie Johnson
- Jackie Papers
- Jackknife
- Jacks, Les
- Jackson, Michael
- Jackson, Mahalia
- Jackson, Cordell
- Jackson, Wanda
- Jackson, Joe
- Jackson
- Jackson, Janet
- Jacksworld
- Jacobites
- Jacob's Mouse
- Jacuzzi Boys
- Jad & David Fair, Daniel Johnston
- Jad And David
- Jad Fair & Daniel Johnston
- Jad Fair And Kramer
- Jad Fair And Yo La Tengo
- Jadecroon
- Jades
- Jag Offs
- Jaga Jazzist
- Jaguar Paw
- Jaguaro
- Jaguars
- Jail
- Jail Guitar Doors
- Jakes, The
- Jakkpot
- Jale
- Jam, The
- Jamai
- Jamelia
- James, Rick
- James, Elmore
- James, Jany
- James, Skip
- James, Lonnie
- James, Tommy
- James Chance And Contortions
- James Gang
- James T. & The Workers
- Jammah Tammah
- Jamming Arabs
- Janes, Mary
- Janet St Clair & The Real Kids
- Jango
- Janitor Joe
- Jannes
- Jansch, Bert
- Janssen, Kim
- January
- Jap Kat
- Japandroids
- Japanther
- Jape Squad
- Jarmed Enecy
- Jarvis Cocker & Richard Hawley
- Jason
- Jason Wille And Jad Fair
- J'Aurais Voulu
- Javalins, The
- Jawbone
- Jawbox
- Jawbreaker
- Jawload
- Jay-Bees
- Jay-Jay's, The
- Jaylib
- Jayne County
- Jazz Rockers
- Jazzanova
- Jazzkantine
- JB Dazen & The Postponers
- JC2000
- Je & Ill
- Je & Ill With Joe Coleman
- Jean, Wyclef
- Jean Garand's Garage Band
- Jeanie & The Tits
- Jeans, Jenny
- Jeeps, The
- Jeff Dahl & American Soul Spiders
- Jeff Dahl & Cheetah Chrome
- Jeff Dahl & Poison Idea
- Jeff Dahl & The French Connection
- Jeff Dahl & The Kevin K Band
- Jeff Dahl & The Streetwalkin' Cheetahs
- Jeff Dahl Group
- Jeff Dahl Trio
- Jeff Hart & The Ruins
- Jefferies, Peter
- Jefferies, Graeme
- Jefferson, Blind Lemon
- Jefferson Airplane
- Jeffersons
- Jeffie Genetic And His Clones
- Jeffrey Evans And Ross Johnson
- Jeffrey James Quartet, The
- Jeffrey Novak's One Man Band
- Jeffreys, Garland
- Jeffs, The
- Jega
- Jejune
- Jekylls
- Jello Biafra/Life After Life
- Jemson
- Jenerators, Thee
- Jeniferever
- Jenkins, Mike
- Jenn Kliese & Khaela Maricich
- Jennings, Waylon
- Jenny Mae
- Jenny Mae With Azalia Snail
- Jerk Off
- Jerks
- Jerky Turkey
- Jerry And The Others
- Jerry Hormone Ego Trip, The
- Jerry Lee Lewis With Nashville Teens, The
- Jerry Leiber, Artie Butler
- Jerry Roberts & The Toppers
- Jerry Spider Gang, The
- Jerry Teel And The Big City Stompers
- Jerry Vile
- Jerry's Kids
- Jessamine
- Jesse Malin & The St. Marks Social
- Jessica Fletchers, The
- Jessie
- Jessie Garon & The Sexorcists
- Jester, The
- Jesters
- Jesters Of Newport
- Jesus And Mary Chain, The
- Jesus Christ Superfly
- Jesus Chrysler
- Jesus Chrysler Superstar
- Jesus Lizard
- Jesus Racer R&R 3
- Jet
- Jet Black Combo
- Jet Boys
- Jet Bumpers
- Jet Set, The
- Jethro Tull
- Jetlag
- Jetpack
- Jets, The
- Jetset
- Jetsetready
- Jettison
- Jeugd van Tegenwoordig
- Jewels, The
- Jewws, The
- JF Muck
- Jihad
- Jim Bishop Guitar Army, The
- Jim Dickinson & Chuck Prophet
- Jim Jones & The Chaunteys
- Jim Morrison & The Stripes
- Jim Shepard/Rodney Riffle/Charles Cicirella/Nudge Squidfish/Ron Goodman
- Jim Swope And The Left
- Jim Valley & The Viceroys
- Jim Whelan & The Beau Havens
- Jim Yoshii Pile-Up
- Jim-Jims, The
- Jimmie Dale
- Jimmie Volk
- Jimmy Barock
- Jimmy Bronco
- Jimmy Carter Solution
- Jimmy Castor Bunch, The
- Jimmy Dong And The Human Blockheads
- Jimmy Eat World
- Jimmy Keith & His Shocky Horrors
- Jimmy Lee And Wayne Walker
- Jimmy Rabbit
- Jimsons, The
- Jinx
- Jive
- Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
- Joan Of Ass
- Jobs, Die
- Joe Algeri & Ben's Diapers
- Joe Coffee
- Joe Colon
- Joe Harriott & John Mayer Double Quintet
- Joe Horten Combo
- Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros
- Joe Therrien, Jr. & The Sully Trio
- Joel, Billy
- Joel And The Joels
- Joey & Korla Pandit
- Joey Burns (Creamy Original)
- Johan
- Johann Christian
- John, Elton
- John & Jackie
- John Berenzy Group
- John Coffey
- John Davis And Dennis Callaci
- John Deere Diamonds
- John Felice And The Lowdowns
- John Jack & Jill
- John Jett
- John Lennon And Yoko Ono
- John Prop & Louisa Lilani
- John Sinclair & Wayne Kramer
- John Tonic
- John Wayne Shot Me
- John West (Royal Hunt) & Chris Caffery (Savatage)
- John Wilkes Booze
- John Woo
- Johnboy
- Johnnies
- Johnny & The Baa-Baas
- Johnny & The Jumpercables
- Johnny And The Limelites
- Johnny Barkers Bandits
- Johnny Black & Assassins
- Johnny Boy
- Johnny Cancer One Man Band
- Johnny Casino's Easy Action
- Johnny Cohen
- Johnny Cohen And The New Age Nazis
- Johnny Cohen And The Shoetrees
- Johnny Dee & The Eldorados
- Johnny Demon & The Devils
- Johnny Dowd
- Johnny Farfisa
- Johnny Gentlehand
- Johnny Hash
- Johnny Jon Jon
- Johnny Jones & The Kings
- Johnny Kidd & The Pirates
- Johnny Legend
- Johnny Love And Speed
- Johnny Magnet
- Johnny Moped
- Johnny Motel & The Fast Fucks
- Johnny Otis & Preston Love
- Johnny Shines And Robert Lockwood
- Johnny Throttle
- Johnny Tu-Note & The Scopitones
- Johnny Vomit And The Dry Heaves
- Johnny Wreckless
- Johnnys
- John's Black Dirt
- John's Children
- Johnson, Calvin
- Johnson, Ross
- Johnson, Will
- Johnson, Robert
- Johnson, Harry
- Johnson, Blind Willie
- Johnson, Tub
- Johnson, Blues Boy
- Johnson, Roy Lee
- Johnson, Dick
- Johnson, Curtis
- Johnson, David Earle
- Johnson Brothers
- Johnston, Daniel
- Johnston And The Hyperjinx Tricycle, Daniel
- Johny Brown
- Jokers, The
- Jolenes, The
- Jolly Jack Robel
- Jolly Jumpers
- Jon And The Nightriders
- Jon Cougar Concentration Camp
- Jon Iturbe & The Radio Gangsters
- Jon Wahl And The Amadans
- Jon Wayne
- Jon-5
- Jonah Ark
- Jonathan Fire Eater
- Jonathan Reilly, Le
- Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers
- Jones, Waynell
- Jones, Spencer P.
- Jones, Mo'
- Jones, Tom
- Jones, Stan
- Jones, Corky
- Jones, George
- Jones, Joe
- Jones, Booker T.
- Jones Crusher
- Joneses, The
- Jones-Smith Incorporated
- Jonestown
- Joseph & Mary Chain, The
- Josetxo
- Josh's Bike
- Joshua's Song
- Josiah
- Journeymen, The
- Joy Division
- Joyful Tears, The
- Joykiller, The
- Joyner, Simon
- JPS Experience
- JR Ewing
- Jr High
- Jr. Samples
- Jr. Walker & The All Stars
- Juan Carlos
- Juanito WAU! One Mouth Band
- Juanitos, The
- Jucifer
- Judas Bullethead
- Judas Priest
- JudasVille
- Judds, The
- Judybloom, The
- Jughead's Revenge
- Jugos Lixiviados
- Jujus, The
- Jukebox Jonah & The Random Rummies
- Jukebox Zeros
- Jules, Gary
- Julian Briano Y Sus Hermanos
- Juliette & The Licks
- Julius Airwave, The
- Jullander
- Jump Dickie Jump
- Jumpin' Beans And The Moustaches
- Jumpin' Beans and Willie
- Jumpstarts, The
- Juncosa, Sylvia
- June Of 44
- June's High
- Jungklas, Rob
- Junior, Roy
- Junior Blanks
- Junior Disorder
- Junior Gravey And The Rock-A-Tones
- Junior Makhno
- Junior Raymen, The
- Junior Varsity
- Junior Wells & Earl Hooker
- Junior's Gang
- Junk Monkeys
- Junket
- Junk-Fish
- Junkie XL
- Junkpile Jimmy
- Junkyard
- Junkyard Dogs, The
- Junohoos, The
- Jurassic 5
- Just Born
- Just Too Much
- Justis, Bill
- K, Rob
- K.G.B.
- Kabalas, The
- Kafka Prosess
- Kafkas
- Kaftsmall
- Kah, Hubert
- Kaiser, Henry
- Kaiser Chiefs
- Kaisers, The
- Kaito
- Kaj Mi Nuka
- Kajun SS
- Kaka De Luxe
- Kakaphonia
- Kalashnikov
- Kalev
- Kaliber
- Kallen, Kitty
- Kam Lung
- Kamen Riders, The
- Kamikaze Trio
- Kamikazes, The
- Kamo Sutra
- Kanda
- Kane
- Kane, Alex
- Kane, Chet
- Kania Tieffer
- Kanipchen-Fit
- Ka-Nives, The
- Kankersores
- Kaos
- Kaotićne Duše
- Kapotte Musiek
- Karate
- Karate Hairdresser
- Karate Party
- Karbo
- Kåre & The Cavemen
- Karl Hendricks Rock Band, The
- Karl Hendricks Trio
- Karl S. Blue And His Magic Quells
- KarNEEDoke
- Karp
- Kartoons, The
- Kasabian
- Kas-M & Wenki
- Kassierer
- Katastrophy Wife
- Kathleen Hanna & Slim Moon
- Katie The Pest
- Kaufman, Lance
- KBC, The
- KC And The Sunshine Band
- Keane
- Kearns, Tim
- Keefmen, De
- Keene, Tommy
- Keepers, The
- Kees, Het
- Keggs
- Keida, Yusuke
- Kein Produkt
- Keith, John Paul
- Kek '66
- Kelis Ft. Nas
- Kelley Deal & Kris Kristofferson
- Kelley Deal 6000
- Kelly, Dan
- Kelly Hogan & The Mellowcremes
- Kelvins, The
- Kemo Sabe
- Kempes
- Kempston, Protek & Fuller
- Kempy & The Guardians
- Ken And The Fourth Dimension
- Ken Ando Convenient Ensemble
- Ken Levy And The Phantoms
- Keneally, Mike
- Kenickie
- Kenner, Chris
- Kenny & The Kasuals
- Kenny Rogers & Sheena Easton
- Kent 3, The
- Kentucky Gag Order
- Kepi
- Kepi Ghoulie & Jerry Hormone
- Kepler
- Kepone
- Kerouac, Jack
- Kersten, Wim
- Kessler, Larry
- Ketamines
- Kettcar
- Kevin
- Kevin K
- Kevin K And The Real Kool Kats
- Kevin K Band, The
- Kevin Kinneys S.T.A.R.
- Key, Tara
- KG, The
- Khaled, Cheb
- Khan, Chaka
- Khan
- Kick Joneses
- Kickers, The
- Kicking Giant
- Kicks For Hot Lips
- Kickz, The
- Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds
- Kid Icarus
- Kid Loco feat. Tim Keegan
- Kid Lunch
- Kid Pharaon
- Kid Pharaon & T.M.
- Kid Valance & Mongrel Soup
- Kiddie Litter
- Kidnappers, The
- Kids, The
- Kids Meal
- Kids On Bulbs
- Kift, De
- Kik, The
- Kike Turmix & No Wonder
- Kikes, The
- Kiki
- Kilgores
- Kilgour, David
- Kill Allen Wrench
- Kill City
- Kill Devil Hill
- Kill Devil Hills, The
- Kill Hannah
- Kill Kill Kill
- Kill Me Tomorrow
- Kill Sybil
- Kill The Hippies
- Kill The Scientist
- Kill Times, The
- Kill-A-Watts
- Killdozer
- Killer Bananazz, The
- Killer B's, The
- Killer Dolls
- Killer Dreamer
- Killer Elite, The
- Killer Idols
- Killer Klown
- Killer Sheep
- Killers, The
- Killer's Kiss
- Killi
- Killing Joke
- Killingbird
- Killingtons, The
- Killout Trash
- Killrays
- Kills, The
- Killswitch
- Killswitch Engage
- Killteam
- Killtech
- Kim, Sandra
- Kim Deal & Bob Pollard
- Kim Fowley & Ben Vaughn
- Kim Salmon And The Surrealists
- Kim, Thurston & Epic
- Kimbrough, Junior
- Kim's Teddy Bears
- Kina
- Kinderen voor Kinderen
- Kinderplaten
- Kindred
- King, Earl
- King, B.B.
- King, Freddie
- King Automatic
- King Brothers
- King Charles' Head
- King Custer McCarthy
- King Daddy
- King Diablo
- King Hits
- King Khan
- King Khan & BBQ Show, The
- King Khan & His Lonesome Guitar
- King Khan & Pat Météor
- King Khan And His (Sensational) Shrines
- King Kong
- King Liar And The Brutes
- King Loser
- King Louie & The Lakeview Kings
- King Louie And The Hot Rod Addicts
- King Louie And The Loose Diamonds
- King Louie One Man Band
- King Louie The 69th & The Harahan Crack Combo
- King Me
- King Missile
- King Normals, The
- King Salami And The Cumberland 3
- King Size
- King Snake Roost
- King Sound Quartet
- King Trash Fandango
- King Tuff
- King Uszniewicz & The Uszniewicztones
- King Wilkie
- King-Beezz
- Kings Of Feedback
- Kings Of Leon
- Kings Of Nuthin'
- Kings Of Oblivion
- Kings Of Rock
- Kingsmen, The
- Kinks, The
- Kinky Lovers
- Kinski
- Kiosk
- Kirby Grips, The
- Kirihito
- Kirks, The
- Kismet
- Kiss
- Kiss Offs, The
- Kissettes, The
- Kissin' Cousins
- Kissyfur
- Kit And The Outlaws
- Kitchen Radio
- Kitten On The Keys
- Kitty Cat Spy Club
- Kitty Kitty
- Kitty Spit'n Fire
- Kjøtt
- KK Barrett & Paul Roessler
- KK Rampage
- Klang, Hugo
- Klaske Oenema & Harm Wierda
- Klasse Kriminale
- Klassiek
- Klaus Kornfeld & Buddy Love
- Klaxons
- Kleenex
- Kleenex | LiLiPUT
- Kleg
- Klein Orkest
- Kliek, The
- Kline, Joey
- Kling-Ons
- Klit O'Ris
- Klitty Litter
- Klondike & York
- Klorkestein, Harry
- Klown, Das
- K-Mob
- Knack, The
- Knaughty Knights
- Knaves, The
- Kneecappers
- Knife, The
- Knifed
- Knight, Gladys
- Knights Of Day
- Knights Of The New Crusade, The
- Knockers, The
- Knockoffs, The
- Knockout Pills, The
- Knockout Ragazzi
- Knockouts, The
- Knock-Up, The
- Knock-Ups, The
- Knol, Tim
- Knotts, The
- Knox, Buddy
- Knox, Martha
- Knox, Chris
- Knoxville Girls
- Knuckel Drager
- Knucklehead
- Knumskull
- Knurlings, The
- Ko And The Knockouts
- Kobus Gaat Naar Appelscha
- Kodiaks, The
- Koelewijn, Peter
- Kogars, Los
- Komakino
- Kommando Sonne-nmilch
- Konks, The
- Konqistador
- Kookie Joe
- Kooks, The
- Kool & The Gang
- Kopna Kopna
- Korea
- Korla Pandit
- Korova
- Kosheen
- Kosher
- Koufax
- Kowalskis, The
- Kozik
- Kraantje Pappie
- Krabs, The
- Krackhouse
- Kraftwerk
- Kraken, A.H.
- Kramer
- Kramer, Wayne
- Kramer, Anna
- Kran
- Krause
- Kravin' "A"s, The
- Kravitz, Lenny
- Kray Cherubs
- Krayons
- Krazy Kats, The
- Kremirani Casi
- Kremlin Cowboys, The
- Kreuzen, Die
- Kreviss
- Kris Guido And The Mogodons
- Krispies, The
- Kristofferson, Kris
- Kroko
- Krokus
- Kronos Quartet
- Krontjong Devils
- Kruddler
- Krunchies, The
- Kruppelschlag
- Krupted Peasant Farmerz
- Krush
- Kryptonics
- Kryptonite Garden
- Krysmopompas
- K-Tels
- Kubichek!
- Kubin, Felix
- Kubrik
- Kucksuckers, The
- Kud Idijoti
- Kudgel
- Kuepper, Ed
- Kula Shaker
- Kumpelbasis
- Kung Fools
- Kung Fu Grip
- Kung Fu Monkeys, The
- Kung-Fu Escalator
- Kung-Fu Girls
- Kunz, Charlie
- Kurt
- Kustomized
- Kusworth, Dave
- Kwyet Kings, The
- Kylfa
- Kyra
- Kyra Rubella & The Shanks
- Kyuss
- L, Johnny
- L.A.L.
- L?K?O
- L7
- La De Das
- Lab Rats, The
- Labasheeda
- Labiators
- Labradford
- Labrea Stompers
- Lack, The
- Lacky
- Lacuna Coil
- Ladd, Brian
- Ladds From Bellview
- Ladies Night
- Ladies Who Lunch
- LaDonnas, The
- Lady Doctors
- Ladybooster
- Ladybug Transistor, The
- Ladyfuzz
- Lagartija Nick
- Laggards, The
- Lagwagon
- Lai, Francis
- Laibach
- Laika & The Cosmonauts
- Laine, Frankie
- Lairds
- Lake Of Dracula
- Lake Pussy
- Laluli
- Lambchop
- Lambs
- Lamps
- Lancaster Bombers, The
- Lancee, Ferdi
- Lancers
- Lancet
- Landers, Audrey
- Landfill
- Landmine Spring
- Landos
- Lane, Mickey Lee
- Lanegan, Mark
- Language Of Flowers, The
- Lard
- Lariots, The
- Larrikin Love
- Larry
- Larry & The Loafters
- Larry And The Blue Notes
- Larry And The Gonowheres
- Larry And The Lefthanded
- Larry Brrrds, The
- Larry De Rieux
- Larry Dirty
- Larsen, Al
- Larval
- Lash Out
- Laskey, Emanuel
- Last, The
- Last Chance Saloon
- Last Crusade
- Last Drive
- Last Four (4) Digits
- Last In Line
- Last Killers, The
- Last Mile, The
- Last Of SG's
- Last Of The Juanitas
- Last Shadow Puppets, The
- Last Sons Of Krypton, The
- Last Vegas, The
- Late
- Late Night Venture
- Laughin' Nose
- Laughing Gas
- Laughing Hyenas
- Laughing Stock
- Launderettes, The
- Lauper, Cyndi
- Laurels
- Laurie, Ollie
- Lavender Diamond
- Law, The
- Lawn
- Lawn Darts
- Lawnsmell
- Lawrence Wasser
- Lazily Spun, The
- Lazy
- Lazy Cowgirls
- Lazy J's, The
- Lazy Lester
- LCD Soundsystem
- Leadbelly
- Leader
- Leaders
- Leadfinger
- Leaky Chipmunk
- Lears
- Leather Nun, The
- Leather Souls
- Leather Uppers, The
- Leatherboy
- Leatherface
- Leaves
- Leaving Trains, The
- Lecuona, Ernesto
- Led Byrd
- Led Zeppelin
- Lee, Mark
- Lee, Jackie
- Lee, Peggy
- Lee, Brenda
- Lee Arthur & Love
- Lee Harvey Oswald Band
- Lee Kings
- Lee Sankey Group, The
- Leech
- Leeches, The
- Leffel, Jenny Mae
- Left Arm
- Leftfield
- Leftlovers, The
- Leftovers, The
- Leg Hounds, The
- Legal Weapon
- Legend, The
- Legendary Stardust Cowboy, The
- Legendary Tiger Man, The
- Legends, The
- Legends, The
- Legends Of Motorsport
- Legions
- Leiber, Stoller
- Leigh Howell & The Uniques
- Lemko Hall
- Lemon Grove Kids
- Lemonade
- Lemonator
- Lemonheads
- Lemons
- Len Bright Combo, The
- Len Price 3, The
- Lennon, John
- Lennons, The
- Lenoir, J.B.
- Leon Mach
- Leon Smith
- Leopolds
- Leper Print
- Leprechauns
- Lesliwood
- Less Is More
- Less Than Jake
- Lessard, David C.
- Lester Vegas
- Let Downs
- Lethal Bizzle
- Lets Crash
- Let's Go's
- Let's Quit
- Levellers
- Levels, The
- Levis
- Lew Lewis And His Band
- Lewd, The
- Lewie, Jona
- Lewiis, Bren't
- Lewis, Jeffrey
- Lewis, Fred
- Lewis, Furry
- Lewis, Barbara
- Lewis, Jack
- Lewis, Herschell Gordon
- Lewis, Jerry Lee
- Lewis And Clarke
- Lewsberg
- Leyton, Neil
- Lftr Pllr
- Liars, The
- Libertine
- Libertines, The
- Liberty Leg
- Library Card
- Lice
- Licht, Alan
- Licious, Melody
- Lick 57
- Lid
- Lids, The
- Lies, The
- Life But How To Live It?
- Life Of Riley
- Life To Us
- Lifesite
- Lifter
- Ligament
- Lightfoot, Gordon
- Lightning Beat-Man
- Lightning Beat-Man & His Guitar
- Lightning Beat-Man & The Never Heard Of 'Ems
- Lightning Bolt
- Lightning Seeds
- Lightning Strikes, The
- Lightspeed Champion
- Lil' Boys Blue
- Lil' Bunnies
- Lil' Hospital
- LiL' Johnny H
- Lil' Luis Y Los Wild Teens
- Lilac Time, The
- Lill' Mill
- Lillingtons, The
- Lillydamwhite
- Lilys
- Lime Spiders
- Limecell
- Limes
- Limiñanas, The
- Limits
- Limp
- Lincolns
- Lindstrom, Steve
- Linear
- Link Cromwell & The Zoo
- Linsay
- Lio
- Lipstick Killers
- Lipstick Pickups
- Liquid Germs
- Liquid Spider Station
- Liquid Valuta
- Liquor Giants
- Liquor Pigs
- Liquor Store
- Liquorball
- Liquorbike
- Liquorice
- Lisa Hell Rosa
- Lisa Marr Experiment
- Listless
- Liszt, Franz
- Lit
- Lithium X-Mas
- Litigators, The
- Litter, The
- Littl'ans
- Little Billy Catfish & The Soda Pops
- Little Billy Catfish 3 Trio
- Little Bob Story
- Little Claw
- Little Eva
- Little Flames, The
- Little Girls, The
- Little Junior's Blue Flames
- Little Killers, The
- Little Man Tate
- Little Milton
- Little Murders
- Little Porkchop
- Little Red Car Wreck
- Little Richard
- Little Richard Elizondo Combo
- Little Searchers, Les
- Little Stevie McCabe
- Little Walter
- Little Willie & The Adolescents
- Little Willie And The Adolenscents
- Little Willie John
- Little Wings
- Littlefield, Little Willie
- Live Action Pussy Show
- Live It Out
- Live Ones, The
- Live Skull
- Live Wires
- LiveFastDie
- Liverhearts, The
- Livernoise, The
- Living End, The
- Living Ends & Jack Peters, The
- Living Ornaments
- Living Science Foundation
- Livingstons, The
- Liv'n End, The
- Lizard Train
- Lizards
- Llamarada, Los
- Llorca
- Lloyd, Adrian
- Lloydsrocket
- Llygod Ffyrnig
- Load
- Loaded
- Loads, The
- Loafin' Hyenas
- Lobby Lloyd & The Coloured Balls
- Lobby Loyde & The Coloured Balls
- Lobotomys
- Lobsters, The
- Local H
- Local Oafs
- Locklin, Hank
- Loco Gringos
- Locomotions, The
- Locust, The
- Locust Fudge
- Lodger, The
- Loesser, Frank
- Lo-Freq
- Log
- Logh
- Lo-Hi
- Lois
- Lois Maffeo And Brendan Canty
- Lokomotiv SS
- Lola
- Loli & The Chones
- Lolipopers
- Lolitas, The
- Lo-Lite
- Lollipop
- Lollipop Shoppe
- Lomax, Jackie
- Lomb
- Lombardo, Lisa
- Lombego Surfers
- Londons
- Lone Star Queens
- Lone Surfer And His Super Pals
- Lone Twister, The
- Lonely Moans
- Loners, The
- Lonesome Emperor
- Lonesome Organist, The
- Loney, Roy
- Loney, Dear
- Long, P.W.
- Long, Shorty
- Long, Claude
- Long Beach Dub Allstars
- Long Blondes, The
- Long Gone Daddy O's
- Long Goodbye, The
- Long Hind Legs
- Long John And The Silvermen
- Long John Hunter
- Long Tall Ernie And The Shakers
- Long Winters, The
- Longcut, The
- Longhorn Devils, The
- Looches, Los
- Look, The
- Look Look (Dancing Boys)
- Lookers, The
- Loomis Slovak
- Looney Tunes, The
- Loons, The
- Loop
- Looper
- Looptroop
- Loose
- Loose Ends
- Loose Lips, The
- Loosers
- Loper, Chris
- Lopez
- Lopez, Jennifer
- Lord, Mary Lou
- Lord, Emmett
- Lord High Fixers
- Lord Hunt And His Missing Finks
- Lord Luther
- Lordburger
- Lordly Serpents, Thee
- Lords Of Altamont, The
- Lords Of Gravity
- Lords Of Highway
- Lords Of The Highway
- Lords Of The New Church
- Lorelei
- Lorenzi, Charlie
- Loretta Lynn & Conway Twitty
- Lorette Velvette & Mick Collins
- Lorre, Inger
- Lorries, The
- Loš Zvuk
- Loši Dečki
- Losin Streaks, Th'
- Losing End, The
- Lost
- Lost Acapulco
- Lost Generation
- Lost Goat
- Lost Kids
- Lost Movements, The
- Lost Ones
- Lost Patrol
- Lost Penguin
- Lost Souls
- Lost Sounds, The
- Lostprophets
- Lostribe
- Lot Lizards
- Lothar
- Lotion
- Lotta Juice
- Lou & Benny
- Lou Barlow And Friends
- Lou Höffner Trio Minus One
- Lou Profa
- Loud Machine 0.5
- Loud Squirt
- Loudermilk, John D.
- Loudmouths, The
- Loudpipes
- Loudspeaker
- Louie
- Louis XIV
- Louisa Lilani & John Prop
- Lounge
- Loup Garou
- Loussier, Jacques
- Louvin Brothers
- Love, Courtney
- Love, Mary
- Love, Ronnie
- Love
- Love 666
- Love America
- Love Among Freaks
- Love And A 45
- Love As Laughter
- Love Battery
- Love Boat
- Love Collector
- Love Dolls
- Love Is All
- Love Life
- Love Moods
- Love Or Die
- Love Supremes, The
- Lovebite
- Loveblobs
- Lovebox
- Lovechild
- Loved Ones
- Lovedolls, The
- Lovely Eggs, The
- Lovemasters, The
- Lover!
- Lovesick
- Loveslug
- Lovesteaks
- Low
- Low 500
- Low Down, The
- Low Flying Owls
- Low Max
- Low Point Drains
- Low Red Center
- Low Rollers
- Lowbrow
- Lowdown
- Lowdowns, The
- Lower Plenty
- Lowercase
- Lowlander, Die
- Lowlife U.K.
- Loyd
- Loyolas
- LPG Love & Peace Group, The
- L-Seven
- Lt. Carmel
- Lube
- Lubricated Goat
- Luca Brasi
- Lucas, Gary
- Lucas, Scott
- Lucas Trouble
- Luchi
- Luchs Brothers
- Lucid Nation
- Lucida Console, The
- Lucky Charms
- Lucky Pierre
- Lucky Punch, The
- Lucky Stars
- Lucky Stiff Orville
- Lucy in The Sky
- Lucy-Amon Ashy-Pool Sugar
- Ludicrous Lollipops
- Luecking, Juliana
- Luger '39
- Lulabelles, The
- Lulu
- Lulus Marble
- Lumberjack
- Lumihoops
- Luna
- Luna Red, A
- Lunachicks
- Lunar
- Lunar Jet Man
- Lunch, Lydia
- Lune, The
- Lung
- Lung Leg
- Lungfish
- Lunkheads, Th'
- Lupa, La
- Lurch
- Lurkers, The
- Lushes, The
- Lushus
- Lust Puppies, The
- Lust-O-Rama, The
- Lustre King
- Lustre Kings
- Luxedo
- Luxo Champ
- Luxury Liner
- Luxury Prevention
- Luxury Rides
- Luzifers Mob
- Lymen
- Lync
- Lynch, Liam
- Lynch, Kenny
- Lyng, Bob
- Lynn, Barbara
- Lynn, Loretta
- Lynnfield Pioneers, The
- Lynyrd Skynyrd
- Lynyrds Innards
- Lyres
- Lyrics, The
- Lyssa
- M
- M
- M 80's
- M.A.S.S.
- M.C. Monkey & Ape With Attitude
- M.I.A.
- M.K.B.
- M.O.T.O.
- M-16's, The
- M-80's, The
- M-99
- Maas, Timo
- Maaster Gaiden
- Macc Lads, The
- Maccabees, The
- Macchina Del Tempo, La
- Maccoll, Kirsty
- MacDonald, Joe
- Macgillicuddys, The
- Mach Five Overdrive, The
- Mach Kung Fu
- Mach Pelican
- Machine
- Machine Gun Kelly
- Macho Borracho
- Macho Clowns
- Mack, Ronnie
- Mackay, Steve
- Macronympha
- Mad, The
- Mad 3
- Mad Caddies
- Mad Capsule Markets, The
- Mad Cowboy Experience
- Mad Daddy
- Mad Daddys
- Mad Engine
- Mad Mack
- Mad Man Jones
- Mad Monster Party
- Mad Parade
- Mad Scene
- Mad Season
- Mad Shadows, The
- Mad Sin
- Madame Cats
- Madame P
- Madame X
- Madball
- Madbox
- Madcap
- Madd, The
- Madder Rose
- Made For Chickens By Robots
- Madeira
- Mädels No Mädels
- Madflowers
- Madigan
- Madigan Shive
- Madison Trio
- Madonna
- Madrugada
- Maffay, Peter
- Maffeo, Lois
- Magazine
- Maggots, The
- Magic City
- Magic Dirt
- Magic Fish
- Magic Hour
- Magic Kids
- Magic Teapot
- Magnapop
- Magnetic Fields, The
- Magnetic IV, The
- Magnetix, The
- Magnitude 3
- Magnus
- Magoo
- Maharad's Bazar
- Maharajas, The
- Mahoneys, The
- Mainliners
- Maisonettes, The
- Majestic Kelp
- Majestics, The
- Major Maraccas
- Makazoruki
- MakeBelieve
- Make-Out Party!, Thee
- Makeouts
- Makers, The
- Make-Up
- Maki Brigh Experience
- Makiladoras
- Makinikalis
- Maktub
- Malachai
- Maladjusted
- Malakas, The
- Malamondos, The
- Malcom Scarpa
- Malcontents, The
- Malcreada
- Male Bonding
- Male Slut
- Malfunkshun
- Malibus, The
- Malkmus, Stephen
- Malle Pietje & De Bimbo's
- Mallrats, The
- Malochia
- Malorix
- Maltais, Gene
- Mama Guitar
- Mama Tick
- Mamas Homemade Dress
- Mambo Taxi
- Man
- Man Or Astroman?
- Man Tee Mans
- Manatees, The
- Manatees Faction
- Manbreak
- Mancini, Henry
- Mancuso, Patrullero
- Manda And The Marbles
- Mando Diao
- Mandragoras
- Mandrill
- Manfred Huebler & Siegfried Schwab
- Manga Band
- Manganzoides
- Manganzoides Vs. Sir Dance A-Lot & Pranc
- Mangel
- Manges
- Mangina
- Mangos
- Manhandlers, The
- Manhole
- Maniax
- Manic Attracts
- Manic Hispanic
- Manic Street Preachers
- Manikin
- Manikins, The
- Manikins, The
- Maninblack
- Manipulators, Thee
- Manis, Georgie
- Mankey, Jim
- Mann, Aimée
- Mann, Clifton Lee
- Mann, Manfred
- Mannequin
- Mannequin Men
- Mannhai
- Manning, Roger
- Mano De Mono
- Mano Negra
- Manor Freaks, The
- Mans, The
- Mans, Le
- Manson, Charles
- Mantis
- Mantles, The
- Mantronik
- Mants, The
- Manuel
- Maow
- Maphead
- Marascalco, J.
- Marauders, Los
- Marauders
- Marble Orchard
- Marbles, The
- Marcello & The Machine
- March, April
- Marching Girls
- Mardy Bums, The
- Mariani, Dom
- Marie-France
- Marigold
- Marine Research
- Marionetz
- Mark & The Spies
- Mark Brodie & The Beaver Patrol
- Mark Five
- Mark Foggo's Skasters
- Mark Hosler, Steve Fisk, Bob Basanich
- Mark Of Cain, The
- Mark Spitz Freestyle
- Marked Men, The
- Marketts, The
- Marky & His Aquaholics
- Marky Ramone And The Speed Kings
- Marlène Dietrich With Percy Faith And His Orchestra
- Marley, Bob
- Marlowes
- Marmalade
- Marmoset
- Maroon 5
- Mars Volta
- Marshall Plan Kids, The
- Marshes
- Marshmallow Overcoat
- Marsmen, The
- Marsupials, The
- Martha And The Vandellas
- Martin, Mary
- Martin Luther Lennon
- Martinets, The
- Martini Henry Rifles, The
- Martyr Ad
- Martyr V2101
- Marvel
- Marvelettes
- Marvelous Darlings
- Marvins Revolt
- Mary
- Mary Jane Girls
- Mary Tyler Morphine
- Mary Weiss & Reigning Sound
- Maryland Cookies
- Mary's Kids
- Maryslim
- Mas Turbados, Los
- Mash Gordon
- Mashed Potatoes
- Mashers
- Masonics, The
- Masons
- Mass
- Mass Of Critics
- Massacre Guys, The
- Massengil
- Massive Attack
- Massive Ferguson
- Master Mechanic
- Master Plan, The
- Master/Slave Relationship
- Masters, Sammy
- Masters Of Reality
- Mastica
- Masticators, The
- Mastodon
- Maston
- Matcheads, The
- Matching Numbers
- Materialistics, The
- Matics, The
- Matmos
- Matterhorn
- Matthews, Chaz
- Matumbi
- Mauro
- Max Cady
- Maxïmo Park
- Maximum Bob
- Maximum RNR
- Maybellines, The
- Maybes
- Mayer, Nathaniel
- Mayfair Set, The
- Mayfield, Curtis
- Mazarine Street
- Maze, The
- Mazey Fade
- Mazinga
- Mazzacane, Loren
- Mazzy Star
- MC Bomb
- MC5
- McCartney, Paul
- McCloud, Stacie
- McClure, Nikki
- McCoy, Hank
- McCoyson, The
- McDee, Stephanie
- McDonald, Danny
- McDonalds
- McDowell, Rose
- McDowell, Mississippi Fred
- McFadden's Parachute
- McFerrin, Bobby
- McGonnigle, Mel
- McGregor, Rob
- McGriff, Jimmy
- McGuire, Barry
- McKuen, Rod
- McLaren, Malcolm
- McLean, Don
- McLemore Avenue
- mclusky
- McMuffin, Bud
- McNair, Barbara
- McPhatter, Clyde
- McRackins
- Mcrae, Tom
- McTell, Blind Willie
- McTells, The
- Mdloba
- Me & Dem Guys
- Me And Them Guys
- Me First
- Me First And The Gimme Gimmes
- Me Me Me
- Me, Mom & Morgentaler
- Mea Culpa
- Mean Idols
- Mean Jeans, The
- Mean Red Spiders
- Mean Vincent
- Meanface
- Meanies
- Means, The
- Meanwhiles
- Meat Cigars
- Meat For Dogs
- Meat Joy, The
- Meat Puppets
- Meatards, The
- Meatbeaters
- Meathead
- Meatmen, The
- Mecca Normal
- Mechanical Bride
- Medallions, The
- Medelicious
- Medfield, MA
- Media Whores, The
- Medication
- Medlow
- Medusa Cyclone
- Mee, Loo
- Meek, The
- Meek, Joe
- Mega City Four
- MegaSuperUltra
- Megatons, The
- Meices, The
- Meine Kleine Deutsche
- Mekons
- Mel Dorsey & The Heartbeats
- Melanie
- Melberg, Rose
- Melchior, Dan
- Melchior's Broke Revue, Dan
- Mellencamp, J Couger
- Mellows, The
- Melody Dog
- Melt-Banana
- Melted Men
- Melted Sunglasses
- Melting Eskimo's, The
- Melvins
- Melys
- Members, The
- Membranes
- Men, The
- Men & Volts
- Men From S.P.E.C.T.R.E., The
- Men In The Moon
- Men O' Steel
- Men Of Porn
- Menace, The
- Mencher, Sean
- Mendes, Sergio
- Mendoza Dance Parti
- Men's Recovery Project
- Mensclub
- Mensen
- Menster Phip & The Phipsters
- Menstrual Tramps
- Menthols, The
- Meows, The
- Mephiskapheles
- Mercury 4° F
- Mercury Players
- Mercury Rev
- Mercyland
- Mere Dead Men
- Merits, The
- Merlick, Chris
- Merlin
- Merlyn Tree, The
- Merlynn Tree, The
- Mermaid
- Merriman, Lil' Dave
- Merry, Harry
- Mersey Sect
- Mersey Sect & The Slushy Ruin, The
- Merzbow
- Merzbow/Potter
- Mesa
- Mescaleros
- Mèsfin, Ayalèw
- Mess
- Mess Folk
- Messerschmitt
- Metal Mike
- Metal Mike, Julia And Natassia
- Metal Pitcher
- Metal Teeth, The
- Metal Urbain
- Metallica
- Metalunas, The
- Meta-Matics, The
- Meteors, The
- Meth Teeth
- Methadone Actors
- Methadones, The
- Metrobolik
- Metros, The
- Meuscram
- Mew
- Mexican Blackbirds, The
- Mexican Dull
- Mexico City
- Mey, Reinhard
- Mezcalectric
- Mezzanine~C14
- MHz
- Miaow
- Miasma Of Funk
- Mice, The
- Mice Termite
- Michael, George
- Michael Dean Damron & Thee Loyal Bastards
- Michal Kahan
- Michelle Gun Elephant, Thee
- Mick Jagger And The Beatles
- Mickey
- Mickey And The Clean Cuts
- Mickey Juice, The
- Micky & The Salty Seadogs
- Micky And Ludella
- Micragirls, The
- Micronotz
- Microphones, The
- Microstoria
- Middle Finger And His Fingertips
- Middle Fingers
- Middleton, Malcolm
- Midget
- Midiron Blast Shaft
- Midnight Evils, The
- Midnight Funk Association
- Midnight Men
- Midnight Thunder Express
- Midnight Tramp
- Midtown
- Midways, The
- Midwest Beat, The
- Migala
- Mighty Caesars, Thee
- Mighty Four
- Mighty Fraff
- Mighty Go-Go Players, The
- Mighty Gordinis, The
- Mighty Hannibal, The
- Mighty Ions, The
- Mighty Jackals, The
- Mighty John Waynes, The
- Mighty Lights Of Paradise
- Mighty Mofos
- Mighty Moguls, The
- Mighty Roars, The
- Mighty Six Ninety
- Mighty Stars, The
- Mighty Wagon
- Mighy Three, The
- Mihoen!
- Mikaela's Fiend
- Mikal Cronin
- Mike And The Molesters
- Mike Gunn, The
- Mike Gunther And His Restless Souls
- Mike Hudson Unmedicated
- Mike Rep & The Quotas
- Mike Rep/Jim Shepard/Don Howland/Tommy Jay
- Mike Wagoner And The Bops
- Mikes Messengers
- Mikrowelle
- Milano, Elle
- Milburn
- Mild Mannered Janitors, The
- Mile, The
- Miles Ahead
- Miles Davis
- Militant
- Milk
- Milk Cult
- Milkduds
- Milkman
- Milkshakes, Thee
- Milksop Holly
- Milky Ways, The
- Milky Wimpshake
- Millencollin
- Miller, Roger
- Miller, Buddy
- Miller-Olsen Combo
- Million Dollar Marxists
- Millionaire
- Mills, Cruse
- Minced Meat & Panther Burns
- Mincemeat
- Mind Controls
- Mind Over Matter
- Mind Sirens
- Minders, The
- Mindfold
- Minds, The
- Miners Of Muzo
- Ming, Sexton
- Ministry
- Mink, Walt
- Mink Jaguar
- Minogue, Kylie
- Minor Forest, A
- Minor Threat
- Minority
- Mint Chicks, The
- Mintzkov Luna
- Minus 5, The
- Minuscule Hey!
- Minutemen
- Miossec
- Miracle Chosuke
- Miracle Men, The
- Miracle Whip
- Miracle Workers
- Mirah
- Miranda, Carmen
- Miranda July w/ The Need
- Miriam
- Mirrors, The
- Mirrors
- Mirsie
- Mirwais
- Miscellaneous
- Misdemeanor
- Misery
- Misery Index
- Misfits
- Miss, The
- Miss Alex White & Chris Playboy
- Miss Alex White And The Red Orchestra
- Miss Chain & The Broken Heels
- Miss Ipi
- Miss Kittin
- Miss Mary
- Miss Murgatroid
- Miss Universe
- Misselijk
- Misses, The
- Missing Links, The
- Missing Monuments
- Mission 5
- Mission Of Burma
- Mississippi Barry
- Mississippi Blind Mike
- Mist
- Mistakes
- Mistral
- Mistreaters, The
- Mitch
- Mitch & The Suicide Gays
- Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels
- Mitchell, Kevin
- Mitchell, Joni
- Mixtures, The
- Miyax
- Mizzy, Vic
- Mlinski Kamen
- Mob Stereo
- Mobile Hoovers
- Mobile Mob Freakshow, The
- Mobster
- Moby
- Mockba
- Mockers, Los
- Mocket
- Mockingbirds
- Mod Fun
- Model Citizen
- Model Fighter
- Model Rockets, The
- Modern, The
- Modern Lovers, The
- Modern Machines
- Modern Vending
- Modernettes
- Modernista Novanta
- Modest Mouse
- Modest Proposal, A
- Modey Lemon
- Mods, The
- Mods
- Moe! Staiano
- Mofungo
- Mog
- Mog Stunt Team
- Mogan David And His Winos
- Moguls
- Mogwai
- Mohammed & His Robed Rockers
- Mohawk Barbie
- Mohinder
- Moi Non Plus, The
- Moist
- Mojo Nixon And Skid Roper
- Mojomatics, The
- Moke
- Mol Triffid
- Moldy Peaches, The
- Molecules
- Moler
- Moles
- Moloko
- Mommyheads, The
- Momonje, Guiller
- Momonje & Laluli
- Momonje & Su Conjunto
- Momonje Y Laluli + Guiller Momonje Y Su Conjunto
- Mon Frere
- Mona Reels
- Monacles, The
- Monade
- Monarchs, The
- Monc
- Mondo Fumatore
- Mondo Galla
- Mondo Guano
- Mondo Leone
- Mondo Topless
- Money, The
- Money Mark
- Moneybrother
- Moneybrother/Looptroop
- Moneychangers, The
- Mongols
- Mongrell
- Moniack
- Monio & E-Contact
- Moniton Sleep
- Monitor Radio
- Monitors
- Monitors
- Monitr Batss, Die
- Monjons
- Monkees, The
- Monkey 101
- Monkey Buzzness
- Monkey Island
- Monkey Swallows The Universe
- Monkeystick
- Monkeywrench
- Monkhouse
- Monks, The
- Monks Kitchen, The
- Monks Of Doom
- Mono
- Mono Addicted Acid Man
- Mono Men
- Mono Pause
- Mono Taxi
- Monocaines, The
- Monochords
- Monofocus
- Monolith
- Monorchid, The
- Monoshock
- Monosight
- Monotones
- Monotones, The
- Monroe, Bill
- Monroe, Michael
- Monroes, The
- Monroes, The
- Monroe's Fur
- Monsieur Jeffrey Evans & La Fong
- Monsoon
- Monster
- Monster Magnet
- Monster Tones
- Monster Truck Five
- Monster Violenta, La
- Monster Zero
- Monsterland
- Monsterman
- Monsters, The
- Monsters From Mars
- Monsters Of Doom
- Montells
- Montells, The
- Montesas, Les
- Montesas
- Montez, Chris
- Montgomery, Roy
- Montione Sleep
- Monty Python
- Monza
- Moochhy
- Moodists, The
- Moods, The
- Moodswings, The
- Moody, Scott
- Moody Jackson
- Mookin Man
- Moon, Slim
- Moon
- Moon Duo
- Mooney Suzuki, The
- Moonlizards
- Moonshake
- Moonshiners, Les
- Moonsocket
- Moonstruck
- Moools, The
- Moorat Fingers, The
- Moore, Thurston
- Moore, Rudy Ray
- Moore, Bob
- Mooseheart Faith
- Moped, Johnny
- Mopes, The
- Moral Crux
- Moral Hazard
- Morcheeba
- More Fiends
- More Fun
- Morgan, Lee
- Morgan, Dean
- Morgan Grace
- Morissette, Alanis
- Morlocks, The
- Mormones, The
- Morning Glories
- Morning Shakes, The
- Morningstar, Jackie
- Mornois
- Moronics, The
- Morons
- Morricone, Ennio
- Morris, Mark
- Morrissey
- Morrisshi
- Morsel
- Mortals, The
- Morticia's Lovers
- Morton, Leiber, Butler
- Morts, Le
- Mo-Shuns
- Mosier Valley Boys
- Moskito Spezial
- Mosquito
- Mosquito Bandito
- Moss
- Most, Dennis
- Most Unusual Sound
- Most Wanted Men
- Mostros
- Mot Squad
- Motards, The
- Mote
- Motel Blonde
- Motel Shootout
- Motels, The
- Moth
- Mothballs, The
- Mother
- Mother And The Addicts
- Mother Hips, The
- Mother Of Tears
- Mother Superior
- Mothercake
- Motherfucker 666
- Motherfuckers, The
- Motherfuckin' Geriatrics, The
- Motherhead Bug
- Motherload
- Mother's Children, The
- Mother's Day
- Moths, Thee
- Motions, The
- Motivations, The
- Motocaster
- Motochrist
- Motofux
- Motor Ace
- Motor Babies
- Motor City Bonnevilles
- Motor City Burgers
- Motor Dolls
- Motor Weirdos
- Motorama
- Motorama
- Motorcycle Boy
- Motorettes, The
- Motörhead
- Motorhoney
- Motormark
- Motorpsycho
- Motors, The
- Motorsounds, The
- Motosierra
- Mount Eerie
- Mount McKinleys, The
- Mount Shasta
- Mountain Goats
- Mountain Goats Featuring Wckr Spgt
- Mountains And Rainbows
- Mourning After, The
- Mourning Noise
- Mouse
- Mouse On Mars
- Mouserocket
- Mousetrap
- Move D
- Movement, The
- Mover
- Movie Star Junkies
- Movietone
- Moving Sidewalks
- Moving Sounds, The
- Moving Targets
- Moviola
- Moxham, Stuart
- Moxie
- Mozart On Crack
- Mozesli
- Mr Airplane Man
- Mr Bastard
- Mr Bonz One Man Band
- Mr Lucky & Gamblers
- Mr Ratboy
- Mr Suave
- Mr Verdun
- Mr. California
- Mr. California & The State Police
- Mr. David Viner And Ms. Deanne Iovan
- Mr. Epp
- Mr. Garcia
- Mr. Moonlight
- Mr. Nasty
- Mr. Rid
- Mr. Satan
- Mr. Science
- Mr. T Experience
- Mr. Twistal
- Ms Dynamite
- Ms.45
- Mstrkrft
- MT Tai
- Mu Chan Clan
- Muchacha
- Muck And The Mires
- Muck Grapa
- Mucus 2
- Mud City Manglers
- Mudcat
- Muddlers, The
- Muddy Frankenstein
- Muddy River Nightmare Band
- Mudflap Girls From Venus
- Mudhoney
- Mudlow
- Muff Potter
- Muffs, The
- Mug
- Muggs
- Mugwumps, The
- Mukilteo Fairies
- Muldoons
- Mule
- Mules, The
- Muletrain
- Mulkilteo Fairies
- Mullens, The
- Müller, Guido Bolero
- Mullets
- Mullhouse
- Multiple Cat, The
- Mummies
- Mumm-Ra
- Mummy The Peepshow
- Mundy, Rex
- Munks
- Munyon, Davis
- Murder By Guitar
- Murder City Devils, The
- Murder City Wrecks
- Murder Manifest
- Murder Murder Suicide
- Murkins, The
- Murphy, Mike "Sport"
- Murphy, Elliott
- Murphy And The Mob
- Murphy's Law
- Murray, Ann
- Murt & The Mobees
- Muscle Car
- Muse
- Mush
- Mushitcians
- Mushuganas
- Music, The
- Music For The Defect
- Music Machine
- Music/Ninja
- Muskellunge
- Muslimgauze
- Mustachio
- Mustang
- Mustangs
- Mutant Monster Beach Party
- Mutants, The
- Mutants, The
- Mutton Gun
- Mutts, The
- Mutzhi Mambo
- Muziekvereniging Ons Genoegen
- Muzzle
- MX-80
- MxPx
- My Bloody Valentine
- My Dad Is Dead
- My Disco
- My Eye
- My Latest Novel
- My Morning Jacket
- My Name
- My New Boyfriend
- My Own Victim
- My Sick Friends
- My Sister Harold
- My Sister Susan
- My Vitriol
- My Whitebread Mom
- Myce, The
- Mychols, Lisa
- Mydols
- Myelin Sheaths
- Mynx
- Myracle Brah
- Myrmidons, The
- Myron Cohen
- Myron Lee & The Caddies
- Mystaken, The
- Mysterious Asthmatic Avenger, The
- Mysterious Tape Man, The
- Mystery Action
- Mystery Addicts
- Mystery Band, The
- Mystery Dates
- Mystery Girls, The
- Mystery Girls
- Mystery Jets, The
- Mystic Chords Of Memory
- Mystic Eyes
- Mystic Five
- Mystics
- Mystreated, The
- N*E*R*D.
- N.O.T.A.
- N.P.K.-H
- N.W.A
- N.Y. Whores
- Nachos, Los
- Nackers, The
- Nadine
- Nads, The
- Nagg
- Nagz, The
- Nahende Vernichtung
- Nailclippers, The
- Naked
- Naked Aggression
- Naked Eye, The
- Naked On The Vague
- Naked Raygun
- Naked Remain
- Nanna, Bob
- Napalm
- Napalm Beach
- Napalm Death
- Napoleon Blown Aparts
- Napoleon IIIrd
- Napoleons, The
- Naquei Manou
- Nar
- Narco
- Narcotics, The
- Nash, Johnny
- Nashville Pussy
- Nassty Habits, Dem
- Nasties, The
- Nasum
- Natas, Los
- Nation Of Ulysses
- National Bandit
- Natives From Earth
- Natural Kicks
- Naughty Ones
- Naughyde Dream Sequence
- Nautiloids
- Navarre
- Naysayers, The
- Nazi Death Camp
- Nazis From Mars, The
- Ncc
- Neal, Willie Heath
- Neanderthals, The
- Neanderthals & Thee Phantom 5ive, The
- Near Death Experience
- Nearly Deads, The
- Neatbeats, The
- Nebula
- Nebur
- Necessary Evils, The
- Neck
- Neckbones, The
- Necros
- Nederbietels, The
- Need, The
- Needle And The Pain Reaction
- Needlenose
- Needles
- Neel, Jo Anna
- Ne'er Do Wells, The
- Négaminus
- Negative Approach
- Negative For Francis
- Negative Man
- Negative Trend
- Negatives, The
- Negativland
- Neglect
- Negu Gorriak
- Nehemiah
- Neil, Fred
- Neils Children
- Neins, The
- Neko Case And Her Boyfriends
- Nekromantiks, The
- Nels Cline And Woody Alpanalp
- Nelson, Willie
- Nelson, Ricky
- Nelsonics
- Nemesea
- Neolitics
- Neon
- Neon King Kong
- Neon Nazis
- Neosupervital
- Nephews
- Nepopravljivi
- Neptunas, The
- Neptune
- Neptune Blue
- Nerds, The
- Nerf Herder
- Nerve
- Nerve City
- Nervebreakers
- Nerves, The
- Nerves, The
- Nervobeats
- Nervous Boys
- Nervous Eaters
- Nervous Exits
- Nervous Norvus
- Nervous Patterns
- Nervous Shakes
- Nervous System, The
- Ness
- Neu
- Neumens, The
- Neurosis
- Neurotic Swingers, The
- Neurotiks
- Neurotones
- Neuthrone
- Neutral Milk Hotel
- Neutrino
- Neutrinos, The
- Neutronics
- Neuwirth, Bob
- Neven
- Never Evers
- Never Heard Of 'Ems, The
- Never Never, The
- Neverever
- Nevermores, The
- Neville, Art
- Neville, N.
- New American Mob
- New Bad Things
- New Black
- New Blockaders
- New Bomb Turks
- New Broadcast, The
- New Car Smell
- New Christs
- New Conolly 5, The
- New Demolators
- New Detectives, The
- New Fangs
- New Fugitives, The
- New Invincibles, The
- New Kingdom
- New Luck Toy
- New Mastersounds, The
- New Memphis Legs
- New Minds Eye
- New Model Army
- New Order
- New Original Sonic Sound
- New Quadro
- New Race
- New Radiant Storm King
- New Rhodes
- New Salem Witch Hunters
- New Town Animals
- New Wave Hookers, The
- New Wet Kojak
- New World
- New World Order
- New York Dolls
- New York Rifles
- New Young Pony Club
- Newborn Naturals
- Newell Octet, The
- Newlydeads, The
- Newlyweds, The
- Newman, Randy
- Newwaylovemachine
- Next, The
- Next Step Up
- Next Syphillis, The
- Niblick Henbane
- Nic Void
- Nice Boys, The
- Nice Device, The
- Nice Face
- Nice Smile
- Nice Strong Arm
- Nick Oliveri And The Mondo Generator
- Nickelback
- Nico
- Nicodemus
- Nicolai, Bruno
- Nicole Panter
- Nicotine
- Nicotine Spyral Surfers
- Niehof, Harry
- Nieminen & Litmanen
- Nieuwe Vrolijkheid, De
- Nieuwstad
- Ni-Fi Nife Fight
- Nifters
- Niggerology 2000
- Night Beats
- Night Kings
- Night Patrol
- Night Raiders, The
- Night Terrorists
- Night Terrors
- Nightblooms, The
- Nightcaps, The
- Nightcrawlers, The
- Night-Hawks
- Nightjars, The
- Nightmares, The
- Nightmares On Wax
- Nightriders, The
- Nights And Days
- Nightshades, The
- Nihilistics
- Nikki & Rachel
- Nile
- Nilsson, Harry
- Nine
- Nine Black Alps
- Nine Pound Hammer
- Nini, Paul
- Nipper & The Seaturtles
- Nipple Erectors
- Nirvana
- Nite Cats, The
- Nite Sounds
- Nitkovi, The
- Nitrobrew
- Nits, The
- Nitwitz, The
- Nitz, The
- Nix, Don
- Nixe, The
- Nixon, Jerry J
- Nixon, Mojo
- Nixon Now
- Nizlopi
- No
- No Age
- No Authority
- No Butt No Hole
- No Counts
- No Empathy
- No Evacuations
- No Feeling
- No Fun
- No Fun At All
- No Hoodlums
- No Man's Land
- No Means No
- No No Zero
- No No's, The
- No One's Victim
- No Talent
- No Tomorrow Charlie
- No Trend
- No Use For A Name
- Noblem, The
- Noblemen
- Nobles
- Nobody + Mystic Chords Of Memory
- Nobodys, The
- Nobody's Children
- Nobody's Heroes
- Nobunny
- Nocabouts, The
- No-Counts Doctrine Of Mayhem, The
- Nod
- No-Goods, The
- Noir
- Noir, Jim
- Noise A Noise
- Noise Gate
- Noise Of Reality
- Noiseaddict
- Noisemakers
- Noisettes
- Noisext
- Noisia
- Nomads, The
- Nomads
- Nomansiand
- Nombre, Le
- Non Alignment Pact
- Non Credo
- Non Dairy Creamers
- Non Phixion
- NoNoYesNo
- Nonsense
- Nood Ham
- Noodle
- Noodles
- Noon
- Noothgrush
- Norma Jeans, The
- Normaal
- Normal, The
- Normal, Seb
- Normals, The
- Norrsken
- North, Virginia
- North Statesmen
- Northern Uproar
- Northwest Company
- Norton, Rude
- Nosoträsh
- Not Dead Only Frozen
- No-Talents, The
- Nothing But Puke
- Nothing Cool
- Nothing In Common
- Nothing Painted Blue
- Nothing People
- Notorious Deafmen
- Notwist, The
- Nouvelle Vague
- Nova
- Nova, Heather
- Nova Express
- Nova Mob
- Nova Scotia
- Novadrivery
- Novak, Jeffrey
- Novas, The
- Novelties, The
- Now Time Delegation, The
- Nowhere Squares
- Nox
- Noxious
- Nozems, The
- NT Social
- Nu Niles, The
- Nubees
- Nubs, The
- Nude Pube Banglers
- Nudelman, David
- Nudie Suits, The
- Nuevo Catecismo Catolico
- Nugent, Ted
- Nuggets, The
- Nuit Noire
- Null, K.K.
- Null$katte$nylterne
- Numan, Gary
- Number One Cup
- Numbers
- Numbskulls, The
- Nunbait
- Nuns
- Nurse With Wound
- Nursery Crimes
- Nurses, Las
- Nusic, Roger & Ketchup & Mayno
- Nuthins, The
- Nutrajet
- Nux Vomica
- Nuzzle
- NV Groep 65
- NY Rel-X
- Nylon
- O Fracas
- O Voids, The
- O.
- O. V. Wright & The Sunset Travelers
- O.D. Babe
- Oasis
- Obi
- Obituaries
- Oblivian, Jack
- Oblivian, Eric
- Oblivians
- Oblivion
- Oblivion Seekers
- Observers, The
- Obtuse
- Occasion, The
- Occult Detective Club
- Ochs, Phil
- Octavius
- Odd, The
- Odd Jobs, The
- Odd Mods
- Odd Numbers, The
- Oddballs' Band
- Odds, The
- Odds & Ends
- Odes
- Oekel, Sjef Van
- Oenema, Klaske
- Of Arrowe Hill
- Of Cabbages & Kings
- Of Montreal
- Offenders
- Offspring, The
- Ogden Steers, The
- Ogress, The
- Oh Lucky Star
- Oh No's, The
- Oh Sees, Thee
- O'Hara's, The
- Oharu
- Ohio Express
- Ohio Players
- Ohmfacom
- Ohms, The
- Oil!
- Oiler
- Oiro
- O'Jays, The
- Ok, Toni
- OK Kings
- O'Kelly
- Okie Dokie
- Okinawa
- Oklahoma Scramble
- Okmoniks, The
- Old Haunts
- Old House, The
- Old Man
- Old Time Relijun
- Old'Skool
- Ole Miss Down Beats
- Olho Sec
- Olivelawn
- Oliver, Jimmy
- Oliver Twist, The
- Olly
- Olympic World
- O-Matic
- Ome Henk
- Ome Joop
- Omega Cinco
- Omega Men, The
- O-Men, The
- Omens, The
- Omens, The
- Omid
- Omoide Hatoba
- On Parole
- On Trial
- On When Ready
- Onakentona
- Ondine
- One Arm
- One Day War
- One Dimensional Man
- One Drop
- One Hit Wonder
- One Man Army
- One Man Show Live
- One Minute Silence
- One Plus One
- One Plus Two
- One Riot One Ranger
- One The Juggler
- One Ton Shotgun
- One Way Streets, The
- One Way Streets, The
- O'Neal, Gradie
- Oneida
- Ones, The
- Oneton
- Onie J. Holy
- Only A Mother
- Only Ones, The
- OnOffs, The
- Onsen Banana
- Onset, The
- Onward To Mayhem
- Onyas, The
- Oohjoo
- Oowees, The
- Op:l Bastards
- OP8
- Opel, Jackie
- Operation Cliff Clavin
- Opération S
- Ophelias
- Opie, Ben
- Optic Nerve, The
- Optimum Wound Profile
- Opus
- Opyum
- Orange Black
- Orange Crush
- Orange Glass
- Orange Goblin
- Orange Juice From The Crypt
- Orange Mothers
- Orange Pecco
- Orange Roughies
- Orange Sunshine
- Orange-i
- Orbison, Roy
- Orchidée D'Hawaï, L'
- Orchids, The
- Order Of Svengalis, The
- Ordinary Boys, The
- Orford, Andrew
- Orientals, The
- Origin
- Original Caste
- Original Sinners
- Original Sins, The
- Original Three, The
- Originals, The
- Orlando, Tony
- Orphan Boy
- Orphans, The
- Orphins, The
- Orson Family, The
- Orthrelm
- Orton, Beth
- Os Haxixins
- Oscars, The
- Osdorp Posse
- Osker
- Oslo Motherfuckers
- Osmonds, The
- Oso El Roto
- Ostomy
- Oswalds, The
- Othar Turner's Rising Star Fife & Drum Band
- Other Band ?
- Others, The
- Others, The
- Others, The
- Others, The
- Otherside, The
- Otis
- Otis, Johnny
- Ottoboy The Oneman Trashband
- Otto's Chemical Lounge
- Oubliettes, The
- Out Cold
- Out Four, The
- Out Of Band Experience
- Out With A Bang!
- Out With Mummy
- Outcast
- Outcasts, The
- Outhere Brothers
- Outhud
- Outkast
- Outlandish
- Outnumbered, The
- Outpatients
- Outrageous Cherry
- Outs, The
- Outsideinside, The
- Outsiders, The
- Outsiders, The
- Outskirts Of Infinity
- Outspoken Blues, The
- Outtasites
- Oval
- Ovarian Trolley
- Overcoat
- Overdose
- Overjoy
- Overnight Lows
- Overpass
- Overtones
- Overwhelming Colorfast
- Owens, Buck
- Owls
- Oxbow
- Oxes
- Oxfam Glamour Models, The
- Oxford Collapse
- Oxymoron
- Oxymorons
- Oxymorons
- Øye, Erlend
- Oyster
- Ozark Henry
- Ozma
- Ozswmk
- P, Julia
- P., Julia
- P.A.
- P.A.I.N.
- P.P.K.
- P.S.A.
- P76
- Pa
- Paceshifters, De
- Pachinko
- Pacific Playboys
- Pack
- Package
- Padded Cell
- Paddingtons, The
- Pagans
- Page, Allen
- Page, Jimmy
- Paige, Jennifer
- Pain Teens
- Painted Faces, The
- Painted Ship, The
- Pajame Sleeve Dancers
- Palace
- Palace Brothers
- Palace Guards, The
- Palace Music
- Palace Of Wisdom, The
- Palace Songs
- Pallbearers
- Pan
- Panadolls
- Panam
- Pandoras, The
- Panel Of Judges
- Panic Buttons, The
- Panic! At The Disco
- Panics, The
- Panicsville
- Pansy Division
- Pantasma
- Panthers
- Panty Boy
- Panty Raid!
- Papa Don
- Papa M
- Paper Chase, The
- Paper Cuts
- Paper Dolls
- Paperbacks, The
- Paperhead, The
- Pappys
- Paradis, Vanessa
- Paradise Alley, The
- Paradise Island
- Paradiso, Saro
- Paradogs
- Paradoxical Babel
- Paragons, The
- Parallels, The
- Paramore
- Paramount Trio
- Paranoids, The
- Parasites, The
- Pardoel, Gers
- Parfrey, Adam
- Pariahs
- Parisians, The
- Parisman
- Park Avenue Playground
- Parkades
- Parker, William
- Parker, Robert
- Parker And Lily
- Parkinson CD
- Parkinson D.C.
- Parkinsons, The
- Parliaments
- Parsons, Gram
- Part Chim
- Part Time Posers, The
- Partisans, The
- Partman Parthorse
- Partners In Crime
- Parton, Dolly
- Part-Time Posers
- Party Animals
- Party Diktator
- Party Fowl
- Party Garbage
- Party Of One
- Party Owls
- Party Rock, The
- Pasi
- Paska
- Pasquale & The Lunar-Tiks
- Passage 4
- Passion Killers
- Paste
- Pastels, The
- Pastels, The
- Pat Dull & The Mediawhores
- Pat Todd & The Rank Outsiders
- Pataconas, Los
- Patch
- Path Of Destruction
- Pathetics
- Patsys, The
- Pattern, The
- Patterson, Bobby
- Patterson's Curse
- Patton, Charlie
- Patty
- Paul Bearer & The Hearsemen
- Paul Collins' Beat
- Paul Diamond Blow
- Paul E. Ester And The Cruel Shoes
- Paul Flaherty And Chris Corsano
- Paul K & The Weathermen
- Paul Newman
- Paul Revere & The Raiders
- Paulus, Steven Harrison
- Paundy
- Pavement
- Pay Channel
- Payasos Tristes
- Payback
- Paybacks, The
- Paycheck, Johnny
- Payne, Leon
- Payola
- Payola, Sissies & Smoke Blow
- PB & The Staunchmen
- Pé Daalemmer & Rooie Rinus
- Peabody, Lester
- Peabody
- Peach, Miss Georgia
- Peach Cobbler
- Peaches
- Peacocks
- Peanut Butter Jelly
- Pear
- Pearcy, Rebecca
- Pearl Harbor & The Explosions
- Pearl Jam
- Pearl Schwartz
- Pearlene
- Pearls And Brass
- Peasants, The
- Peau De Peche
- Peawees
- Pebbles, The
- Peckinpah
- Pecola
- Pedestrians
- Pee
- Pee Pees
- Peebles, Ann
- Peechees, The
- Peedee
- Peek-a-Boo
- Peel
- Peel, David
- Peelander-Z
- Peelers, The
- Peenuts, The
- Peeple, The
- Peeps, The
- Peepshows, The
- Peer Günt
- Peers, The
- Pegboy
- Pejecky, Jerome
- Pelegrinos Negros, Los
- Peligros, Los
- Pell Mell
- Pelt
- Pembroke Ltd
- Pencil
- Pencilneck
- Penelope Trip
- Penetration
- Penetration Moon
- Penetrators, The
- Penis Flytrap
- Pennywise
- Pentagram
- Penthouse
- Penthouse 5, The
- Penthouse Paupers
- People With Chairs Up Their Noses
- People's Temple
- Pep Lester w/ Mr. Ed Lion
- Peplab
- Peppermint Harris
- Peppermint Jam, The
- Peptones, The
- Percolators
- Pere Ubu
- Perelman, Ivo
- Perfect Cousins
- Perfect Disaster, The
- Perfect Fits
- Perfectni Poradek
- Périphérique Est
- Periscopes
- Perkin
- Perkins, Philip
- Perkins, Carl
- Perkins, Todd
- Permanent Damage
- Permanent Green Light
- Permanent Voltage
- Pernath
- Peronospora
- Perplexa
- Perrera, La
- Perros, Los
- Persil
- Personal & The Pizzas
- Persuaders, The
- Perverted
- Perverts, The
- Perverts, The
- Pervis
- Peste, La
- Pestilence
- Pet UFO
- Petals, The
- Pete And The Pirates
- Pete Best Combo
- Pete Wells Band
- Peter & The Silhouettes
- Peter And The TTB
- Peter Björn and John
- Peter Elliott And The Sellouts
- Peter Jefferies & Chris Smith
- Peter Jefferies & Robbie Muir
- Peter Jefferies & Stephen Kilroy
- Peter Maniette Group
- Peter Pan Speedrock
- Peter Plane
- Peter Rowan With Flaco Jimenez & The San Antonio Tex Mex Band
- Peter Stampfel And The Bottlecaps
- Peter Wheat & The Breadmen
- Peters, Duane
- Peterson, Candice
- Petit Vodo
- Petits Sous, Les
- Petrifieds, The
- Pets, The
- Petticoats, The
- Petty Crime
- Peyotes, Los
- PF Commando
- PF Gaftzeb & Powwow
- PG. 99
- Phaetons
- Phair, Liz
- Phallus Dei
- Phantom
- Phantom, The
- Phantom 409
- Phantom 5ive, Thee
- Phantom Brothers
- Phantom Creeps, The
- Phantom Limbs, The
- Phantom Payn
- Phantom Payn Act
- Phantom Planet
- Phantom Pregnancies
- Phantom Rats, The
- Phantom Rockers
- Phantom Shifters
- Phantom Surfers, The
- Phantom Three
- Phantom Tollbooth
- Phantoms
- Pharmacy, The
- Phaze
- Phelps, Joel R.L.
- Phenobarbidols
- Phenoms, The
- Phil & The Frantics
- Philisteins, The
- Philistines Jr, The
- Phillips, Cassidy
- Phillips, Washington
- Phineas Gage
- Phobes, The
- Phoenix
- Phoenix Thunderstone
- Phonoboy
- Phonocaptors
- Phonocomb
- Photon Torpedoes
- Phranc
- Phuzz
- Pica Huss
- Picasso Trigger
- Piccioni, Piero
- Pickerel, Mark
- Pickett, Wilson
- Picketts, The
- Pickles
- Pico Pete
- Pictures, The
- Pie
- Piebald
- Piece Kor, The
- Pieces, The
- Pierce, Jeffrey Lee
- Pierce, Webb
- Pierced Arrows
- Piercy, M.I.
- Pietasters
- Pietje Potent
- Pig Destroyer
- Pig Pen
- Pigeon Detectives, The
- Pigeonhed
- Pigface
- Pigmy Love Circus
- Pili Y Sus Lechones
- Pillbox, The
- Pillbox Terror
- Pillows, The
- Pilotdrift
- Pilsner
- Pimps, The
- Pin Group
- Pin Pals
- Pina, Jamie
- Pinching Judy
- Pindrivers
- Pinehill Haints, The
- Pinetop Seven
- Pinhead Circus
- Pink
- Pink & Brown
- Pink Chihuahua
- Pink Coffins, The
- Pink Floyd
- Pink Lincolns
- Pink Noise, The
- Pink Panthers, The
- Pink Reason
- Pink Sexies, The
- Pink Slip
- Pink Slip Daddy
- Pink Swords
- Pink Torpedoes
- Pinkos, The
- Pinkos, Los
- Pinky Tuscadero
- Pinkz, The
- Pino
- Piolines
- Pipe
- Pipe's Plunker
- Pipettes, The
- Pippi Eats Cherries
- Pipsqueak
- Piraña
- Piranhas, The
- Piranhas, The
- Pirate Love
- Pirates Who Carve Out Your Eyes And Piss In Your Eye Sockets, The
- Piss Ant
- Piss Shivers
- Pissed Jeans
- Pissed Off Zombies, The
- Pisshorse
- Pist
- Pistolero
- Pistols Clock
- Pist'uns, The
- Pitbull Babysitter
- Pitch Black
- Pitchblende
- Pitchfork
- Pitmen
- Pitney, Gene
- Pits, The
- Pitsurual Oksl Locks
- Pitufos
- Pixeltan
- Pixies
- Pizzas, The
- Pizzicato Five
- Pizzle
- Pizzy Yelliott
- pkg.
- Place Of Skulls
- Place To Bury Strangers, A
- Placebo
- Plagne, Francis
- Plague, The
- Plague
- Plague
- Plague Of Gentlemen, Thee
- Plaid Retina
- Plain White T's
- Plainfield
- Plan, The
- Plan 9
- Plan B
- Plan III
- Planet Orange
- Planet Seven
- Plankton
- Plant, Robert
- Plantronics, Los
- Plasmatics
- Plastic Bertrand
- Plastic Congelators, The
- Plastic Crimewave Sound
- Plastic Hip
- Plastic Idols, The
- Plastic Jesus
- Plastic Nuggets
- Plastic Peacocks
- Plastikman
- Plastiques, The
- Plate, Peter
- Plateaus
- Plate-O-Shrimp
- Platon Et Les Caves
- Playboys
- Playboys, The
- Playmates, The
- Playmobils, The
- Playpants
- Plays With Marionettes
- Pleasant Gehman
- Pleasure Forever
- Pleasure Fuckers, The
- Pleasure Seekers, The
- Pleasureboaters
- Pleazers
- Plexi
- Plexi 3
- Plexus
- Plinko
- Plouf!
- Plover
- Plug Uglies, Da
- Plugz
- Plunderers
- Plungers, The
- Plunket, Joseph
- Plush
- Pluto
- Plutones, The
- Pneumonias, The
- Pocket Fishrmen
- Podgy
- Poem Rocket
- Poets, The
- Pogo The Clown
- Pogues, The
- Point
- Point Line Plane
- Pointdexter
- Pointed Sticks
- Points, The
- Poison
- Poison 13
- Poison Idea
- Poison Ivvy
- Poison Ivy
- Polar Bear
- Polar Strong
- Polaris, The
- Polaris!
- Pole
- Poli Sci Clone
- Police, The
- Police, The
- Police, The
- Policecat
- Polio
- Politicians
- Pollard, Bob
- PollyVox, The
- Polvo
- Polyester Explosion, The
- Polyp
- Polyphonic Spree, The
- Polyrock
- Polytechnic
- Pond
- Pontes, Dulce
- Pontiac Brothers
- Pontius Pilot
- Pony
- Pony Pack
- Ponys, The
- Pooh Sticks
- Poole
- Poorterman, Thijs
- Pop, Iggy
- Pop Crash Collapso
- Pop God
- Pop Quiz, The
- Pop Rivets
- Pop Rocks!
- Pop Sickle
- Pop Threat
- Popcorn
- Popdefect
- Pope, The
- Popol Vuh
- Poppers, The
- Poppets
- Poppets
- Poppin' Mommas, The
- Popquiz
- Popsters, The
- Poptarts
- Popular Shapes
- Popzillas, The
- Porcelain Boys
- Porch Ghouls
- Porch Honkees
- Pork
- Pork Guys, The
- Pork Queen
- Pork Torta, The
- Porn Orchard
- Pornshot
- Pornstore Janitor
- P-Orridge, Genesis
- Portables, The
- Portastatic
- Posies, The
- Positives, The
- Possessed Accordion Of Alicia Rose, The
- Possible Suspect
- Possum Dixon
- Post Raisin Band
- Postal Service, The
- Poster Children
- Postmen
- Pot Belly
- Potatomen, The
- Pothead
- Potros, Los
- Pounded Clown
- Pounders, Brad
- Powder Monkeys
- Powderfinger
- Power Grill
- Power Of County
- Powerchords, The
- PowerKnobs, The
- Powers, Johnny
- Powers That Be
- Powertrane
- Powertrip
- Powervice
- Powerwagon
- Poxy Pain
- Pozor Vlak
- Prado, Perez
- Pram
- Prambath
- Pranks
- Pratt, Joseph
- Pray Rien
- Pray TV
- Praying For Oblivion
- Preachers
- Preachers, The
- Preacher's Kids, The
- Preachers That Lie
- Precious Wax Drippings
- Predator
- Prednisons, The
- Prefab Sprout
- Prefunktery Sniff, The
- Prehistoric Cave Strokers
- Prekop, Sam
- Premiers, The
- Premiers, The
- Presets, The
- President Fetch
- Presidents Of The United States Of America, The
- Presley, Elvis
- Press Corps, The
- Preston, Johnny
- Preston School Of Industry
- Pre-Teens, The
- Pretenders
- Pretty Boy Floyd
- Pretty Boy Rock & Roll Don Covay
- Pretty Boy Thorson & The Falllen Angels
- Pretty Fuck Luck
- Pretty Girls, The
- Pretty Girls Make Graves
- Pretty Hates, The
- Pretty Mighty Mighty
- Pretty Mouth
- Pretty Things, The
- Preview Guide
- Pribata Idaho
- Price, Anton
- Price, Lloyd
- Pricks, The
- Priests, The
- Prima, Louis
- Prima Donnas
- Primal Scream
- Primate 5
- Primate 5, The
- Primates, The
- Primates, The
- Prime Movers
- Primer Pasiente
- Primitive
- Primitive Calculators
- Primitive Rollers, The
- Primitive Souls
- Primitives, The
- Primitives
- Primordial Undermind, The
- Primordials, The
- Primos, Los
- Primus
- Prince
- Princess Dragon Mom
- Printed Circuit
- Priscillas, The
- Prisma
- Prison
- Prison 11
- Prisoners, The
- Prisonshake
- Prissteens, The
- Private School
- Probe, The
- Problematics, The
- Probot
- Proceed To Fall
- Process, The
- Proclaimers, The
- Procol Harum
- Procrastinators, The
- Product, The
- Produkt
- Projectiles, The
- Prolapse
- Proles, The
- Proletariat
- Prollhead!
- Promoe
- Prong
- Proof
- Pro-Pain
- Propeller
- Prophecii
- Prophet, Chuck
- Prostitutes, The
- Protein
- Proto Idiot
- Protones, Los
- Prototypes
- Proudflesh
- Provoked
- Provoni, Thors
- Prunella Scales, The
- Pryne, Hester
- Pseudos, The
- Psicotrópicos Deluxe
- PSY 231
- Psychedelic Horseshit
- Psychia3
- Psychic TV
- Psycho Delmatics, Thee
- Psycho From Texas
- Psycho Sin
- Psycho Sun
- Psycho Tribe
- Psychopunch
- Psychotic Reaction
- Psychotic Turnbuckles
- Psychotic Youth
- Psychotones, Thee
- Psyclone Rangers, The
- Psyclones
- Pterodactyl
- Pub Crawlers, The
- Public Image Ltd
- Public Toys
- Publick Lost
- Puck
- Pucker
- Puddin' Heads
- Pudding Maker
- Puddle Jumpers, The
- Puff Tube
- Puffball
- Puffy Areolas
- Puke-A-Rama
- Pull Tiger Tail
- Pullermann
- Pulley
- Pullman
- Pull-Outs, The
- Pulp
- Pulpit Red
- Pulsating Heartbeats, The
- Pulses, The
- Pulver
- Pumpers, The
- Pumps, The
- Punchbuggy
- Puncture
- Puñetazo
- Punish Yourself
- Punk Al Muro
- Punk Force Commando
- Punk Rock
- Punk Rock Vatos
- Punkache
- Punkaroos
- PunkidS.S
- Punkles, The
- Punktual
- Puny Human
- Purdins, The
- Pure
- Pure Country Gold
- Pure Rubbish
- Pure Spite
- Pure Thrust
- Purgatory County
- Puritans, The
- Purling Hiss
- Purple Geezus
- Purple Hearts, The
- Purple Merkins
- Purple Outside, The
- Purple Overdose
- Purple Wizard
- Pushers
- Pushrods
- Pussy Crush
- Pussy Galore
- Pussy Hounds
- Pussy Monster
- Pussycat
- Pussycat Dolls
- Pussycat Trash
- Pussycats
- Pussyhound, Das
- Pussywillows
- Put-Downs, The
- Put-Ons, The
- Putters
- Puz
- Puzzled Panthers
- PW Long's Reelfoot
- Pyramidiacs
- Pyramids
- Pyramids, The
- Q65
- Quadrajets, The
- Quakers, The
- Quasi
- Quatlos, The
- Quatro, Suzi
- Quaye, Finley
- Quazi Modo
- Que' Martin
- Queen
- Queen Bee
- Queen Ida
- Queen Mab
- Queen Meanie Puss
- Queens Of Sheba, The
- Queens Of The Stone Age
- Queensberry Terrors, The
- Queer
- Queers, The
- Queeweed, The
- Quencher
- Quest Fire
- Quickspace
- Quiets, The
- Quik Fix
- Quill, The
- Quincy Punx
- Quintron
- Quit Your Dayjob
- Quitters
- Quotes, The
- R · N · R Disciples
- R. (S.M.U.T.) X!
- R.U.R.
- Rabbit Rabbit
- Rabbit Skins, The
- Rabid Grannies
- Rabies, The
- Racey
- Rachel Stamp
- Rachel's
- Raconteurs, The
- Rad Kids
- Radar Bros.
- Radar Eyes
- Radar Secret Service
- Radar Station
- Radiation Kings, The
- Radiators From Space, The
- Radio 4
- Radio Beats, The
- Radio Bikini
- Radio Birdman
- Radio Days
- Radio Dead Ones
- Radio Kings, The
- Radio Luxembourg
- Radio Reelers
- Radio Stars
- Radio Vago
- Radio Wendy
- Radio With Guts, A
- Radiobaghdad
- Radiohead
- Rael Rean
- Rag Cutter
- Ragady Anne
- Ragazza
- Raggedy Ann
- Raggende Manne, De
- Ragin' Hormones, The
- Raging Slab
- Rags, The
- Ragsteen
- Ragtime Wranglers, The
- Rah Bras
- Raiders
- Railroad Jerk
- Rails, The
- Rainbow Curtains
- Raincoats
- Rainer
- Rainer And Das Combo
- Rainer Vs. The Grid
- Raining Rats
- Rainmaker
- Rainy Day Saints
- Rainy Days
- Raise Kain
- Raised By Wolves
- Raised Fist
- Raitt, Bonnie
- Rakes, The
- Ralph Nielsen & The Chancellors
- Rama Lamas
- Ramleh
- Rammstein
- Ramona's
- Ramone, Joey
- Ramones
- Ramonetures
- Ramparts
- Ramrods, The
- Ramsey Lewis Trio
- Ramshackle Pacemaker
- Ramsted
- Ranaldo, Lee
- Ranch Hounds
- Rancid
- Rancid Hell Spawn
- Rancid Vat
- Randoms
- Randstad Inteelt Band Van Mannen Met Een Bedenkelijk Hoge Gemiddelde Leeftijd, De
- Randy
- Randy Alvey And The Green Fuz
- Randy Captain Dynamite Hornocker And His World Famous Loaded Hoods
- Rangoon
- Ransom
- Rants, The
- Raped Teenagers
- Rapeman
- Rapiers, The
- Rapture, The
- Rapture
- Rare Earth
- Rash Modernaire
- Rasmus, The
- Raspberries
- Rastro!
- Rat Bastards, The
- Rat Fink
- Rat Hole Sheikh, The
- Rat Patrol
- Rat Traps
- Ratas Del Vaticano
- Rationals, The
- Ratos De Porao
- Rats, The
- Rats Of Unusual Size
- Rattail Grenadier
- Rattlesnakes, The
- Raunch Hands
- Raunch Hands
- Ravens
- Ravens, The
- Ravenz, The
- Raveonettes, The
- Raving Bonkers, The
- Raw Bud Vs. Roni Size
- Raw Gospels, Los
- Raw Mania
- Raw Power
- Rawfrucht
- Rawhypnols
- Rawls, Lou
- Ray, Kai
- Ray, Neil
- Ray, Harold
- Ray Daytona And The Googoobombos
- Ray Gentry & The Rovin' Gamblers
- Ray Michelsen & The Vikings
- Ray Noble And His Orchestra
- Ray Ward & The Sharks
- Raydios, The
- Raymen
- Rayon Beach
- Ray-Ons
- Razorcuts
- Razzels
- RC Mob
- RC5
- Reaching Forward
- Reaction
- Reactions, The
- Reactors, Los
- Reading Rainbow
- Readymen
- Reagan Cain
- Reagan Youth
- Real Bad News, The
- Real Estate Fraud
- Real Gone Lovers
- Real Kids, The
- Real Losers, The
- Real McKenzies
- Real Men
- Real Numbers
- Real Swinger, The
- Real Swingers, The
- Real Turds
- Realistic Highball-7
- Realistics, The
- Reality
- Really Red
- Reasons Why
- Reatard, Jay
- Reatards
- Rebel, The
- Rebel Assault
- Rebelettes, The
- Rebellion Threat Kills, The
- Rebels, The
- Rebound 2.15
- Receiver
- Receivers, The
- Reckless Bastards, The
- Reclusives, The
- Records, The
- Recruders, The
- Red #9
- Red Aunts
- Red Bacteria Vacuum
- Red Beard And the Pirates
- Red Bug
- Red Carpet
- Red Devils
- Red Dons
- Red Eye Express
- Red Faced
- Red Footed Genius
- Red Giant
- Red Harvest
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Red Hot Lovers
- Red House Painters
- Red King Rising
- Red Krayola
- Red Kross
- Red Light Green Light Go
- Red Limo
- Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
- Red Mass
- Red Monkey
- Red Onions, The
- Red Planet
- Red Planet Rockets
- Red Red Meat
- Red Red Red
- Red Rose Girls, The
- Red Satyrs
- Red Scare, The
- Red Season Shade, A
- Red Shift
- Red Snapper
- Red Stars Theory
- Red Tyger Church
- Red Vendetta
- Red Z-Tors
- Redbone
- Redcarsgofaster
- Redd Henn
- Redd Holt Unltd.
- Redd Kross
- Redding, Otis
- Redjetson
- Rednex
- Redrum
- Reds, The
- Reducers, The
- Reducers S.F.
- Reed, Lou
- Reed, Jimmy
- Reed, Jerry
- Reef
- Reekers, The
- Reekys, The
- Reeves, Jim
- Refect Refect
- Reflexy
- Refrigerator
- Refused
- Refuzors
- Regal-Airs
- Regals, The
- Reggie And The Full Effect
- Regiment, The
- Registered Nurse
- Registrators, The
- Regrettes, The
- Regular Guys, The
- Regulations
- Rehabs, The
- Rehabs, The
- Reichel, Achim
- Reid Paley Trio
- Reigning Sound
- Reilly Express, The
- Reim, Matthias
- Rein Sanction
- Rejects, The
- Reliance
- Remains, The
- Remission
- Remnants, The
- Remotes
- Removers, The
- Renderers
- Renegade V
- Renegades
- Renegades
- Reno Divorce
- Rent Boy Assasin
- Rent-A-Cow
- Reo Speedealer
- Rep, Mike
- Repeat Offenders
- Replacements, The
- Reptiles At Dawn
- Reptilian Civilian
- Republica
- Repulse Kava
- Reputation, The
- Research, The
- Resentments, The
- Reservoir
- Reset
- Residents, The
- Resin
- Resin Scraper
- Resinators, The
- Resineaters
- Resineators
- Resonars, The
- Restos Fosiles
- Retainers
- Retarded
- Retardos, The
- Retardos
- Retreds
- Retsin
- Return Of Captain Ahab, The
- Rev, Martin
- Revelaires, The
- Revelairs, The
- Revelators, The
- Revelers, The
- Revellers, The
- Revels, The
- Reverb Motherfuckers
- Reverend And The Makers
- Reverend Beat-Man
- Reverend Beat-Man And The Church Of Herpes
- Reverend Beat-Man And The Nonbelievers
- Reverend Beat-Man And The Un-Believers
- Reverend Charlie Jackson
- Reverend Horton Heat
- Reverend Savage & His Holy Rollers
- Reverends, The
- Reverse, The
- Revhead
- Review, Willy B.
- Revillos, The
- Revo
- Revolution 9
- Revolvers, The
- Revs, The
- Rex Hobart & The Misery Boys
- Rexxx
- Reynolds, Josh
- Reynolds, Jody
- Rezillos
- rhBAND
- Rhino 39
- Rhino Wrestlers
- Rhombus
- Rhythm Addicts
- Rhythm Collision
- Rhythm Kings
- Rhythm Pigs
- Rhythm Rockers
- Rhythm Thieves
- Ric Rhythm And The Revengers
- Rice, Ron
- Rice, Boyd
- Rich, Charlie
- Rich Kids, The
- Richard, Cliff
- Richard, Renald
- Richard And The Taxmen
- Richard And The Young Lions
- Richard Hell And The Void-Oids
- Richie Ramone's Gay Heterosexual Detonators
- Richies, The
- Richman, Jonathan
- Richmond Sluts, The
- Rick & The Fairlanes
- Rick Blaze & The Ballbusters
- Rickets, The
- Rickshaw
- Ricky & The Rockits
- Ricky Coyne & His Guitar Rockers
- Ricky De Sire & De Verboden Vruchten
- Ricky Vance & Ramrods
- Ricochets
- Riddlers, The
- Ride
- Ridel High
- Ridgley, Bob
- Ridiculous Trio, The
- Riff, Nick
- Riff Randells
- Riffs, The
- Rifles, The
- Rifles, The
- Right 4 Life
- Right On
- Right Way Actions
- Rik L Rik & Holy Riders
- Rik Slave & The Phantoms
- Ringling Sisters
- Rings, The
- Ringwurm
- Rio, Dolores Del
- Rio Grande
- Rio Rockers
- Rio-Jim
- Rios, Gabriel
- Riots, The
- Riots
- Rip Dizzy
- Rip KC
- Rip Offs, The
- Rip Rock & Raunch
- Ripchord
- Ripcord
- Riplets, The
- Rippers, The
- Rippers, The
- Ripps, The
- Ripsnorter
- Riptides, The
- Riptones
- Rise
- Rise Against
- Rising Suns, The
- Rising Tides
- Risk, The
- Ritalins, The
- Ritchie & The Squires
- Ritchie Whites, The
- Ritter, Mike
- Ritual Device
- Rivals, The
- River City Rapists
- River City Rebels
- River City Tanlines
- Riverboat Gamblers, The
- Riverdales, The
- Rivers, Johnny
- Riverside Trio
- Rivethead
- Riviera Playboys, The
- Rivieras
- Rix, Tobi
- Rizzo
- Rizzudo
- Roach, Frank
- Road Vultures, The
- Roadkill 66
- Roadrunners, The
- Roadsaw
- Roadside Monuments
- Roamin' Numerals, The
- Rob Hoeke Rhythm & Blues Group
- Rob Zombie Featuring The Ghastly Ones
- Robbins, Marty
- Roberdogs, The
- Robert Gordon Sect, The
- Robert Johnson And Punchdrunks
- Robert Johnson And The Browns
- Roberto Jacketti And The Scooters
- Roberts, Alasdair
- Roberts, Art
- Roberts, Pete
- Roberts, Bobby
- Robertson, Justin
- Robin
- Robin Black And The InterGalactic Rock Stars
- Robinson, Mark
- Robinson, Tom
- Robinson, Smokey
- Robochrist
- Robot Has Werewolf Hand
- Robot Vs. Rabbit
- Robots, The
- Rocca, La
- Rock & Roll Airforce
- Rock And Roll Adventure Kids
- Rock And Roll Machine, The
- Rock Antagonists Sex Hunter
- Rock City Morgue
- Rock 'N' Roll Monkey And The Robots
- Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw, The
- Rock 'N' Roll Stormtroopers
- Rock*A*Teens, The
- Rockabilly Mafia
- Rockacademy Ft. Janpeter Hoekstra
- Rock-A-Hulas, The
- Rock-A-Teens
- Rockers, The
- Rocket
- Rocket 455
- Rocket City Riot
- Rocket From The Crypt
- Rocket From The Tombs
- Rocket Reducers
- Rocket Science
- Rocket Scientists
- Rockets, The
- Rockets, The
- Rocketship
- Rockford Files, The
- Rockin' Belmarx
- Rockin' Enocky - Japan's One Man Band
- Rockin' Ramrods, The
- Rockin' Rebels, The
- Rockin' Rod And The Strychnines
- Rockin' Rogues
- Rockin' R's
- Rocking Teenage Combo
- Rockingbirds
- Rockinghams, The
- Rockitts, The
- Rock'n'Roll Class
- Rock'N'Roll Soldiers
- Rock-N-Roll Terrorists
- Rocks, The
- Rocks'
- Rocky & The Riddlers
- Rocky Velvet
- Rod Rogers With The "Swinging Strings"
- Rodan
- Rodents As Gifts
- Rodeo Rockets
- Rodgers, Jimmie
- Rodney & The Tube Tops
- Rodriguez
- Rodriguez, David
- Rodriguez, Jesus
- Rods, The
- Roger & The Gypsies
- Roger Eno With Kate St. John
- Rogers, Lee
- Rogers, Red
- Rogers Sisters, The
- Roggel
- Rogue Wave
- Rok 'n Uhg!
- Rokes, The
- Roll Cage
- Rollercoaster 23
- Rollin' Ramsaxes
- Rolling Blackouts
- Rolling Head
- Rolling Stones
- Rollins, Henry
- Rollins And The Hard-Ons
- Rollins Band
- Rollstons, The
- Romance Novels
- Romancers, The
- Romano, Daniel
- Romantics, The
- Rome
- Romeo's Dead
- Rompeprop
- Romweber, Dexter
- Ron Asheton's Destroy All Monsters
- Ron Drand Orchestra
- Ron Franklin Entertainers
- Ron Haydock & The Boppers
- Ron Holden And Thunderbirds
- Rondelles, The
- Ron-De-Voos
- Rondos
- Ronettes, The
- Ronnie & The Rainbows
- Ronruins
- Ronson Family Switchblade
- Roofdogs, The
- Rookies, The
- Rooks, The
- Roolettes, The
- Room 41
- Roosbeef
- Roosters, The
- Roots
- Roots Of Echo, The
- Rootsclub
- Rooyen, Jerry Van
- Ropey Shags, The
- Ro-Robot
- Rose, Frankie
- Rose, Tim
- Rose Royce
- Rose Tattoo
- Rosemary's Babies
- Rosemary's Sons
- Rosenberg, Marianne
- Rosenthal
- Rosettes, The
- Ross
- Ross, Jack
- Rosswells, The
- Rothar, Richard
- Rotor Jambreks
- Rotten Apples
- Rotten Fruits, The
- Rotten Sound
- Rotterdam Termination Source
- Rotterdamse Riet
- Rotters, The
- Rotting Stumps
- Rötzz, Die
- Round House
- Roundhead
- Rourke, Jim O'
- Rousers, The
- Roussos, Demis
- Routes, The
- Rovin' Gamblers
- Rowland, Paul
- Roxy Music
- Roy, Robb
- Roy And The Devil's Motorcycle
- Roy Head And The Traits
- Roy Loney & The Long Shots
- Roy Loney & The Phantom Movers
- Royal, Billy Joe
- Royal Beat Conspiracy, The
- Royal City
- Royal Doulton
- Royal Fingers, The
- Royal Flairs
- Royal Flush
- Royal Knightmares
- Royal Knights
- Royal Pendletons
- Royal Routes
- Royal Trux
- Royale, Nick
- Royals
- Roys, The
- Rubber City Rebels
- Rubber O' Cement
- Rubberen Robbie
- Rube Ruben
- Rubinoos, The
- Ruby Falls
- Ruby Tombs
- Rud A Dub Dub
- Rude Kids
- Rude Norton
- Rude Rich And The High Notes
- Rude Street Peters
- Rudimentary Peni
- Rudiments
- Rudolv EV.ER
- Rudy & His Fascinators
- Rudy L.
- Rue, Ruby Nicole
- Rugrat
- Ruin
- Ruined Eye
- Ruiners, The
- Ruins
- Ruins, The
- Ruling Class, The
- Ruloman Y Las Chavetas
- Rumble King
- Rumble Strips
- Rumblers, The
- Rumblers
- Rumpelstiltskin Rinder
- Run DMC
- Run For Your Fucking Life
- Run On
- Runaway Sins
- Runaways
- Runzelstirn + Gurglestock
- Rupture
- Rush
- Ruth's Hat
- Rutlidge, Dern
- Ruts, The
- Rux
- Rydells, The
- Ryder, Mitch
- Rye Coalition
- S., Bob
- S.B.L.C.
- S.F. Seals
- S.F.A.
- S.O.S.
- S.T.H.
- S.W.A.T.
- Sa
- Sabalon Glitz
- Saba-Lou
- Sabotage
- Saboteurs
- Sabres
- Sack-O-Woes, The
- Sackville
- Sacred Hearts
- Sacred Miracle Cave
- Sacred Sailors, The
- Sad & Lonely(s)
- Sad Sack
- Sad Spring Circus
- Sadies, The
- Sado-Nation
- Safehouse
- Safes, The
- Safety Pins
- Saffron
- Sagger
- Sahara Hotnights
- Sahm, Doug
- Saibon
- Saicos, Los
- Saigon Sluts
- Sailormen, The
- Sailors, The
- Saint Bushmill's Choir
- Saints, The
- Saints & The Prince Of Darkness, Thee
- Saitama Machine
- Salad Bar
- Salaryman
- Salbando
- Salem 66
- Salem Lights, The
- Saliva Tree
- Salmon, Kim
- Sals Brothers, The
- Salteens, The
- Salty Seadogs, The
- Sam & Dave
- Sam Esh & Hard Black Thing
- Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs
- Sambo
- Samesugas
- Samhain
- Samiam
- Sammy
- Samps, The
- Samsa
- Samuel Power Explosion
- Sand Pebbles, The
- Sandblasters
- Sanders, Pharoah
- Sandoz Lab Technicians
- Sandra De Haan
- Sands, Evie
- Sandy Coast
- Sandy Dirt
- Sandy Duncan's Eye
- Sanford Arms
- Sang Song, Le
- Sangre De Toro
- Sanitary Inspectors
- Sanity Assassins
- Santa, Tracy
- Santa Cassine Kids
- Santamaria, Mongo
- Santa's Dead
- Santeros, Los
- Sap
- Sapat
- Sarcastic Bombs
- Sarcevic, Nikola
- Sartain, Dan
- Sartana
- Sasshole
- Sassy Scarlet Show, The
- Satan Panonski
- Satanic Mechanics
- Satanic Surfers
- Satans, The
- Satans, The
- Satan's Cheerleaders
- Satan's Chyldren
- Satan's Pilgrims
- Satan's Rats
- Satan's Sadists
- Satellite
- Satellite 7
- Satellite Circle, The
- Satellite Kids
- Satelliters, The
- Satellites
- Satellites
- Satin Chickens
- Satina Saturnina
- Satirnine
- Satnam Puppets
- Sator
- Saturday Looks Good To Me
- Saturday Night Kids
- Saturine
- Saturn V Featuring Orbit, The
- Saturnine
- Saturnine 60
- Satyricon
- Satyrs
- Saucerman
- Saucermen
- Saucers, The
- Saugestad, Vibeke
- Sav X
- Savage Crimes, The
- Savage Garden
- Savage Lucy
- Savage Malignant
- Savages, The
- Savages
- Saviors, The
- Saviours, The
- Savoys
- Savy Fav, Les
- Sawdust Caesars
- Sawney Bean
- Saxons, The
- Say Hi To Your Mom
- Sayers, The
- Sbirros, The
- Scab Cadillac
- Scamps, The
- Scapa Flow
- Scaramanga Six, The
- Scarce
- Scared Of Chaka
- Scaredy Cat
- Scaries, The
- Scarlet Tuesday, The
- Scarlets, The
- Scarling
- Scarred For Life
- Scat Rag Boosters
- Scavengers
- Scene, The
- Schaik, Frans Van
- Schaumgummi
- Scheiderman, Ron
- Schifrin, Boris
- Schilling, Peter
- Schizo
- Schizo Dudes
- Schlammpeitziger
- Schleprock
- Schlong
- Schmidling, Tyrone
- Schmidt, Eric Von
- Schnell Orkester, Der
- Schoolboy Cleve
- Schoolbus Bullies
- Schooley And His One Man Band, John
- Schorr, Amir
- Schram, Sjakie
- Schramms, The
- Schrottgrenze
- Schwah
- Schwartz, Fred
- Schwarzen Schäfe, Die
- Schweinhund
- Schwermut Forest
- Scientists, The
- Scissor Sisters
- Scissorfight
- Scooby Don't
- Scope
- Scorefor
- Scorned
- Scorpions, The
- Scot Free
- Scott, Jack
- Scott, Ricky
- Scott, Robert
- Scott Thompson And Joe Sealy
- Scoundrelles, The
- Scourge
- Scouts, The
- Scram C Baby
- Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel
- Scratch Acid
- Scratch Bongowax
- Scrawl
- Screaching Weasel
- Scream
- Screamers, The
- Screamin' Eric
- Screamin' Furys, The
- Screamin' Joe Neal
- Screamin' Lord Sutch
- Screamin' Mee Mees
- Screamin' Sirens
- Screaming Bloody Marys
- Screaming Dizbusters, The
- Screaming Jay Hawkins
- Screaming Mad
- Screaming Trees
- Screamplay
- Screeching Weasel
- Screw 32
- Screwballs
- Screwmatics
- Screws, The
- Screwtop Detonators
- Scripts
- Scriteriati
- Scritti Politti
- Scroat Belly
- Scruffs, The
- Scruffy The Cat
- Scrumfeeder
- Scuba Drivers
- Scuba Men, The
- Scud Mountain Boys
- Scum
- Scum De La Norvége
- Scumbag Roads
- Scumbucket
- Scuppernong
- Scurvy Bastards
- Scuz Monkey
- Scuzzbuckets
- SDT 46
- Sea And Cake
- Sea Monkeys
- Sea Peoples
- Sea Pigs, The
- Sea Tiger
- Seagulls Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her
- Sealions, The
- Seam
- Sean Na Na w/ Lois
- Seasick Steve & The Level Devils
- Seaside Riot
- Season Of Fire
- Seatsniffers, The
- Seaweed
- Seaweed Gorillas
- Sebadoh
- Sebastian Bach
- Secession Movement
- Seconds, The
- Seconds Before
- Secret Agent
- Secret Agent Men
- Secret Diary
- Secret Hairdresser, The
- Secret Lovers, The
- Secret Stars, The
- Secrétaires Volantes, Les
- Secretions
- Secrets, The
- Secrets Of Cash & Carry
- Sect, The
- Secta, La
- Sector 7g
- Seculars
- Security, The
- Seda
- Sedation Generation
- Sedatives, The
- Sedgwick, Edie
- Seducer
- See Me Feel Me Orchestra, The
- Seedling
- Seeds, The
- Seein'Red
- Seekers Of The Truth
- Seeks
- Seesaw
- Segall, Ty
- Seger, Shea
- Seger, Bob
- Seger Liberation Army
- Seizures
- Selby Tigers, The
- Self, Ronnie
- Selfpity Jesus
- Sellouts, The
- Selmanaires, The
- Seltzers, The
- Selvidge, Sid
- Semibeings, The
- Semifinalists
- Seminal Rats
- Senders
- Senders
- Señor No
- Sensations, The
- Sentridoh
- Septic Death
- Sepultura
- Serene Fall
- Serfers
- Serfmen
- Sergeant's Mess
- Sergent Garcia
- Sergio
- Serial Killers
- Serious
- Sermon, The
- Serpico
- Servotron
- Sess, The
- Sessions, The
- Set Aside
- Setting Son, The
- Seven Hate
- Seven Inches, The
- Seventh Wave, The
- Severed Lethargy
- Severin
- Sewer Puppet
- Sewergrooves, The
- Sewers Of The Strand
- Sex Beet
- Sex Mob
- Sex Museum
- Sex Offenders
- Sex Pistols
- Sex Sex Sex
- Sexaphone
- Sexareenos, Les
- Sexmachines
- Sexual Milkshake
- Sexual Slurs
- Sexual Tension
- Sexy Dex
- Sexy Prison
- Sferic Experiment
- Sgeurvreters, The
- S-Girl & Noo
- Sgt. Major
- Sgt.6 Assault
- Shackles, The
- Shackles [Praise You]
- Shades
- Shades Of Night
- Shadow Ring
- Shadows Five
- Shadows Of Knight
- Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet
- Shaft
- Shaftmen, Thee
- Shag
- Shag, The
- Shaggable Sluts, The
- Shaggy Hound
- Shake Appeal
- Shake City
- Shaken 69
- Shakers, Los
- Shakes, The
- Shakin' Nasties
- Shaking Dolls
- Shaking Godspeed
- Shakuhachi Surprise
- Shallow
- Sham 69
- Shaman Addicts
- Shambles
- Shame Idols
- Shamen, The
- Shames, The
- Shames, The
- Shampoo
- Shamrock, The
- Shams, Thee
- Shams
- Shandells, The
- Shandels
- Shane, The
- Shanghai Junk
- Shangri-Las, The
- Shanks, The
- Shanks, The
- Shannon, Del
- Shannon And The Clams
- Sharing Patrol, The
- Shark Pants
- Shark Quest
- Shark Soup
- Shark Toys
- Sharko
- Sharon Stoned
- Sharp
- Sharp Ends
- Sharps, The
- Sharpshooters, The
- Shat
- Shat Noir, Le
- Shatners, Thee
- Shaven, The
- Shavers, The
- Shaw, Virgil
- Shazam
- Sheef
- Sheek The Shayk
- Sheer, The
- Sheetah Et Les Weissmüller
- Sheiks, The
- Shellac
- Shelley, Michael
- She-Male Trouble
- Shemps, The
- Shepard, Jim
- Shepard/Cicirella
- Shepherds, The
- Shepherds Heard
- Sheppards, The
- Sheridan, Tony
- Sheriff Perkins
- Sherlocks, The
- Sherman, Bobby
- Sherree Scott
- She-Sharks
- She-Wolf
- Shifter
- Shifters, The
- Shifties, The
- Shikari
- Shindiggers, The
- Shines, Johnny
- Shinning Path
- Shins, The
- Shiny Gnomes
- Shipping News
- Shirelles, The
- Shirley Maclaines, The
- Shit For Brains
- Shitbirds, The
- Shitdisco
- Shits, The
- Shityri
- Shiva Speedway
- Shiva The Destroyer
- Shiver
- Shivers, The
- Shlägar
- Shock Cinema
- Shock Treatment
- Shocking Blue
- Shocks, The
- Shoeface
- Shoes
- Shoes This High
- Shoetrees, The
- Shok, Le
- Shonen Knife
- Shoo-Chain Brothers
- Shootin Pains
- Shop Fronts
- Shoplifters
- Short Fused
- Short Fuses, The
- Short Time
- Shorty
- Shotgun Bluez
- Shotgun Rationale
- Shotgun Solution
- Shouting Club
- Shoutless, The
- Shovel
- Show Business Giants
- Showcase Showdown
- Shower Scene From Psycho, The
- Showman And The Thunderous Staccato's
- Showoffs, The
- Shrapnel
- Shrapnelles, The
- Shrimp Boat
- Shrinks, The
- Shrug
- Shudder To Think
- Shumai
- Shut Your Eyes And You'll Burst Into Flames
- Shutdown 66
- Shutterspeed
- Shutups, The
- Shyster
- Shyt House Ratz
- Sic Alps
- Sic Kidz
- Sicbay
- Sick & Wrong
- Sick E's
- Sick Fits
- Sick Of It All
- Sick Rose, The
- Sick Terrific Nosebleeds, The
- Sick Things, The
- Sicko
- Sicniks, The
- Side Effects, The
- Sideburn Slim
- Sideburners
- Sidekick Kato
- Sidekicks, The
- Sideline
- Sidewalks, The
- Sifter
- Sights, The
- Sign Offs, The
- Signorine Taytituc
- Sigue Sigue Sputnik
- Sigur Rós
- Silencers, The
- Silent Express, A
- Silent Meow
- Silent Noise
- Silhouettes, The
- Silicon Dick
- Silkworm
- Sillies, The
- Silly & De Sukkels
- Silmäosasto
- Silo
- Silos, The
- Silva, Bob
- Silver
- Silver Daggers
- Silver Jews
- Silver Lion's 20/20
- Silver Machine
- Silver Salute
- Silver Surfer
- Silver Tongued Devil
- Silverene
- Silverfish
- Silverking, Joe
- Silverkings, The
- Silverstein
- Simmons, Will
- Simon, Paul
- Simon, Carly
- Simon & Garfunkel
- Simon & The Bar Sinisters
- Simon Chainsaw & The Forgotten Boys
- Simon Wickham Smith with Bill & Karl
- Simone, Peg
- Simons
- Simple Minds
- Simpletones
- Simply Saucer
- Sin Alley
- Sin City Disciples
- Sin City Six
- Sin City Suckers
- Sinatra, Nancy
- Sinatra
- Sinatra, Frank
- Sincola
- Sinday Driver
- Sinewave
- Singer, Hal
- Singing Dogs
- Singing Dogs
- Sinister Six
- Sinisters
- Sink
- Sinkhole
- Sinners, The
- Siouxsie And The Banshees
- Sir Bald Diddley & His Wig-Outs
- Sir Douglas Quintet, The
- Sir Finks
- Sir Scotsman Of Spain
- Sir Winston And The Commons
- Sirens, The
- Sires, The
- Sissies
- Sissy
- Sister Double Happiness
- Sister Goddamn
- Sister Goddman
- Sister Psychic
- Sister Raisin
- Sister Ray
- Sistern
- Sisters Grimm
- Sisters Of Mercy
- Sit N' Spin
- Sivets, Lester
- Six Finger Satellite
- Six Minute War Madness
- Six Parts Seven, The
- Six Plys Tzar
- Six String Jets, The
- Sixer
- Sixes & Sevens
- Sixpack
- Sixsouth
- Sixteen Deluxe
- Sixteen Tons
- Sixtyniners
- Sjako!
- Skafield
- Skatalites, The
- Skeletal Remains
- Skeleton Surfers, The
- Skelett
- Skelter
- Skeptic Epileptic
- Skeptics, The
- Skidmark Heroes, The
- Skidmarks, The
- Skids, The
- Skik
- Skillshot
- Ski-Mask
- Ski-Mask & The Bucket-Men
- Skimmer
- Skin Yard
- Skinless
- Skinned Teen
- Skinny Norris
- Skinny Puppy
- Skip Jensen And His Shakin' Feet
- Skipper
- Skirts
- Školjke
- Skolliwoll
- Skope, The
- Skrap
- Skreppers, The
- Skrewdriver
- Skull Kontrol
- Skullbank
- Skullduggery
- Skullflower
- Skulls
- Skunk
- Skunk Allstars
- Skunks, The
- Sky Frontier
- Sky Larkin
- Sky Saxon And The Seeds
- Skydog
- Skyhooks
- Skyward
- Slab City
- Slack
- Slade
- Slag
- Slags, B.B.
- Slak
- Slant 6
- Slaok
- Slap Reality
- Slappers, The
- Slapshot
- Slartybartfast
- Slaters
- Slaughter & The Dogs
- Slaughterhouse RD.
- Slaughtermen, The
- Slavetrader
- Slayer
- Sleater-Kinney
- Sleazies, The
- Sledge, Percy
- Sledge
- Sleep
- Sleeper
- Sleepovers
- Sleepwalkers
- Sleepy Township
- Sleepyhead
- Sleetmute Nightmute
- Sleez Sisters
- Slender, Biff
- Slice 49
- Slick
- Slick 57
- Slick Surface
- Slide & The Question Marks
- Slideshaker, The
- Slight Slappers
- Slightly Miffed
- Slim Limbs
- Slime
- Slimer
- Slingbacks, The
- Slinky
- Slint
- Slip
- Slip Its, The
- Slits
- Sloan
- Slobberbone
- Slobs, The
- Sloggy
- Slonz
- Slot
- Sloth
- Sloths
- Slotnick
- Slough Boys
- Slovenly
- Slow Down Tallahassee
- Slow Slushy Boys
- Slowa We Krwi
- Slowblow
- Slowgun
- Slow-Ones, The
- Slowpoke
- Slowworm
- Sloy
- Slub
- Sludge
- Sludgefeast
- Sludgeplow
- Slug
- Slug Dick Nick
- Slug Guts
- Slugbait
- Slughog
- Slum City
- Slumber Party
- Slumberjack
- Slurs, The
- Slushpuppies
- Slut
- Sluts For Hire
- Sluts Of Trust
- Sly Hats
- Smack
- Smack Dab
- Small
- Small 23
- Small Arms Fiya Ft Serocee And Ls
- Small But Angry
- Small Cruel Party
- Small Faces
- Small Factory
- Small Hole Adapters
- Small Stars
- Smallmouth
- Smalltown
- Smalltown Superstar
- Smart Bomb
- Smash
- Smash Mouth
- Smash Up Derby
- Smashcasters, The
- Smashing Orange
- Smashing Pumpkins
- Smears
- Smegma
- Smelly Tongues
- Smiley, Guy
- Smit, Jan
- Smit, Monique
- Smith, Jean
- Smith, Andrew
- Smith, Elliot
- Smith, Arthur
- Smith, Johnny
- Smith, Patti
- Smith, Huey "Piano"
- Smith, Chris
- Smith Westerns, The
- Smiths, The
- Smog
- Smogtown
- Smoke Blow
- Smokers Die Younger
- Smokes, The
- Smokestacks, The
- Smokey And Miho
- Smokin' Roaches, The
- Smolak Wanski
- Smooth & Greedy
- Smooths, The
- Smudge
- Smugglers, The
- Smut
- Smut Peddlers
- Smuts, The
- Snacks
- Snag
- Snags, The
- Snail
- Snailboy
- Snails
- Snake Charmers
- Snake Flower!!
- Snakeflower 2
- Snakehips
- Snake-Out
- Snakes
- Snakes, The
- Snakeskin Boots
- Snakewalter
- Snap Judgement
- Snatch
- Snatchers, The
- Snazzy Boys, The
- Sneaky Feelings
- Sneaky Pinks
- Sneidern, Chris Von
- Snitch
- Snitches Get Stitches
- Snobs, The
- Snooks
- Snort
- Snotboy '77
- Snotty Cheekbones
- Snout
- Snow, Hank
- Snow
- Snow Fairies
- Snow Patrol
- Snow White
- Snowbud
- Snowbyrd
- Snowmen
- Snuff
- Snuffed By The Yakuza
- Snuggle
- So Cow
- So Much Hate
- Soap, The
- Soardy
- Sobsister
- Social Disorder
- Social Distortion
- Social Lepers, The
- Socials, The
- Society Of Friends
- Sockeye
- Soda Pop Kids, The
- Sofa Kings
- Sofisticatos
- Soft Blue Lights
- Soft Cell
- Soft Pack, The
- Softies, The
- Softlightes
- Soiled Doves
- Soilent Green
- Solace
- Solarbaby
- SolarFlares, The
- Solarized
- Solbakken
- Sold Out Sweethearts
- Solea
- Soledad Brothers
- Solex
- Solex
- Solger
- Solid Gold
- Solid Gold Hell
- Solid State Ignition
- Solid Statesmen
- Solmania
- Solstice
- Solt, John
- Solution
- Solution, The
- Solvent Drag
- Somatics, The
- Some Action
- Some Fuzz
- Some Product
- Some Velvet Sidewalk
- Someloves, The
- Something Else
- Sometree
- Sommerset
- Son Of Blob
- Son Of Sam
- Sonar Lodge
- Sone
- Songs For Emma
- Songs: Ohia
- Sonic Angels
- Sonic Assassin
- Sonic Boom Boys
- Sonic Chicken 4, The
- Sonic Dolls, The
- Sonic Litter
- Sonic Love Affair
- Sonic Youth
- Sonicanimation
- Sonics, The
- Sonics Inc
- Sonic's Rendezvous Band
- Sonido Alfredo
- Sonido Faction
- Sonny & Cher
- Sonny Lane & The Downbeats
- Sonora Pine, The
- Sons And Daughters
- Sons Of Cyrus
- Sons Of Hercules
- Sons Of Otis
- Sons Of Saddam
- Sons Of The Rain
- Soo Chain Brothers
- Soom
- Soon
- Sophisticats, The
- Soporific
- Soprano
- Sorayas, The
- Sore Jackson
- Sore Thumbs, The
- Sores, The
- Sorrento, Lamar
- Sorrows, The
- Sorry
- Sosumi
- Soul Asylum
- Soul Bisontes
- Soul Brothers Six
- Soul Clique
- Soul Survivors, The
- Souled American
- Soul-Junk
- Soulmate
- Soulpreacher
- Souls Of Britton
- Souls On Fire
- Souls She Said
- Soulshake Express, The
- Soulshakers, The
- Soulwax
- Sound Brigade, The
- Sound Explosion, The
- Sound Magics
- Sound Of Imker
- Soundelles, The
- Soundgarden
- Sounds Like Violence
- Soundtrack Of Our Lives, The
- Sour Jazz
- South, Joe
- South 75
- South Filthy
- South Of Heaven
- Southern Culture On The Skids
- Soviettes, The
- Space
- Space Age Palmer
- Space Age Playboys
- Space Cookie
- Space Cossacks
- Space Cowboys, The
- Space Cretins
- Space Dust
- Space Man & The Rockets
- Space Monkeys
- Space Needle
- Space Negros, The
- Space Siren
- Space Streakings
- Space Surfers
- Spacebitch
- Spaceheads
- Spacemen 3, The
- Spacerepeats
- Spaceshits, The
- Spades, The
- Spades, The
- Spamabilly
- Spamchords, The
- Spandecks
- Spank My Jones
- Spanking Bozo
- Spanking Bozos
- Spanks, The
- Spanky Darth Vaders
- Spare Snare
- Spargo
- Sparklehorse
- Sparklers, The
- Sparkles, The
- Sparks
- Spasm, Stu
- Spasmodique
- Spasms, The
- Spasms, The
- Spastic Colon
- Spastics, The
- Spatula
- Spazz
- Spazzys
- Speaking Canaries
- Spear Of Destiny
- Spearmint
- Specials, The
- Species
- Specific Heats, The
- Specimens, The
- Spectors, The
- Spectre's Revenge, The
- Spectrum
- Speds
- Speed Chicken
- Speed Devils
- Speed Killers
- Speed Niggs
- Speed Niggs & Evan Dando
- Speed Queens
- Speedball
- Speedball Baby
- Speedball Jr.
- Speedboat F.C.
- Speedbuggy
- Speeddealer
- Speedfreaks
- SpeedKING
- Speedorama
- Speedway 69
- Spektor, Regina
- Spence, Alexander "Skip"
- Spence, Gregg
- Spencer, John
- Spencer Blues Explosion, Jon
- Spencer Dickinson
- Spent
- Spent Idols, The
- Spermbirds
- Sphamm
- Spice Girls
- Spicoli's
- Spider
- Spider & The Mustangs
- Spider Babies, The
- Spider Compass Good Crime Band
- Spider Rico
- Spider Virus
- Spiderbaby
- Spiderbait
- Spidermidgetbitchfrog
- Spiders
- Spiderz
- Spiffy
- Spiked
- Spills
- Spinal Tap
- Spinanes
- Spines
- Spinning Wheels, The
- Spinns, The
- Spinout
- Spinto Band, The
- Spinvis
- Spirals, The
- Spirit 84
- Spirit Caravan
- Spirit Photography
- Spirit Varnish
- Spirits
- Spiritualized
- Spit Baby
- Spites, The
- Spitfire
- Spitfires, The
- Spits, The
- Spitters, The
- Spittin' Vicars, The
- Spitting Cobras
- Spitts
- Spitzz
- Spizz
- Splash Four, The
- Splatterheads
- Spliffs, The
- Splintered
- Splinters, The
- Split Enz
- Splitter
- Spo-Dee-O-Dee
- Spohn, Chris
- Spoiled Brats, The
- Spoiled Rotten
- Spoiler
- Spoiler
- Spoilers
- Spoilers, The
- Spokane Mystics, The
- Spook, The
- Spooky, The
- Spooky Pie
- Spoon
- Spoon
- Spoons, The
- Spoonster
- Sportsguitar
- Sprague Brothers, The
- Spraydog
- Spread
- Spread Eagles, The
- Spring Plains
- Springfields, The
- Springsteen, Bruce
- Sprinkler
- Sprout, Tobin
- Sprouts, The
- Spruiker
- Spud
- Spunk
- Spunks, The
- Squab
- Squad 21
- Square The Circle
- Squareheads, The
- Squares, The
- Squat
- Squatweiler
- Squeeky
- Squeezebox Wally
- Squeezed Brains
- Squib
- Squid
- Squid Vicious
- Squidboy
- Squidfish, Nudge
- Squint
- Squires, The
- Squires, Dorothy
- Squirrel Bait
- Squirrel Nut Zippers
- Squirrels, The
- Squirtgun
- Squish
- SS-20
- ST 37
- St. Etienne
- St. Germain
- St. Johnny
- St. Thomas
- Staal, Ede
- Stabbing Westward
- Stabilisers, The
- Stabs, The
- Stacatto Reads, The
- Staccato Reads
- Staccatos, The
- Stacey Levine & Peter Tolliver & Wad Load
- Stack O'Lees
- Stage Bottles
- Staggers, The
- Stags, The
- Stajnas Lobos
- Stalkers
- Stallions, The
- Stand Clear
- Stand G.T., The
- Standells
- Standing 8 Counts, The
- Stands, The
- Stanhope, Doug
- Stanlet
- Stanley, Ralph
- Stanley, Flat
- Stanley Brothers
- Stanton
- Stanton Miranda
- Stanza 8
- Staple Singers, The
- Sta-Prest
- Star And Key Of The Indian Ocean, The
- Star Club, The
- Star Pimp
- Star Sign Scorpio
- Star Spangled Banana
- Star Spangled Bastards
- Star Spangles, The
- Star Spangles
- Starchild
- Stardust
- Starfighter
- Starfires
- Starfish
- Starfuckers
- Stark Raving Mad
- Starky
- Starlets, The
- Starlings, The
- Starlite Desperation, The
- Starpower
- Starr, Jake
- Stars Of The Lid
- Starsailor
- Starsilver
- Starsonic
- Start
- Starvations, The
- Stash, Thee
- Statch & The Rapes
- State Of Fear
- State Of Mind
- Static, The
- Static 99
- Static Resonance
- Static Static
- Statics, The
- Stations
- Statler & Waldorf Noise Erection
- Statues
- Status, The
- Status Quo
- Ste Setters
- Steakknife
- Steamboat Switzerland
- Steaming Wolf Penis
- Steamshovel
- Steel Miners
- Steel Pole Bath Tub
- Steel Pulse
- Steel Tigers Of Death
- Steel Wool
- Steeple Remove
- Steeplejack Six
- Steerjockey
- Steervegs
- Stefan Van Soest Hit Machine, The
- Stella
- Stems, The
- Stepbrothers, The
- Stepford 5
- Stepford Husbands
- Stephen Jones & Luke Scott
- Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks
- Steppenwolf
- Steppin' Razors
- Stereo Satanics, The
- Stereo Total
- Stereoke
- Stereolab
- Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited
- Stereophonics
- Stereoracers
- Stereoshaker
- Sterics, The
- Sternosnake, The
- Steve And The Jerks
- Steve McQueens, The
- Steve Westfield & The Burnouts
- Steve Westfield & The Slow Band
- Stevens, Jude
- Stevens, Cat
- Steward
- Stewart, Rod
- Stewed
- Stick Men With Ray Guns
- Stick To The Pan
- Stiff Kittens, The
- Stiff Little Fingers
- Stiff-O-Matic-Fingerdogs
- Stiffs, The
- Stijn
- Stiks McGhee & His Buddies
- Stiletto Boys
- Stilettos
- Still Dreadfull
- Stillborn
- Stiller Has
- Stilluppsteypa
- Stillwell
- Stimpy
- Stimulator
- Sting
- Stingheadrayswim, Sean
- Stingrays, The
- Sting-Rays, The
- Stinkerbell
- Stinkies
- Stinking Lizaveta
- Stinking Polecats
- Stinky Puffs, The
- Stinky Punk Bitches
- Stipjes, De
- Stipkes, De
- Stisism
- Stitches, The
- Stoici
- Stoics, The
- Stokastikats
- Stoltz, Kelley
- Stöma
- Stomachmouths, The
- Stomak
- Stompers
- Stompin' Harvey & The Fast Wreckers
- Stompwater
- Stone, Jesse
- Stone, Angie
- Stone, Joss
- Stone Fox
- Stone Free
- Stoneage Hearts, The
- Stoned, The
- Stonefish, The
- Stonegod
- Stool Pigeons
- Stool Sample
- Stopstarts
- Storks
- Storm, Tim
- Storm & Stress
- Stormwindows
- Stout Brothers
- Stove, Ashley
- STP, Thee
- Straaljagers, De
- Strafe, Die
- Straight Arrows
- Straight Faced
- Straightjacket Nation
- Straitjacket
- Straitjacket Fits
- Straitjackets, Los
- Straks, De
- Strammer, Dr. Max
- Strange, The
- Strange Bedfellows
- Strange Boys, The
- Strangeloves, The
- Strangemen, The
- Stranglers, The
- Strangulated Beatoffs
- Strap Ons, Thee
- Strap Straps
- Strap-Ons, The
- Strapping Fieldhands
- Stratotanker
- Strattford Survivors
- Straw Dogs
- Strawberry Mud Pie!
- Strawberry Presents
- Strawmen
- Stray Cats
- Streamers, The
- Street Brats
- Street Trash
- Streets, The
- Streetwalkin' Cheetahs, The
- Stretford
- Stricklands
- Strike, The
- Strikes, The
- String Kings
- String-A-Longs, The
- Stringfellow, Ken
- Strip Kings
- Stripes
- Strokes, The
- Strollers, The
- Strong, Barrett
- Strong Come Ons
- Strung Out
- Strutter
- Strychnine
- Strychnines, The
- Stubborn Daughters
- Stubbs, Frankie
- Stuckists, The
- Stuck-Ups, The
- Stuffed Babies On Wheels
- Stuffy/The Fuses
- Stukas
- Stump Wizards, The
- Stumpjumpers, The
- Stumpy Joe
- Stun Guns, The
- Stuntcar Drivers
- Stuntmen
- Stupes, The
- Stupid Baboons, The
- Stupid Fuckin Hippie
- Stupor Stars, The
- Stuttering Blind Cripple
- Stuurbaard Bakkebaard
- Stylefire
- Stymie
- Styrenes
- Suave Motherfuckers
- Sub Second Rocket
- Sub Society
- Subcaos
- Subhumans
- Subincision
- Sublette, Ned
- Submachine
- Submarine Racers, Der
- Submarine Races
- Submentals
- Submerged
- Submission
- Subsonics
- Subterraneans, The
- Subtitle
- Subtitle & Omid
- Subtle Plague, A
- Subtle Turnhips
- Subtonix
- Suburban Prejudice
- Subversives, The
- Subway Sect
- Subway Slims
- Subway Surfers
- Subways, The
- Suckerstarz
- Suckle
- Sudden, Nikki
- Sudden Walks
- Sue Saad & The Next
- Suede
- Suffocation
- Suffrajets, The
- Sufgerukte Wallies, De
- Sugababes
- Sugar
- Sugar Freaks, The
- Sugar Plant
- Sugar Shack
- Sugar Shock
- Sugar Stems
- Sugar Sugar
- Sugarfix
- Sugarhead
- Sugarrush, The
- Sugars, The
- Sugartime
- Suicidal Birds, The
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Suicide
- Suicide Doors
- Suicide Kings
- Suicide Party
- Suimasen
- Sukilove
- Sulfites, The
- Sullen
- Sullens, The
- Sulphate
- Sultan, Mark
- Sultanas, The
- Sultans, The
- Sultans, Les
- Sultans Five
- Summary Execution, A
- Summer, Donna
- Summer People, The
- Summer Suns, The
- Summers, Bobby
- Summertime
- Summits, The
- Sun City Girls
- Sun Kil Moon
- Sun Ra
- Suncoilsect
- Suncoilsect-JC Galaxia
- Sunday Ada
- Sunday Drunks, The
- Sunday Funnies
- Sunday Sinners, The
- Sundial
- Sundowners
- Sunflowers, The
- Sunny Day Real Estate
- Sunnychar
- Sunrays, The
- Sunride
- Suns Owl
- Sunset Strip
- Sunset Wranglers
- Sunshine
- Sunshine Club, The
- Sunshine Superscum
- Sunshine Underground, The
- Sunshine Versus T-Boom Featuring Renatta De Blanc
- Supagroup
- Supenik
- Super 88
- Super Discount
- Super Duo
- Super Furry Animals
- Super Sexy Boy 1986
- Super Stereo Surf
- Super Supers, The
- Super Wild Horses
- Superargos
- Superbees, The
- Superbuick
- Supercharger
- Superchrist
- Superchunk
- Superconductor
- SuperDestroyers
- Superdöner
- Superfan
- Superflui
- Superfluous Men
- Superfly TNT's, The
- Supergrass
- Superhelicopter
- Superhero
- Superkings
- Superkools, The
- Superman's Girlfriend
- Supernova
- Superscope
- Supershit 666
- Superslicer
- Supersnazz
- Supersonicos, The
- Supersport
- Superstupid
- Supersub
- Supersuckers
- Supertough
- Supie T
- Suppositories
- Suppression
- Suppressors, The
- Supreme Dicks
- Supreme Indifference, The
- Supremes
- Supremes & The Four Tops, The
- Sure-Fire Midnights, The
- Surf Me Up, Scotty!
- Surf Trio, The
- Surfacers, The
- Surfaris
- Surferbillies, The
- Surfhell
- Surfin' Dead, The
- Surfin' Lungs
- Surfin' Matadors
- Surfing Caesars
- Surfmen, The
- Surgens, The
- Surgery
- Surrogat
- Susan Carol Orlos/Jim Shepard
- Susans Garden
- Suspect Parts
- Suspects
- Suspicions, The
- Suttree
- Sux Evulsors
- Suzy & Los Quattro
- Suzy Cream
- Sven Tuba Och Fiskmasarna
- Svensson, Fredrik
- Swaggerts, The
- Swains, The
- Swallow
- Swamp Rats, The
- Swampass
- Swandive
- Swango, Juliet
- Swans
- Swarm
- Swarm Of Angels
- Swayback, The
- Swear, The
- Swearing At Motorists
- Sweatmaster
- Sweaty Weapons
- Sweet, Matthew
- Sweet, The
- Sweet & Honey
- Sweet Addiction
- Sweet Assembler
- Sweet Baby
- Sweet Children
- Sweet Faces
- Sweet J.A.P.
- Sweet Things, The
- SweetHearts, The
- Sweetlip
- Sweetpea
- Swell
- Swell Maps
- Swig
- Swindell, Alderman
- Swindle, The
- Swindle A Go Go
- Swindlers, The
- Swine Fever
- Swinebolt 45
- Swinehood
- Swing Ding Amigos
- Swingers
- Swingin' Fezmen, The
- Swingin' Machine, The
- Swingin' Neckbreakers, The
- Swingin' Utters
- Swirlies
- Switch Trout, The
- Switchmen, The
- Swivel Arm Battle Grip
- Swoons
- Sybil
- Sykes, Roosevelt
- Syn, The
- Synapses
- Syndicate
- Syndicats, The
- Synthetische-Mischegewebe, Das
- Syphilitics, The
- Syrup
- System Of A Down
- 'T Hof Van Commerce
- T Tauri
- T(n)AP
- T. Lance & The Coctails
- T. Rex
- T. Zilly
- T.D.I.
- T.Raumschmiere
- T.S.O.L.
- T.V. Killers
- T.V. Neats
- T.V.B.C.
- T-99
- Tab Hunter
- Tabaco
- Tabascos, The
- Tabitha
- Table
- TacocaT
- Tacoma 4, The
- Tad
- Tahiti 80
- Taildragger
- Taildragger
- Taint
- Take Out The Trash
- Take That
- Takemura, Nobukazu
- Takers, The
- Taking Back Sunday
- Tales From The Birdbath
- Talismen, The
- Talking Heads
- Tall Birds
- Tall Dwarfs
- Tallboy
- Talma, Meindert
- Talons
- Tame Impala
- Tamny, Gilmore
- Tampoffs
- Tamrons
- Tamura, Santiago
- Tandooris, The
- Tanner
- Tanzende Kadaver
- Tapes 'N Tapes
- Tar
- Tarantula Ghoul
- Tarantula Ghoul & The Gravediggers
- Tarball
- Tards, The
- Target Of Demand
- Target Shoppers
- Tarnation
- Tast Of Fear
- Tate, Snuky
- Tattle Tale
- Tattooed Corpse
- Taurus
- Tausend Augen
- Tav Falco & His Panther Burns
- Taxi
- Taylor, R. Dean
- Taylor, Hound Dog
- Taylor, Bob
- Taylor, Vince
- T-Bones, The
- TDK C-60
- Tea Party, The
- Teach Me Tiger
- Teach-In
- Team Dresch
- Team Forest
- Teamsters
- Tear Jerks
- Tear Of A Doll
- Tearjerkers
- Tears, The
- Tech9
- Technical Jed
- Technicolor Yawns
- Technohead
- Technycolor
- Teckels, The
- Ted Bundy's Volkswagon
- Ted Leo
- Teddy Boys
- Teddy Paige & The New Jesters
- Tee And Thee Crumpets
- Teen Angels
- Teen Appeal
- Teen Cool
- Teen Crud Combo
- Teen Cthulhu
- Teen Idols
- Teenage Cavemen
- Teenage Confidential
- Teenage Fanclub
- Teenage Frames
- Teenage Graves, The
- Teenage Harlets
- Teenage Head
- Teenage Idols, The
- Teenage Jesus & The Jerks
- Teenage Kicks
- Teenage Knockouts
- Teenage Larvae
- Teenage Love Machine
- Teenage Lovers
- Teenage Rejects
- Teenage Schizoids
- Teenage Warning
- Teenagers In Trouble
- Teenanger
- Teenbeats
- Teeners, The
- Teengenerate
- Teenheat
- Teenie Cheetahs
- Teenkrieg
- Teenmachine
- Teenmilk
- Teepee
- Teeth
- Teevie
- Teisco Del Rey
- Tek, Deniz
- Telefunk
- Telepopmusik
- Television
- Television Personalities
- Tell-Tale Hearts, The
- Telstar
- Temperance
- Tempers Rise
- Tempests, The
- Templars, The
- Temple Of Bon Matin
- Temple Temple
- Templo Diez
- Tempo Toppers, The
- Temporal Sluts
- Tempos, The
- Temptations, The
- Temptations
- Ten Benson
- Ten Buck Fuck, The
- Ten Foot Pole
- Ten High
- Ten Pole Tudor
- Tenco, Luigi
- Tender Four, The
- Tender Trap
- Tenderizer
- Tenderloin
- Tendrils
- Ten-Four
- Tension, A
- Tenuzu No Chiizu
- Teppaz Et Naz
- Tera:Tora
- Terminal Cheesecake
- Terminals
- Terminals, The
- Terminals
- Terminus City
- Termites Of 1939
- Terrashima
- Terremoto Party
- Terrible, Terry
- Terrible Twos
- Terribles, Les
- Terror At The Opera
- Terror T & Nardwuar The Human Serviette
- Terror Visions
- Terrordactyls
- Terrorgruppe
- Terry, Wiley
- Terry Clement & The Tune Tones
- Terry Lee & The Poor Boys
- Tes Yeux Rouges
- Tesco Vee
- Test Icicles
- Test Patterns, The
- Testors
- Tetsuo, Le
- Tex, J
- Tex, Joe
- Tex Dixigas
- Tex Edwards & Texacala Jones
- Texabilly Rockers, The
- Texaco Leatherman
- Texas
- Texas Is The Reason
- Texas Motherfuckers
- Texas Taxis
- Texas Tea
- Texas Terri
- Texas Terri & The Stiff Ones
- Texass
- Text
- Thanatopop
- Thanes, The
- Thankless Dogs
- Tharpe, Sister Rosetta
- That Dog
- That Petrol Emotion
- That We Are
- Thatcher On Acid
- Them
- Them
- Them Apples
- Them Holy Rollers
- Them Wranch
- Therapy?
- Therieau, Mike
- Thermals, The
- These Immortal Souls
- They Come In Threes
- They Might Be Giants
- They Stole A Million
- They Were Expendable
- Thickhead Grin
- Thin Lizzy
- Thin White Rope
- Things, The
- Thinking Fellers Union Local 282
- Third Eye Foundation, The
- Third Grade Teacher
- Third Rail
- Third Sex, The
- Third Wing
- Thirteen
- Thirty Ought Six
- This Beautiful Mess
- This Damn Town
- This Et Al
- This Is Edwin
- This Kind Of Punishment
- This Machine Kills
- This Moment In Black History
- This Mortal Coil
- Thomas, Irma
- Thomas, Rosie
- Thomas, Pat
- Thomas, Rufus
- Thomas, Joe
- Thomas Function
- Thomas Jefferson Slave Appartments
- Thomas Wayne With DeLons
- Thompson, Richard
- Thompson, Johnny
- Thompson Rollets
- Thor, Marc
- Thornton, Willie Mae "Big Mama"
- Thoroughbred
- Those Legendary Shack-Shakers
- Those Unknown
- Thought, The
- Thrall
- Threats
- Three 4 Tens
- Three Day Stubble
- Three Kats
- Three On The Tree
- Three Stoned Men
- Three Studies For A Crucifixion
- Three Women In Black
- Three Years Down
- Thrills, The
- Throb, The
- Throbbin Urges, The
- Throneberry
- Thrones
- ThrottleFinger
- Throttlerod
- Throw Rag
- Throwaways
- Thrown Ups, The
- Thrush
- Thrust
- Thud!
- Thug
- Thug Murder
- Thugs, Les
- Thulsa Doom
- Thumpurr
- Thunder, Johnny
- Thunder Pistols
- Thundercrack
- Thunderpimps
- Thunders, The
- Thunders, Johnny
- Thundertrain
- Thurston Howlers
- Thurston Moore & Keith Nealy
- Thyrds, The
- Tiara
- Tibetan Bowlers
- Tic & Toc
- Tidal Waves
- Tides, The
- Tiedo
- Tiger
- Tiger Force
- Tiger Trap
- Tiger! Tiger!
- Tigerlilies
- Tigerlillies
- Tigermen, The
- Tigers
- Tight Bros From Way Back When
- Tight Fits, The
- Tigre, Le
- Tigres Guapos, Los
- Tijuana Bibles
- Tijuana Hercules
- Tijuana Panthers
- Tijuanas, The
- Tiki Men, The
- Tiki Tones, The
- Tikis, The
- Tilman Rossmy Quartett
- Tilt
- Tilt A Whirl
- Tilt Wheel
- Tilton, Pamela Jo
- Tim Ray And A.V.
- Tim Ray And The Druts
- Timber
- Time Bandits
- Time Flys, The
- Time Lodgers, The
- Timéo, King
- Times, The
- Times New Viking
- Timms, Sally
- Timmy Bryan Experience, The
- Timmy's Organism
- Timonium
- Timony, Mary
- Timversion
- Tin Knocker
- Tina And The Total Babes
- Tindersticks
- Ting Tings, The
- Tinklers, The
- Tiny Buddy
- Tiny Lights
- Tip Toppers, The
- Titan Go King's
- Titans, The
- Tito & The Brainsucker
- Tito & Thee Brainsuckers
- Titre, Le
- Tits, De
- Titus Andronicus
- Titz
- Tizzy
- TJ And The Lipstix
- Tjot Idi & De Stipkes
- T-Model Ford
- To Rococo Rot
- Toadies
- Toast
- Tocotronic
- Today Is The Day
- Todd
- Todd, Jon
- Todlachen
- Toe Tag
- Toejam
- Toes, The
- Toilet Boys
- Toilet Paper Mummies, The
- Toiling Midgets
- Tokyo Cats
- Tokyo Drifters
- Tokyo Electron
- Tokyo Hotel
- Tokyo Knives
- Tokyo Nites
- Tokyo Police Club
- Tokyo Sex Destruction
- Tolman, Russ
- Tom Daily
- Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
- Tom Smith Don Fleming
- Tom Tom Club
- Tomahawk
- Tomahawk
- Tomb Of The Unknowns
- Tombstones
- Tommy Burk And Counts
- Tommy Childers & The Chilltones
- Tommy James And The Shondells
- Tommy Lee & The Orbits
- Tommyknockers, The
- Tommys, The
- Tomorrow People
- Tomorrows Caveman
- Tomtit
- Tone Dogs
- Toner Low
- Toni OK
- Tonics, The
- Tonight
- Tonte & The Renegades
- Tonto & The Renegades
- Ton-Ups
- Tony Adolescent & ADZ
- Tony Alvon & The Belairs
- Tony Moon
- Tony Sagger One Bad Man
- Tony Valla And Alamos
- Too Pure To Die
- Toontje Lager
- Toothfairy
- Top Gear
- Top Notes, The
- Top Ten
- Toploader
- Topsider
- Tormentos, The
- Torn Down Units
- Tornadoes, The
- Tornados
- Tornados, Die
- Torqamada
- Torquays
- Torrence, Dean
- Torrini, Emiliana
- Torso Twisters
- Tortoise
- Torture Cookies, The
- Tortured Machine
- Tosca
- Tossers, The
- Totaal Verlept
- Total Shutdown
- Total Sound Group Direct Action Committee
- Total Touch
- Totally Fucking Lit
- Totempole
- Touchdown
- Touched, The
- Touch-Me-Nots, The
- Tough
- Tough & Lovely, The
- Tourettes, The
- Tourister
- Toussaint, Allen
- Tower Recordings
- Tower To Cessna
- Towering Infernos
- Towers Of London
- Towncraft With Little Sue
- Towns
- Toxic Farmers, The
- Toxic Reasons
- Toxocara
- Toy Dolls, The
- Toy Factory
- Toy Killers
- Toys That Kill
- Toys Went Berserk
- Trabant
- Trace
- Tracemen, The
- Tracers
- Trachtenburg, Jason
- Trachtenburg Family Slide Show Players, The
- Track Star
- Tracks, The
- Tractor Sex Fatality
- Tracy And The Plastics
- Trademarks
- traditional
- Traditional Fools, The
- Traeger, Jason
- Trafo
- Tragically Hip, The
- Tragicz
- Trailer Bride
- Trailer Hitch
- Trailer Park
- Trailer Park Bullies
- Trailer Park Tornados
- Train
- Traitors
- Traits
- Trakes, The
- Tramhaus
- Trammell, Bobby Lee
- Tramp
- Tramp Attack
- Trance
- Tranquis, The
- Trans Am
- Transcend
- Transex
- Transfolmer
- Transgressors, The
- Transistor Transistor
- Transplants, The
- Transplants, The
- Transportation
- Transpunk
- Transylvania 500
- Tranzistors
- Tranzmitors
- Trapped By Mormons
- Trash Brats, Thee
- Trash Can School
- Trash Mavericks
- Trash Stranglers
- Trashcan Darlings
- Trashcan Diddleys, Thee
- Trashcan Sinatras
- Trashies, The
- Trashing Groove
- Trashmen, The
- Trashmonkeys
- Trashwomen
- Trassels, The
- Trauma Queens, The
- traumahelikopter
- Travel Agency
- Travelers Of Tyme, The
- Travis, Merle
- Travolta, John
- Travoltas, The
- Treadway, Joel
- Treble Spankers, The
- Treblemakers
- Trebletones
- Treble-Tones, The
- Tree
- Treeball
- Treeberrys, The
- Treehouse
- Treepeople
- Treetops
- Treliks, The
- Tremolo Beer Gut, The
- Tremoloman, The
- Tremors
- Tren Fantasma
- Trend, The
- Trevira Modern
- Treytones
- Trial Of The Bow
- Tribal Zone
- Tribe 8
- Trick Babys
- Tricky
- Tricky Woo
- Triffids, The
- Trigger
- Trigger Happy
- Trigger Happy Band
- Triggerface
- Triggerfinger
- Triggers, The
- Trimatics
- Trin Tran
- Trinket
- Trinkets, The
- Trio
- Trip, The
- Trip Daddys, The
- Triple Hex
- Tri-State Kill Spree
- Tristeza
- Tritones
- Triumph Of Lethargy Skinned Alive To Death
- Triumphs, The
- Trixie And The Merch Girls
- Tröckener Kecks
- Troggs, The
- Troglodykes
- Trojans Of Evol
- Trolls
- Troopers
- Trots, The
- Troubadours, The
- Trouble Bound Gospel
- Trouble Makers, The
- Troubleman
- Troup, Bobby
- Trouser Trout
- Trovajoli, Armando
- Troyes, The
- Truckers
- Truckstop
- Truffauts, The
- Truly
- Trumans Water
- Trunkdog
- Trust Fund Babies
- Trusty
- Try Hards, The
- Trycerz
- Tsunami
- Tub
- Tubb, Ernest
- Tube Top
- Tubes, The
- Tubeway Army
- Tucker, Moe
- Tucker B's
- Tuco Ramirez
- Tucumcari Rattlers
- Tuff, King
- Tuff Bananas
- Tuff Luvs
- Tuff Monks
- Tuff Skool
- Tugboat 3001
- Tulips
- Tullycraft
- Tummy Ache
- Tumor Circus
- Tuna Tacos
- Tunas, The
- Tundra Fucks, The
- Tune Bureau, The
- Tunnel Of Love
- Tunnel Rats
- Tunnelfist
- Tunng
- Tunstin Gat
- Tupelo Incident, The
- Turbo A.C.'s, The
- Turbonegro
- Turin Brakes
- Turkey Necks
- Turmoil
- Turner, Tina
- Turner, Ike
- Turner, Ike & Tina
- Turn-Offs
- Turnomatics
- Turpentine Brothers
- Turpentines, The
- Turturros
- Tutsis, The
- Tuuli
- TV Ghost
- TV Idols
- TV Jones
- TV On The Radio
- Twarres
- Twat Vibe
- Twenty Second Sect, The
- Twerdocleb
- Twerps
- Twig
- Twilight Singers, The
- Twilighters, The
- Twiliters, The
- Twin Earth
- Twin Princess
- Twin Six
- Twinkeyz
- Twisted Charm
- Twisted Sister
- Twitch
- Twitty, Conway
- Two Bit Dezperados
- Two Bo's Maniacs
- Two Cow Garage
- Two Dogs
- Two Dollar Guitar
- Two Gallants
- Two Hour Trip
- Two Lane Blacktop
- Two Minute Hate
- Two Point Eight
- Two Russian Cowboys
- Two Saints
- Two Tears, The
- Two Ton Boa
- Two Way Garden
- Two-Minute Miracles
- Ty Segall and Mikal Cronin
- Tyde, The
- Tygers Of Pan Tang
- Tykes, The
- Tyler, Bonnie
- Tyler Jon Tyler
- Tyme
- Tyme Society, The
- Tympanic
- Typhoon Motor Dudes
- Tyrades
- Tyvek
- T-Zers
- U.G. Man
- U.S. Bombs
- U.S. Girls
- U.S. Saucer
- U.V.'s, The
- U.X.A.
- U2
- Ubangis, The
- Uberwensch
- Ubu Swirl
- UFO Diktatorz
- Ufo Or Die
- Ugh & The Cavemen
- Ugly, The
- Ugly Beats, The
- Ui
- U-J3RK5
- Ulan Bator Trio
- Ulcer
- Ulcers, The
- Ullman, Tracey
- Ulmer, James Blood
- Ultimate Lovers, The
- Ultra 5, The
- Ultra Bait
- Ultra Bidé
- Ultra Bimboos, Thee
- Ultra Cuerpos
- Ultra Twist, The
- Ultra Violet Booze Catastrophe
- Ultra Violet Eye
- Ultrababyfat
- Ultracats
- Ultralove
- Ultrasonic Attack Wave
- Ultrasonoros, Los
- Ultravox
- Umberto Di Bosso É Compadres
- Umbrella Assassins
- U-Men
- Un
- Unband
- Uncle Dale Presents Paul Marco As Kelton The Cop
- Uncle Joe's Big 'Ol Driver
- Uncle Tupelo
- Uncle Wiggly
- Unclean Spirits
- Undeclinable Ambuscade
- Undecyded
- Underdogs, The
- Underground Heroes
- Undermine
- Undertakers, The
- Undertones, The
- Underwear 5
- Underworld
- Undesire
- Une
- Unearthly Trance
- Unexpected, The
- Unheard, The
- Unholy Death
- Unholy Montage
- Unholy Swill
- Unicorn Magic
- Unida
- Union 13
- Union 69
- Union Carbide Productions
- United Fools
- Universal Indians
- Universal Order Of Armageddon
- Universal Vagrants
- Unkle
- Unknown Artist
- Unknowns
- Unkown
- Unlogistic
- Unlovables, The
- UnMutuals, The
- Unnamed, The
- Unnatural Axe
- Unnatural Helpers
- Unrelated Segments, The
- Unrest
- Unsane
- Unstuck, The
- Untamed, The
- Untamed Youth
- Unusuals, The
- Unwound
- Unwritten Law
- Up, The
- Uphill Battle
- Upholsterers, The
- Upper Crust
- Uprisers
- Uprising
- Ups!
- Upsets, The
- Upsetters
- Upskirts, The
- Upstars, The
- Uptight, The
- Uptown Bones
- Uranium Comeback
- Urban Dance Squad
- Urban DK
- Urban Farmers
- Urban Jr
- Urban Junior
- Urban Navajo
- Urban Trad
- Urge, The
- Urge Overkill
- Urgencies
- Urgeoverkilldozer
- Urges, The
- Urinals, The
- Urinalysis
- Urini, Ron
- Urrke T & The Midlife Crisis
- Ursula And The Androids
- Urusei Yatsura
- US Maple
- Used To Be, The
- Useless Eaters
- Useless ID
- Useless Playboys, The
- Users, The
- Usurper
- U-Trend
- UV Race
- Uw Hond
- Uzeda
- Uzi
- Uzi Deisel
- V-3
- V8 Pack
- V8 Wankers
- Va Voom
- Vaatstra, Bert
- Vacant, The
- Vacant Lot, The
- Vaccines, The
- Vacuum Tree Head
- Vaders, The
- Vae Victis
- Vageenas
- Vagina Boys
- Vains, The
- Val Volk
- Valendas, Los
- Valentine, T.
- Valentine Killers, The
- Valentine Six
- Valentinos, The
- Valentinos, The
- Valgeweg
- Valiants, The
- Valis
- Valk, Ria
- Vals Licht
- Valse Triste
- Valves, The
- Vamos
- Vampires, The
- Vampyros Lesbos
- Van Duren
- Van Dyke Brown
- Van Halen
- Van She
- Vancougar
- Vandal X
- Vandals, The
- Vandelles, The
- Vanderboom, Jeroen
- Vanilla, Cherry
- Vanilla Chainsaws
- Vanilla Whores
- Vanishing
- VanKatoen
- Vanorly
- Vapors, The
- Varanes
- Variac
- Varmints
- Varnaline
- Vaselines, The
- Vatican Jet
- Vaticans, The
- Vaughan, Sarah
- Vaughn, Ben
- Vaz
- Vectors
- Vectors
- Vee Dee
- Vega, Alan
- Vegas Kings
- Vegas Raz Experience
- Vegas Thunder
- Vegas V.I.P
- Veils, The
- Veines
- Velázquez, Consuelo
- Velcro Lewis And His 100 Proof Band
- Velocity Girl
- Velquins
- Velveeta Heartbreak
- Velvelettes, The
- Velvet Crush
- Velvet Monkeys
- Velvet Revolution
- Velvet Revolver
- Velvet Underground
- Velvet Underground/Third Rail
- Velveteens
- Velvette, Lorette
- Vendabait
- Vendettas
- Vendettas, The
- Venerea
- Venison
- Venom
- Venom P. Stinger
- Ventil Inc.
- Ventra
- Ventures, The
- Venus Envy
- Venus Prayer
- Verbal Abuse
- Verbal Assault
- Verbena
- Verdicts
- Verlaines
- Vermillion Sands
- Veronica Lake
- Verrucose
- Vers2
- Versatiles
- Versus
- Vert
- Vertebrae
- Vertical Pillows
- Vertigo
- Very Ape
- Vessels
- Vestells
- Vexed
- Via-Smith, Andy
- Viboras
- Vibralux
- Vibrators
- Vic Vacume & The Attachments
- Vicars, Thee
- Vice Barons, The
- Vice Lords
- Vice Principals, The
- Vice Royals, The
- Vice Squad
- Vice Verzen
- Vichy Government, The
- Vicious Circle
- Vicious Teens, The
- Victimas De La Risa Ajena
- Victims, The
- Victims Family
- Victoria Vein And The Thunderpunks
- Victoria Williams & The Williams Brothers
- Victorian English Gentlemens Club, The
- Videokids
- Viega Trova Santiaguera
- View, The
- Vigilantes, Los
- Vigilantes, The
- Vikings, The
- Vikings, The
- Vilent Lovers Club
- Viles, The
- Viletones
- Villa 21
- Village Outcast, The
- Villains, The
- Vin Bain Ding
- Vincent, Sonny
- Vincent, Gene
- Vincent Vincent And The Villains
- Vincents
- Vindicators
- Vindictives, The
- Vineland
- Viner, Mr. David
- Vines, The
- Vinyl Gang Bang
- Viola Crayfish
- Violadores, Los
- Violators, The
- Violent Apathy
- Violent Femmes
- Violent Onsen
- Violent Onsen Geisha
- Violet Ray
- Violets, The
- Violinator & Wio
- Vipères, Les
- Virage Dangereux
- Virgin Prunes
- Virgo Rising
- Virus, Thee
- Visage
- Vision X
- Visions
- Visitor, The
- Visitors, The
- Visqueen
- Visser, Joost
- Visser, Joop
- Vital Gesture Xmas All-Stars, The
- Vitamin X
- Vitamins, The
- Vitapup
- Vitesse
- Viva Saturn
- Viva Vertigo
- Viva Voce
- Vive La Fête
- Vivian Girls
- Vivians, The
- Vladimir
- Vladimirs, The
- Vocokesh
- Vodka Collins
- Voice Of A Generation
- Void
- Voids, The
- Voladoras
- Volatile
- Volcanics, The
- Volcano Suns
- Volcanos, The
- Volebeats, The
- Volk Bros.
- Volt
- Voltage
- Voltage Union
- Voltaire Brothers, The
- Volume
- Volume Out!, The
- Volumia!
- Voluntary Exile
- Vomit Launch
- Vomit Pigs
- Vomit Spots
- Von Bondies, The
- Von LMO
- Von Zippers, The
- Voners, The
- Voodoo Boots
- Voodoo Dolls
- Voodoo From Beyond
- Voodoo Gearshift
- Voodoo Glow Skulls
- Voodoo Love Gods, The
- Voodoo Muzak
- Voom Blooms, The
- Vopo's
- Vortis
- Vox Pop
- Vox Von Braun
- Voxtrot
- Vrisak Generacije
- VSS, The
- V-Twin
- Vue
- Vulcaneers, The
- Vulgar Boatmen
- Vulture
- Vultures, The
- Vulvettes
- Vyvyan
- W. Wright & His Sparklers
- W.O.O.
- Waawe
- Waco Brothers
- Wad-Billys, Les
- Waddell, Rube
- Wade & Dick
- Wade & Walter
- Wade Curtiss & The Rhythm Rockers
- Wagner
- Wagon
- Wagon Christ
- Wagoner, Porter
- Wailers
- Wailin' Yeahs, The
- Wainwright, Loudon
- Waistcoats, The
- Waistcoats & Sir Baldie, The
- Wait, The
- Waiting List, The
- Waits, Tom
- Wakamonos, Los
- Waking Hours, The
- Waldorf
- Waldos, The
- Walk On Water
- Walkabouts, The
- Walker
- Walkers, Los
- Walking Screams
- Walking Seeds
- Walkmen, The
- Wall Drug
- Wall Of Noise
- Wallace Brothers
- Wallride
- Wally Gators
- Wally Lee & The Hi-Liters
- Walsh, Susan
- Walter Salas Humara
- Walter Steding With Robert Fripp
- Wanda Chrome & The Leather Pharaohs
- Wanderlust, Das
- Wang Inc.
- Wangs
- Wanna-Bes, The
- Wannadies
- Want, The
- Want Nots
- War, Gary
- Ward, M.
- Ward 69
- Wardog
- Wareham, Dean
- Warheads
- Warhorse
- Warlocks, The
- Warlords
- Warmsley, Jeremy
- Warner, Dan
- Warners
- Warning: Danger!
- Warped
- Warren, Gary
- Warriors
- Warser Gate
- Warwick, Dee Dee
- Washdown, The
- Washington, Gino
- Waste Kings
- Wasted
- Wasted Lives
- Wasted Pido
- Wasteland
- Wat Tyler
- Waterdown
- Waterhouse, Nick
- Waters, Muddy
- Watson, Johnny "Guitar"
- Watson, Clayton
- Watson, Doc
- Watson, Young John
- Watt, Mike
- Watts
- Watzloves, The
- Wau Y Los Arrrghs!!!
- Waukees, The
- Wax Museums
- Wax Tadpole
- Waxwings, The
- Way Out West
- Way Too Gigolo
- Waycross
- Waydowns, The
- Wayne, Jimmy
- Wayne County & The Electric Chairs
- Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders
- Wayouts, The
- Wayward Girl
- Wckr Spgt
- We
- We Are Scientists
- We Are Your Punx
- We March
- We Start Fires
- We Swim You Jump
- We The People
- We Vs. Death
- Weak
- Weakends, The
- Weakerthans, The
- Weaklings, The
- Weanietots & El
- Weaselface
- Weaver, Curley
- Weavers, The
- Webb, Jetty
- Webb Brothers, The
- Webelos
- Weber, Reinhold
- Wedding Present
- Wednesdays, The
- Weed, Larry
- Weekend, The
- Weekend At Waikiki
- Weekenders, The
- Ween
- Weenie Roast
- Weepikes, The
- Weezer
- Weight Zero
- Weird Al Yankovic
- Weird Lovemakers
- Weird War
- Weirdos
- Weiss, Donna
- Welch, Larry
- Weldon, Casey Bill
- Welfare
- Well Fed Smile
- Well Well Well
- Wells, Kitty
- Wells, Mary
- Wellwater Conspiracy
- Welt
- Weltmeister
- Wenkers, De
- Wennblom, Carolyn
- Werps
- Wesley Coleman
- West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band, The
- Westcliff, Stuart
- Western Dark
- Weston, Kim
- Weston
- Wet
- Wet Ones, The
- Wet Your Whistle
- Wetherill, Benjamin
- Wettenhall, Ian
- Whale
- What ... For?, The
- What 4?
- What The Fuck?!
- What!, The
- What-A-Gig!
- Whatever
- Whatever ...
- Wheat
- Wheat Chiefs
- Wheels On Fire
- Whip, The
- Whipper Snappers
- Whips, The
- Whipster
- Whirlees, The
- Whirling Dervishes
- Whirlwind Heat
- Whiskey & Sin
- Whiskey Daredevils
- Whiskeytown
- Whisniaks
- Whitcomb, Ian
- White, Tony Joe
- White, Jack
- White, Booker
- White, Barry
- White Barons, The
- White Circle Crime Club
- White Clam
- White Denim
- White Drugs
- White Elephant
- White Elephants
- White Fence
- White Flag
- White Flag (With Two Virgins)
- White Ghost Shivers, The
- White Hassle
- White Heat, The
- White Heaven
- White Honey
- White James & The Blacks
- White Kaps
- White Mystery
- White Rose Movement
- White Savage
- White Shark
- White Stripes, The
- White Suicide, The
- White Tornado
- White Trainers Community, The
- White Trash Debutantes
- White Trash Minstrels
- White Wires, The
- White+Outs, The
- Whitehead, Gregory
- White-Outs, The
- Whitey, Jed
- Whitley, Ray
- Whitman, Slim
- Whittingtons, The
- Who, The
- Who Hit John
- Whocares, The
- Whodads, The
- Whopper Breath
- Whopping Big Naughty
- Whores Whores Whores
- Whorl
- Whose Muddy Shoes
- Why I Oughta
- Wicked
- Wicked Awesomes
- Wicked Ones
- Wide Right
- Wider
- Wife Stealin' Bastards
- Wig
- Wiggins, John
- Wiggle
- Wigglun Hips, The
- Wiglaf Droste
- Wijnterp, Teye
- Wilburn Brothers
- Wild Billy Childish & The Musicians Of The British Empire
- Wild Billy Childish And The Deltamen
- Wild Billy Childish With Big Russ Wilkins
- Wild Breed
- Wild Bunch, The
- Wild Childs
- Wild Man Fischer
- Wild Week-End, The
- Wild Zeros
- Wildbunch, The
- Wilde, Kim
- Wildebeests, The
- Wildhearts, The
- Wildtones
- William Hooker Group
- William Hooker/Lee Renaldo/Zeena Parkins
- William The Wild One
- Williams, Larry
- Williams, Elmore
- Williams, Andre
- Williams, Lucinda
- Williams, Victoria
- Williams, Lawton
- Williams, Hank
- Williams, Kathryn
- Williams, Ken
- Williams And The A-Bones, Andre
- Williamson, Sonny Boy
- Willie Vanilli
- Willie Wright & His Sparkles
- Willis, Butch
- Willis, Chuck
- Willis, Wesley
- Willoughby, Rusty
- Willow
- Willowz, The
- Willy Wonkas
- Wilson, Chris
- Wilson, Phil
- Wilson, Hop
- Wimps, The
- Wimpys, The
- Windbreakers
- Windfall
- Winding, Kai
- Windischgrätz
- Windsor For The Derby
- Windy & Carl
- Winehouse, Amy
- Winelord
- Winepress
- Wingtip Sloat
- Winks, The
- Winter, Johnny
- Winterbrief
- Winwood, Steve
- Wio
- Wipers
- Wird Paul Petroskey
- Wire
- Wire Hangers
- Wired For Mono
- Wiretaps, The
- Wisconsin Conservatory Of Noise
- Wisdom Of Harry, The
- Wisdoms
- Wiseguy
- Wiseguys
- Wiseman, Bob
- Wishniaks, The
- Witch Doctors, The
- Witch Hats
- Witch Hazel
- Witch Throttlegush
- Witches, The
- Witchy Poo
- With Dead Hands Rising
- With My Foot
- Withers, Bill
- Witherspoon, Jimmy
- Witnesses
- Wittdrawls, The
- Wizo
- Wizzard Sleeve
- Wobbletest
- Woggles, The
- Wohlstandskinder
- Wolf Call!
- Wolf Eyes
- Wolfgang Bang
- Wolfman
- Wolfman Band, The
- Wolfmen, The
- Wolfmother
- Wollscheid, Achim
- Wolverton, Basil
- Wolverton Brothers, The
- Womack, Bobby
- Wombats
- Wombats, The
- Wombels, Die
- Womnal
- Won Ton Ton
- Wonder, Stevie
- Wonderama
- Wonderfools, The
- Wonderful World of Joey
- Wonders
- Wong, Toby
- Wongs, The
- Wonky Business
- Wonky Monkees
- Wontons, The
- Woodbine
- Wooden Shjips
- Wooden Tit
- Woodpussy
- Woods
- Woody + Paul
- Woody Peakers
- Woofer
- Wool
- Woollen Kits
- Wooly Ones
- Woost
- Workdogs
- Workin' Stiffs
- World Famous Blue Jays
- World Of Distortion
- World Of Pooh
- World Of Twist
- World Targets In Megadeths
- World War IX
- World/Inferno Friendship Society
- Worlocks
- Worm Suicide
- Wormdirt
- Worst, The
- Worst, The
- Worst Case Scenario
- Worthless, The
- Wounded Kite
- Wounded Lion
- Woven Bones
- Wray, Link
- Wraygunn
- Wreck
- Wreck Small Speakers On Expensive Stereos
- Wrecked Jets
- Wreckless Eric
- Wrecks
- Wred Fright
- Wrens
- Wretched Ones, The
- Wright, Shannon
- Wrists, The
- Wrong Directions
- Wrong 'Uns, The
- Wrong-Doers, The
- Wühling
- Wussom*Pow
- Wut, Die
- W-Vibe, The
- Wwax
- Wyatt, Robert
- Wyld, The
- Wylde Mammoths, The
- Wynette, Tammy
- Wynn, Steve
- Wynona Riders, The
- Wytchyker
- X
- X
- X27
- Xanadu
- X-Cops
- XDevastatorX
- Xerobot
- Xess
- Xinlisupreme
- Xiu Xiu
- X-Offender
- X-Rated-X
- X-Ray Men, The
- X-Ray Spex
- X-Rays, The
- X-Teens
- XVectors
- XX, The
- Yage
- Yage (& Friends)
- Yah Mos, The
- Yak, The
- Yams, The
- Yard Trauma
- Yardbirds, The
- Yawp!
- Ye Ascoyne D'Ascoynes
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
- Year Future
- Yearlings, The
- Yeast
- Yeh-Yeh
- Yellow Car
- Yellow Magic Orchestra
- Yellow Scab
- Yellowcard
- Yellowish
- Yes Boss
- Yes-Men, The
- Yesterday's Kids
- Yeti
- Yetti-Men
- Yind
- Yips, The
- Yo La Tengo
- Yoakam, Dwight
- Yobs, The
- Yokohama Hooks
- Yolks, The
- Yona-Kit
- Yonkers, Michael
- You Am I
- You Fantastic!
- You Say Party! We Say Die!
- Young, Joe
- Young, Neil
- Young Canadians
- Young Fresh Fellows
- Young Ginns
- Young Hasselhoffs, The
- Young Heart Attack
- Young Knives, The
- Young Lions, The
- Young Losers
- Young Marble Giants
- Young Offenders
- Young Parisian, The
- Young Pennsylvanians
- Young Pioneers, The
- Young Professionals
- Young Seniors, The
- Young Trade
- Youngsters, Los
- Youngsters, The
- Your Enemies Friends
- Your Mother
- Your Own Way
- Youth Academy
- Youth Brigade
- Youth Gone Mad
- Youth Patrol
- Youths, The
- Yo-Yo's, The
- Ype & The Schavers
- Yum Yums, The
- Yumi Yumi
- Yummy
- Z., Lili
- Za Dharsh
- Za Siodma Gora
- Zacherle
- Zacherle With S.C.O.T.S.
- Zack Static Sect
- Zadruga
- Zande, Martijn Van Der
- Zandt, Townes Van
- Zangeres Zonder Naam
- Zano
- Zappa, Frank
- Zatopeks
- Z-Cars
- Zdena, Lutajuči D.J.
- Zea
- Zeal
- Zeal, The
- Zebra
- Zebulon
- Zee Spacionauts
- Zeek Sheck
- Zeke
- Zeke
- Zeke Sheck Care Company
- Zellots
- Zen Frisbee
- Zen Guerrilla
- Zeni Geva
- Zenith
- Zeno Tornado And The Boney Google Brothers
- Zephyrs, The
- Zero 7
- Zero Boys
- Zero Content
- Zero Content w/ KTS
- Zero Crag
- Zeros, The
- Zevon, Warren
- Ziffels, The
- Zijlstra, Jeroen
- Zillionaires, The
- Zimmermen, The
- Zipgun
- Zipper Trouble
- Zippers, The
- Zips, The
- Zirkons, The
- Zita Swoon
- Zleepin' Bodies
- Zodiac Killers, The
- Zoinks!
- Zola Jesus
- Zombi
- Zombie IV, The
- Zombie Squad
- Zombie Surfers
- Zombies, The
- Zombina And The Skeletones
- Zona A
- Zongamin Featuring Mike Sonovac
- Zonic Shockum
- Zoobombs
- Zoppo
- Zornik
- Zorro
- Zorros, Die
- Zuco 103
- Zumpano
- Zutons, The
- Zuzu's Petals
- Zvonko I Gradski Ured Za Kulturu
- Zymotics
- ZZ And De Maskers
- ZZ Top
- zZz
top means added in 2024