Grunnen Rocks Home Willem Kolvoort
funny entertaining legendary band
United States Of America

Dean Ween/Wean
Gene Ween/Wean

  1. Skycruiser 7" (Subpop, 1993, SP 214)
      Subpop Singles Club #57, july '93
    1. Skycruiser
    2. Cruise Control
  2. I'm Fat 7" (Vital Music, 1994, VMS-20)
      clear vinyl
      no tracks listed
  3. Voodoo Lady 7" (Flying Nun Records, 1994, FN 321)
    1. Voodoo Lady
    2. Buenas Tardes, Amigo
  4. Voodoo Lady 7" (Flying Nun Records, 1995, FNSP 321)
      red vinyl
    1. Voodoo Lady
    2. Cover It With Gas And Set It On Fire
  1. God Ween Satan 2xLP (Twin/Tone Records, 1990, TTR 89186-1)
    1. You Fucked Up
    2. Tick
    3. I Got A Weasel
    4. I'm In The Mood
    5. Fat Lenny
    6. Cold And Wet
    7. Bumblebee
    8. Don't Laugh (I Love You)
    9. Never Squeal On The Pusher
    10. Up On The Hill
    11. Wayne's Pet Youngin'
    12. Nicole
    13. Common Bitch
    14. El Camino
    15. Old Queen Cole
    16. Nan
    17. Lick The Palm For Guava
    18. Mushroom Festival In Hell
    19. L.M.L.Y.P
    20. Papa Zit
    21. Old Man Thunder
    22. Birthday Boy
    23. Blackjack
    24. Squelch The Weasel
    25. Marble Tulip Juicy Tree
    26. Puffy Cloud
  2. The Pod 2xLP (Shimmy Disc Europe, 1992, SDE 9238)
    1. Strap On That Jammy Pac
    2. Dr. Rock
    3. Frank
    4. Sorry Charlie
    5. The Stallion (Pt 1)
    6. Pollo Asado
    7. Right To The Ways And The Rules Of The World
    8. Captain Fantasy
    9. Demon Sweat
    10. Molly
    11. Can U Taste The Waste?
    12. Don't Sweat It
    13. Awesome Sound
    14. Laura
    15. Boing
    16. Mononucleosis
    17. Oh My Dear (Falling In Love)
    18. Sketches Of Winkle
    19. Alone
    20. Moving Away
    21. She Fucks Me
    22. Pork Roll Egg And Cheese
    23. The Stallion (Pt 2)
    24. (Pt 3)
  3. Pure Guava LP (August Records, 1993, RUST 002)
    1. Little Birdy
    2. Tender Situation
    3. The Stallion Pt. 3
    4. Big Jilm
    5. Push Th' Little Daisies
    6. The Goin' Gets Tough From The Getgo
    7. Reggaejunkiejew
    8. I Play It Off Legit
    9. Pumpin' 4 The Man
    10. Sarah
    11. Springtheme
    12. Flies On My Dick
    13. I Saw Gener Cryin' In His Sleep
    14. Touch My Tooter
    15. Mourning Glory
    16. Loving U Thru It All
    17. Hey Fat Boy (Asshole)
    18. Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy)
    19. Poop Ship Destroyer
  4. Chocolate And Cheese 2xLP (Flying Nun Records, 1994, FN 314)
    1. Take Me Away
    2. Spinal Menengitis
    3. Freedom Of '76
    4. I Can't Put My Finger On It
    5. A Tear For Eddie
    6. Roses Are Free
    7. Baby Bitch
    8. Mister, Would You Please Help My Pony?
    9. Drifter In The Dark
    10. Voodoo Lady
    11. Jappa Road
    12. Candi
    13. Buenas Tardes Amigo
    14. The HIV Song
    15. What Deaner Was Talkin' About
    16. Don't Shit Where You Eat
  1. Teriyaki Asthma Volume VIII 7" (C/Z Records, 1992, CZ049)
    1. Long Legged Sally Was A No Necked Whore
  2. Teriyaki Asthma Volume VI-X CD (C/Z Records, 1999, CZ093)
    1. Long Legged Sally Was A No Necked Whore
  3. Opscene #15 CD (Opscene, 2000, #15)
      free with magazine #78, aug/sep 2000
    1. Falling Out


  1. Ween Covers @